Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dipladenia / Today's Flowers

Blossoms in a hanging basket I saw last summer in Port Perry, Ontario

This was a hanging basket I would have liked to have hanging from my porch.  It was a beauty.

Thank you for the correction, Xavi! It's a Dipladenia  or mandevilla!

If you love flowers -- and who doesn't - check out Today's Flowers at


  1. Wow, this is such a gorgeous mosaic! I love the colors and the composition of each photo.

  2. This is a stunning mosaic. Love the colours!

  3. Your colours are so vibrant, I bet they glow in the dark.

    Mine look like spring because that is just what we are in the middle of.

  4. Gorgeous colours - I'd love to have a basket full of these :-)

  5. I'm not sure I'm familiared with these but they are beautiful and so is the mosaic.

    By the way, it was a very expensive swan and the photo cost me a fortune! :-)))

  6. You made them even more beautiful with your collage!

  7. I hv this type of flowers in front of my house..I love them.

  8. Hey there!

    I have never been a fan of flowers but having them around is not such a bad thing after all. I like how you captured the beauty! Now they're not just flowers in a basket anymore! :)

  9. Lovely mosaic and flowers. I would like to have these hanging on my deck, maybe next summer.

  10. Exquisite!!! I always loved this vine and wished it grew here. When I worked at the Nursery we had one growing way up in the rafters in the greenhouse.
    Mandevilla, formally know as....
    Sorta like Prince. LOL MB

  11. Beautiful - I do miss having hanging baskets (in our traveling lifestyle). I'm always impressed when people know the actual names of exotic flowers. I'm a lazy flower lover.

  12. I like the hanging basket idea. Sort of. Doesn't water and dirt drip down out of a hanging basket?

    Maybe if you put gorgeous dipladenias in the basket you don't care? ;-)

  13. aloha,

    those are beautiful flowers, i love this shade of mandevilla

    my flower show is on my plant fanatic blog today, come and visit.

  14. You are one amazing photographer. How do you find the hours in the day for all you are doing. This is an eye catching mosaic and vibrant, lovely colors. Beautiful!

  15. I met mandevilla this spring, at the garden centre, so thank you for showing me a mature plant! It is lovely!

  16. Wow very beautiful! I wish I can see something like that in the Philippines :)My entry is also here


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