Thursday, October 23, 2008

Geese Over Highway/ Sky Watch

The sun sets so early now! Yes, I took this through the windshield...but I wasn't driving. ;-) I couldn't resist taking this photo of geese flying overhead.

To join in the Sky Watch fun, which features skies from all around the globe, visit the Sky Watch blog at


  1. Wonderful photo! Migrating geese will start arriving here in Arkansas soon; they have a fondness for the rice fields in the southern part of our state, but pass through here on their way. I'll have to keep a lookout, although I *will* hear them. Such a lovely sound!

  2. Can't believe you took that through the windshield!! It's wonderful!

  3. Great pic as always. Thanks for sharing!


  4. I would have had to take that shot too.
    You captured it well even through the windshield. The sky is gorgeous.

  5. beautiful sunset

    I hope you stop by at my SWF post also in HERE or HERE. Thanks

  6. Wondeful picture, I like the geese and the colors!

  7. Great shot! The sky is beautiful, but capturing the geese makes it all the better.

  8. EG: Wonderful to catch the Canadians as they flew over the highway into the sunset. I would of taken that shot even if I was driving.

  9. It was worth your while! The result is stunning.

  10. A great catch of the birds. Glad you didn't drive. Happy SWF

  11. Beautiful. Man drives home; geese fly home. What a scene.

    Happy skywatching.

  12. Autumn is a great time for beautiful skies; you have obviously captured one such sky.

  13. Great photo - I really love twilight shots with any lights on - houses, street lights, or in this case cars. And catching it just as the geese were flying over - they have a slightly longer commute! Wonderful!

  14. Great capture with the geese flying off into the sunset. Glad you weren't driving! lol.

  15. Beautiful image, EGTG. I've been noticing two or three small formations flying overhead most mornings this week during my drive to work. It will probably be another week or two before we see a real increase, but I'm hoping to get some good shots when they do arrive.

    Thanks for sharing yours. Have a great weekend!


  16. Impressive picture - thank you for your visit and greetings from Croatia

  17. Great shot. Good bird flight chance and colors.

  18. Great picture! And beautiful light and color in the sky!

  19. Hello EG, glad to hear you weren't driving while capturing this peaceful picture. I love the sound of geese flying overhead. If only you could put sound with this photo. Happy Sky Watching~

  20. The geese seem to echo the V of the sunset which in turn echoes the headlights of the cars. Nice!

  21. Are they headed my way? If not now, probably soon. Over in Illinois, just a few miles west of me is one of their flight paths. It never ceases to thrill me to see geese; when I was a kid, I very seldom saw any.

  22. When I read the title I already knew I was going to like this one !

  23. Nice photo. It is really good for having to take it through the windshield. Love the geese. Nice fall shot.

  24. Good shot. Yes, of course you weren't driving... you were taking pictures!! :-)

    Twas so nice of the geese to leave a clear windshield for you to take their pics.

  25. the glow from the sun and the headlights coming towards with the rest of the darkness just makes this so dramatic

    I bet the geese were making a lot of noise, they do here :)

  26. Cool! They are on the way down here!
    Every night I see Birds arriving here in FL, flying over. Sandhill Cranes, Geese, Egrets and more.
    Maybe I see yours in a while! ;)
    Cheers, Klaus

  27. Great photo. Glad you weren't driving though...LOL. Thanks for sharing.

  28. I thought they would have left by now? However we still have a few hanging around our place as well.


  29. Awesome sky! Love the color and so lucky to get those geese in there. You're right the sun is setting so early it seems these days.

  30. Wonderful! You can't even notice the windshield in between! Great shot!

    Here's my SkyWatch entry!

  31. Great photo. It's fall and they are on the move.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Nice "Sky Watch" today.
    Come visit our , Backpacking in the Rain.
    Troy and Martha

  32. Hard to believe you were able to get such a pretty and interesting shot through the car windshield while underway. Great stuff!

  33. I love this! Skies with birds are my favorite skies!

  34. I take photos through the windshield all the time but I'm not driving while I'm doing it either. Also, President Clinton didn't inhale. ;-)

    Tink *~*~*
    My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

  35. Lovely! Glad to know you weren't driving. :) Happy SWF!

  36. Lovely! Glad to know you weren't driving. :) Happy SWF!

  37. This is a wonderful shot! I like very much the golden colour in the sky! Have a nice Friday and week-end! :-)

  38. Nice work camera girl. Amazing what you can capture through the windshield :)

  39. A definite keeper! I like it a lot.

  40. That's a cool shot, Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you stop back again!

  41. It's like seeing two different worlds - the natural world with the geese and the sky and the world made by people with roads and electrical lines. Absolutely wonderful photo!

  42. I love those sky photos with geese. We have them going over every night and day. Beautiful shot. Happy SWF.

  43. Iconic photo for fall, and the color and composition convey the slight tinge of sadness we feel as daylight grows shorter.

  44. Yeah, right! You weren't driving.... ;-)

    (RCMP to East Gwillimbury: Ahem! I saw you snap that shot while driving! May I see your driving license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance?

