Monday, February 22, 2016

The Past Revisited

 An old-time gas station

I discovered these murals in my archives, the photos taken four-and-a-half years ago. I have no idea if these murals are still there. The first is/was over a former garage door in Flesherton (Ontario, Canada) and was painted in 2001 by Allen C. Hilgendorf, an artist who created many murals across Ontario. Sadly, he died about  two-and-a-half years ago...but he lives on through his paintings.

Markdale Station

Sorry about the ugly shadows!  This mural on the side of Markdale's old fire station was painted in 2000 by Hilgendorf.  He seems to have had a passion for vintage trains because I've seen several of his works that include trains and stations.

Left-hand side of the second mural

I am joining Monday Mural HERE
More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


  1. I have these murals on my blog also. I hope they are still there. They remind us of how things were in the past.

  2. You and I are on the same wavelength today EG :) Love murals depicting the history of the area, super finds here.

  3. Beautiful capture on both the murals! The artist passion brought back the past wonderfully in these murals... Love it

  4. Why does the past always look so clean, simple, delightful...?

  5. Glad you shared these from your archives. Wonderful murals!

  6. A beautiful reminder of the past, EG !

  7. I like his work from what I see here.

  8. Trains of old are such an important element in our vast country and murals depicting them are like historical documents. Hopefully, the work of this artist will be preserved for a long time to come. But if not, the next best thing is saving it through pictures.

  9. The murals probably look a little more weathered and faded now.

  10. Good morning, I love the old train and gas station. These are beautiful murals. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  11. I really like the gas station. I love these types of murals with vintage cars.

  12. all three of these are like looking into a time warp. and i do love time warp scenes. my favorite is the gas station.. i remember stations like that

  13. Nice that reminders of the not so old past. Do you think that people are longing to those days back by missing some old history in their surroundings ? Especially in N-America you find this kind of murals. In Europe barely.

  14. I love all of these; they are very well done and capture very well that era which I think was, in some ways, a kinder and gentler time.

  15. Those are great. I can't imagine painting something that big.

  16. Mr. Hilgendorf was a highly talented muralist. I hope his work is still up and unmolested by taggers. He has chosen an interesting time in history with steam trains and automobiles.

  17. Beautiful and vivid work in these murals.

  18. transportation sure has changed

  19. I like the little boy in the second picture. How cute.

  20. These really are beautiful works of art.

  21. They are lovely. And they teach kids about life before FB and IG and Ithingys...

  22. I love these types of murals with vintage scenes. Beautiful!

  23. He was certainly a talent. I hope they are still there, EG!

  24. I could stand and look at these for a long, long time. I love them all....these just look so real.

  25. There is a gas station just like that one in my little town. You've inspired me to go photograph it this weekend!

  26. Beautiful work.I love the old trains,as you know.

  27. Those are great scenes and make me wish I were on a journey! Someone could probably write a book about that one girl in the last panel ...she looks like somebody forgot to come pick her up. Or ....

  28. Well, at least I can understand these murals.

  29. This post rhymes with mine of the Cadillac Bldg in San Francisco from the pioneering days of automobiling! Blogging Kismet - love it

  30. Very nice murals! I like the old cars in the first one. The car on the right reminds me of a picture I have that was taken of my grandmother standing next to a car like that one.

  31. i love the choo choo, i see the lighthouse below. so cool. have a lovely week! take care! ( :

  32. I'm sure they're both still there; I must go and get pictures. You'd be interested to know that the old Firehall has been fixed up and opened as a coffee shop - 'Fire and Ice'. They also sell Chapman's ice cream of course.

  33. These nostalgic murals are public illustrations of local history. Wonderful to see and experience. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  34. Mural thingy is catching on in my country too. But like you have said, some will be gone in few years. I do hope they would maintain the mural

  35. Great murals! They tell the story of this town very well.

  36. Wonderful murals. He was quite a talented artist.

  37. These are great! I bought hubby a couple of train art pictures. He likes his trains!

  38. Great old fashioned look to these wonderful murals!

  39. These old murals are so cool and nostalgic. Love them.



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