Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 15/ Nature Notes

Wildflowers and wildlife this week

In the largest square, a Delaware skipper sips nectar from a pink columbine blossom at the side of an East Gwillimbury road. The columbine - one among ten or twelve similar plants in various shades of pink - must have been garden escapees...BUT there were no gardens nearby! Wherever thay came from did not bother the Delaware skipper or its skipper pals as long as the nectar was tasty.

Starting at the bottom left and working clockwise: turtle eggs, or what's left of them. Local painted turtles are crawling out of creeks, digging holes in the gravel at the side of the road and laying eggs. Then other critters  - mink, raccoons. otters, foxes and other medium-sized animals - are digging up the eggs and feasting. Turtle eggs have a huge mortality rate.

Blooming under sprinkling skies: yellow water lilies (Nymphaeae lutea), wild rose growing on a creek bank, American highbush cranberry blossom (Viburnam trilobum) beginning to fade - ALREADY! - and blue flag iris with its feet in the running water.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more NATURE NOTES.


  1. Oh it's adorable, I'm enchanted by the butterfly with the flower, great collage!

  2. I think you get the collage of the day award. Great variety of interesting pics. I love the colors.

  3. Such a wonderful Nature Notes collage! The empty egg shells caught my eyes! You are the goddess of making those collages!

  4. A skipper sipper? I think there is a tongue twister rhyme in there somewhere.


  5. I love your nature collages.

  6. Your nature collage is a great example of the different stages of life, from the eggs representing birth, to the winged creature feasting on life, to the waning of blossoms. My favorite is the water lily with the water droplets forming circles in the pond. :)

  7. Beautiful collection of nature scenes.

  8. Very nice the columbine/skipper shot.

  9. beautiful--and I absolutely love the eggshells

  10. This time of year just bursts, doesn't it?
    With critters, colour, babies, growth.

    Cheers from S.E. Ontario Cottage Country!

  11. beautiful collage!
    I love the butterfly

  12. I always enjoy your collages so much. Beautiful shots of your wild world.

  13. Beautiful collage of colors and flowers.

  14. This made me remember that I wanted to check out a turtle I found basking.. and now I know what the cranberry looks like as it was written in an article that I read... I always learn something here...

  15. I always enjoy your collages. Again, you do not disappoint. These are lovely images! Thanks for identifying the flowers, in particular.


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