Saturday, August 20, 2011

Who's Driving?/ Camera Critters

Leaving an East Gwillimbury parking lot

Aren't you just a tad curious about who the passengers are?

Five curious yet worried critters

Is this the driver?

Hey, quiet in the back, you guys!
To join in the fun, visit Misty Dawn at CAMERA CRITTERS 


Kathy said...

Love it! He does look like he's sitting right behind the wheel.

Snap said...

Wonderful! Brought a smile to my face and what a great idea! Traveling vet!

VioletSky said...

There is no excuse for not knowing where this place can be found - by phone, street or web!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Too funny I love this. B

Michelle said...

I like this!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can't stop SMILING! love it

Lois Evensen said...

Love it! My Labs would be in the front - one driving, the other riding shotgun. ;)

Tina´s PicStory said...

That´s so cool! :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice find!

Birdman said...

That cat wants out; it seems.

Ralph said...

Well, if we were in England, steering wheel on the right, naturally the dog would be driving. Alas, we are near the Cambridge in Ontario and not London, so I don't know for sure. Does the dog have a learner's permit yet?? said...

I trust he has a drivers license :-)

You have been given the Lieber award, come back to my blog on August 20 and check it out.

Love your photos, such fun!

Anonymous said...

So sweet!

Anonymous said...

Too cuuuute! Now that's a way to attract attention =)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a great set of photos, love the last one made me laugh, he really does look like he's trying to get some 'order in the van' haha!

robin. said...

cute shots...doggie looking for recruits?

Carletta said...

Great shots!
I really fun post!
Carletta's Captures

Patti said...

Hope he's a safe driver.

Cute post, EG!

Annabella said...

Lovely post - so cute.

Small City Scenes said...

I imagine if it is a critter car then a critter should be driving. And it should be a dog--obviously a shepard. Cute scene. MB

Sandy Kessler said...

marvelously clever!!

RedPat said...

Great catch EG!

Anonymous said...

Dog is good!! Of course, as soon as you get out and walk away they perch in the driver's seat, watching, waiting for your return! Lol!

Jack said...

That would catch your attention. Which is the idea, I guess.

If you do recognize me on the street, I have done something wrong. I have done several self portraits, but the idea is supposed to be that they don't disclose who I am. I like my quasi-anonymity.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

EG I would definetly be giving this car ? a second look with that red colour and all the passengers illustrating it ! That caption fits the dog perfectly .. a no nonsense type of fellow indeed !
Great shots !

Shammickite said...

That's funny, I posted about cats and dogs on my blog today too!

Anonymous said...

I would definitely done a double tack on that !! Cute.

Jidhu Jose said...

hahaha funny

Gemma Wiseman said...

OOOOO! Now that is a vehicle with friendly class! And love the nose spying from the window!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Sad to say, some doggy drivers are probably safer on the roads than many human drivers!


If I had a shadow as big as the sky,
I never would fear, and I’ll tell you why:

My shadow would save me from dragons and things
That fly in the night with terrible wings;

My shadow would keep me away from the beast
That sniffs in the west and sniffs in the east

Hungry for children who play all alone,
Hoping to feast upon blood, upon bone;

My shadow would be my protector and knight
To keep fear at bay, to banish all fright.

I’m so glad my shadow is always nearby,
Though it’s not nearly as big as the sky!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Shadows in hoofprints and stone

Gill - That British Woman said...

very catchy advertising though.......


Dianne said...

German Shepherds can do anything!

genie said...

After an ALL DAY struggle to change Buddy’s departure date and get him onto a plane instead of the train/bus, this post was what I needed. I knew there had to be a bit of laughter left in this old body after so must waiting “on hold for the next agent” and total frustration. You made my day. I love everything about this post. My Jack, who is curled up here on the bed beside me, loves it to. Great job. genie

Randy said...

What a cute driver!

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Ha! Now why won't my two sit nice and quite like the group of 5 there? ;)

George said...

This is wonderful. Thanks for the smiles.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, YES! Wonderful and thanks for the smiles indeed! Love the driver! Hope your weekend is going well!


Rose said...


Ingrid said...

What an original ambulance ! very cute !

Andy said...

After viewing your photos there's a big smile on my face.

stardust said...

A smile escaped my lips. Lovely series of photos with enjoyable narrative. Painted critters are as cute as real ones. :) Thank you for sharing.

Kelly said...

I love these photos!!! (but I'm a sucker for dogs....)

Francisca said...

You made me smile... again.

[Not that it matters much... but I came here from Hey Harriet's Shadow Shot Sunday...?]

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Ha, ha, ha... very good question in your title :)
Excellent and very nice photos.


forgetmenot said...

Cute post!! That van is pretty well covered with pictures and writing on the outside. You couldn't help but notice it while driving down the street. Have a nice day. Mickie ;)

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.