    East Gwillimbury to RCMP: Sure, ociffer, (hic), willya hold my Labatt's while I fish 'em out?)

  45. I've been seeing a lot of geese heading for the sunny south. My windshield isn't that clean! BJ

  46. I always like to come to see your special pictures. I love this one as it is a really good shot of "good bye day" there is still plenty of activity with the geese, (they fly all night don't they? and the cars. Serenity is descending with the last gold of the sun and the trees already shadows of the night.

  47. Lovely one taken on the road :)
    Happy Skywatch!

  48. The colors in the sky are wonderful, and the geese add a touch of whimsy. Very nice.

  49. Simply amazing shot that is!~Mine is up HERE. Hope to see you there! Happy SWF!~

  50. That's a wonderful shot. Good thing you weren't driving. It would have been hard not to resist taking it anyway.

  51. What a catch through the windshield. I've visited Canada and I think the sky really is bigger up your way, it isn't just the large picture format!

  52. great photo the colors are fabulous so are the geese

  53. Beautiful capture of the geese and wonderful sky too.

    BTW The church is still in use after all the town burned over 100 years ago. The town was built on the river and flooded every year also and was never rebuilt after the fire. MB

  54. Nice catch! So they have left you too now? Ours left a month ago, but we are further north.

  55. I am glad you took the photo,it`s beautiful:o)

  56. Glad you weren't driving - you could not have caught this scene - which is so evocative.

  57. The geese stand out so well against the sky.

    I don't usually participate in Sky Watch but I did today on my blog.


  58. Wonderful photo! I've never seen the wild geese in the air or heard them. Funny to know, though! Thanks for sharing!

  59. hmmmm..seen the geese in that sky, means falls is taking over and soon enough the winter will be in the air. as they need to depart and look for a warmer place....

    happy swf, hope to see u in my page too

  60. Geez, they really are a traffic stopper! They even stopped you inyour tracks.
    I love them with the light on their wings AND in front of a sunset too.

  61. This is my favorite shot this week... I LOVE geese, and this shot is beautiful...
    My windshield is forever spotted with mud and muddy water these days, I'd never be able to pull this off! Great shot...

    Thanks for visiting Prairie Visions!

  62. Rune,
    Many geese are still around the area but will leave soon. A few stay all winter on the north side of Lake Ontario if they're lucky enough to find some warm water that never freezes, like next to a plant generating electricity.

  63. Lovely...would not have guessed it was through a windshield. When I do that I have "bugs" as well as geese flying over head :-)

  64. Speaking of "they do occasionally crash," another Canadian reader sent "Louis" an e-mail that one of the Snowbird team had been killed in a crash only days after "Louis" saw them in San Francisco.

  65. Very nice capture of the sky and the geese. I think you did a great job getting it through the windshield!

  66. Really nice shot, sir. Yes, the sun sinks behind the hills so early these days. Lovely colors.

  67. Wow you got a great shot! I too can hardly believe that you got it through your wind shield.

    I guess they are heading back down south where I live.

    This is a great SW.

    I am only at #3 and trying to make some rounds.

    Happy SWF:-)

  68. That's amazing you were able to capture it! They move so fast. It's really beautiful!

  69. I, too, do the old "shoot from inside the car" trick! Can't help have to shoot when the opportunity arises, right? This shot is great! It's hard to catch birds in flight like you've done. Your other pics are great, too!

  70. This is a wonderful photo and taken through the windshield! Wow!

  71. Great capture, beautiful photograph.

  72. I always love watching geese. Thru a windshield or not. lol..

  73. That's gorgeous sunset and the geese look awesome up there.

  74. Beautiful photo of a colourful sky full of geese doing their own seasonal commuting.

    Simply stunning. Thanks for sharing with us all in sky watch friday and your kind comments on my post earlier.

  75. Thanks for stopping by. Great shot from your car. Not seen that many geese flying south yet. I think they still believe it's summer.

  76. great shots, neighbor!

  77. fantastic sky watch Love the geese!!!!

  78. I saw your name and recognized it from your comment on my sepia photo. Your sepia house is spectacular! Sepia is just perfect for it.
    I saw several very large flocks of Canada Geese today and sadly they looked to be heading south.
    My Skywatch is Here.

  79. Including the geese in the golden sky makes it a great shot. Thanks.

    - celine

  80. This is another great from the car shots! The geese here still can't seem to decide if they are coming or going - they fly back and forth throughout the day!

    My SkyWatch is at Views From My Camera

  81. Awesome highway shot with the birds...

  82. Your shot is incredible, EG! Just like me in my shots, there are those ever-present electricity lines. They don't spoil the photo in the least! :)

  83. Great driving photo. That is one of my favorite ways to shoot.

  84. How lovely! A sunset and Geese! I truly miss my geese. They've migrated back to great beyond, until the spring.

  85. Hello from Powell River on the Sunshine Coast. Our geese are on the move as well. Lovely shot. I invite you to come see my burning of the slash photos. - Margy


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