Wednesday, January 26, 2011

P/ Alphabe-Thursday

PIGEON ( a.k.a.  rock PIGEON)

Rock PIGEONS are not the most POPULAR birds on the PLANET, are they?  But the are PREVALENT just about everywhere, especially in heavily POPULATED PLACES where many PEOPLE consider them PESTS.

Originally they lived in Europe, North Africa and most of Asia. For more than 5,000 years, humans have eaten them (squab) and/or raced them. (They return home speedily when released from distant sites.)

According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, rock pigeons were brought to North America in the early 1600s by colonists.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


  1. A great shot - they are really quite beautiful with that iridescence - too bad they are such pests!

  2. They are almost a pretty bird but they sure make a mess!!

  3. In my book, pigeons are right up there with squirrels . . .

  4. This is a pretty shot of this little pest!

  5. Well there you go, even a pigeon can be beautiful. Who would have thought?

  6. This is a wonderful picture of the pigeon. I don't think I've seen the coloration so bright and beautiful. This pigeon may be a pest, but you've shown he is a good-looking pest.

  7. A well-known and lovely bird! How beautiful colors of the pigeon!! :)

  8. Those darn European immigrants...brought smallpox and pigeons! That's not the best legacy to have...

    This is one heck of a gorgeous shot...I think the best I've ever seen of one of these doves.

    Re your comment on Ocala DP: Can't imagine that you didn't notice the cell was all about the cell phones...sheesh! What did catch your eye? :-)

  9. Holy mackerel! I never realized rock pigeons were so darned pretty. What a beautiful photo. We only rarely see these in rural areas, so despite everyone's comments this is a real treat for me.

  10. Yes, I am all too familiar with these dudes! They were all over the place around my house in Phoenix. They nested in one of my palm trees next to my patio and ~ you guessed it ~ triple alphabet P ~ pounds of pigeon poop.

  11. my dd hates pigeons with a passion, I think they are cute.....


  12. I love the way the colors stand out on his neck.

  13. The colors are so crisp, what a great picture!

  14. I always liked pigeons and they are very pretty and make a nice cooing noise. So there! MB

  15. Very colorful details! Great shot.

  16. Very colorful details! Great shot.

  17. Yes, I've always considered them pests yet fascinated by their tenacity. Your photo shows so much detail...very nice!

  18. Fabulous shot, as always! Like the shadow it has cast on the snow.

  19. Even if they are not popular, they are pretty.

  20. Hah, I almost missed your P post... The one thing you did not mention is that barbecued pigeon is PALATABLE. If you haven't tried, take my word for it. :-D


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