Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sunset over cornfield

Orange sky over snowy cornfield

1.  What a difference Daylight Saving Time makes! The sun will set over Toronto today at 7:20 p.m.

2.  Colourful sunsets are caused by tiny particles in the atmosphere that scatter the direction of light rays. (Hey,  maybe air pollution is not always all that bad.) When the sun is low on the horizon, light rays travel through more molecules that scatter blue and violet rays, allowing yellow, orange and red to reach our eyes.

3. To make orange-coloured paint, you mix red with yellow - not GREEN and red, right? Well, did you know that in the system used to create colours on a TV or computer screen (RGB colour model) orange is made by combining a GREEN light with higher intensity red light?  The blue light (the B in RBG) is turned off. You can learn more by clicking HERE.

4. Cursive writing has been removed from the school curriculum in at least two Canadian provinces and some forty U.S. states.  Does that mean future generations won't be able to read old postcards found in antique shops and letters found in the attic?

5. Sadly, I cannot think of anything else to say! 

I am linking to Sky Watch Friday HERE.
I am joining  Random 5 Friday Here


orchid0324 said...

Dearest EG CameraGirl;
Wonderful picture of orange sky over snowy cornfield at the sunset time!!!
Well, firstly we don't have Daylight Saving Time in Japan. Not sure it would be better not to have or have it p;)
Secondly, about Cursive Writing. I'm teaching English at home as supplementary learning for textbook. In Japan, it has been also removed since about 10 years ago!!! I was SO sad thinking young people cannot write their names with beautiful Cursive Writing...

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs, xoxo Miyako*

eileeninmd said...

A gorgeous sunset and a lovely scene. Have a happy day!

Unknown said...

Wav! What a lovely and expressiv
photo! Fantastic lines, colours and perpektive!
Hugs from

Andy said...

A nice fiery sunset combined with some interesting facts was a great start for my day. Thank you Camera Girl.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Great sunset. We don't change the clocks till the end of the month

Carole M. said...

very spectacular!

Revrunner said...

Well, frankly, I don't think young people ought to be "cursing" in school anyway. :-) No, seriously, I'm one of the few people I know who still writes with a fountain pen and uses an italic script.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh that is incredible no matter how the chemistry part of it works:):)
I have to say I like my light in the early mornings but the sunsets have been gorgeous and if I can stay awake long enough I love to see them:)
Oh the loss of Cursive writing makes me so sad there is going to be a group of children who will never know the calming effects of having your words flow on to a piece of paper. I still write all my stories it is something we should never lose. I remember when they also told children phonics (sounding out the word)was not needed is back a big mistake. Hug B

Pamela Gordon said...

That is a gorgeous sunset photo CG. Interesting facts today on colours. Which 2 provinces have eliminated cursive writing? I have heard rumours but not sure if NB is among them yet. How sad though. Will they only teach printing? Literacy levels are low enough as it is. Our world is changing.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

gorgeous. i think the time change needs to end - there is no point ... move on. ha. ha!! ( :

i love your last point ... i have nothing to say. ha. ha!! what about now? do you have anything to say?? hello!??

Lisa Gordon said...

I've heard that (#4).
Cannot even begin to speculate what the justification for that is. :-(

On another note, this sunset is GORGEOUS. The sky literally looks like it's on fire.

Beautifully captured.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and as I read this, i am cursing the time change because it is now 7:54 am an the sun is just starting to come up. we were driving home at 6:30 am in daylight now we drive in the dark...early birds like us prefer our light in the am.. i knew about the colors in the sky because in 10th grade i painted a blue sky in art and my teacher said the sky is NOT blue.... she had never lived in Florida because here the sky is blue blue blue.

The Cranky said...

What a breathtaking sunset; you always capture the play of light so beautifully.
It saddens me to think that cursive writing will no longer be taught. Sure, it isn't 'necessary' but neither is art or music by that reckoning.

Lowell said...

You are just a font of knowledge, overflowing with information today! Thanks.

We've had some spectacular sunsets in Florida down through the years when the dust from Africa settles over us!

I think it's possible that some students now will not be able to read anything by the time they finish school much less old postcards. But then half their parents can't read, either, except for the tattoos on their butts! :)

This is a gorgeous sunset!

Judy said...

I love that sunset!!!
I, too, regret the loss of cursive writing, but even the young people who have taken it, are not that good at reading it...

Hilda said...

However it's caused, it's gorgeous!

I'm sad to hear about your schools removing cursive. People's handwriting are getting worse, and this won't help at all.

TexWisGirl said...

i've never been great with cursive writing - have always sprinkled in some printed letters in there. :)

at least pollution gives us SOME beauty. :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous sky shots! I do love the longer evenings.

Linda W. said...

Amazing sunset! You captured it well.

Sharon said...

This is such a gorgeous shot!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful photo. Outstanding. There was an article in our local paper recently where a lady went into our Barnes and Nobles bookstore and handed the young associate her note with the name of the book and the author she was looking for, written in long hand. The sales girl said "You'll have to read it to me, I don't read cursive." The lady (and me too) was flabbergasted. I should have made a post on that. I just might if I can find the original piece. Thanks. I'll add your information here if you don't mind.

Indrani said...

What a contrast of colors in the pictures!

Taken For Granted said...

Stunning sunset, and you dazzle us with science of color theory. Good to know why we enjoy those orange sunsets so much. I gave up cursive writing in high school because I never liked the way mine looked.

Gail Dixon said...

I remember how much fun I had learning cursive writing in school. Would never have thought it would be obsolete one day. Love your bright, happy photo!

RedPat said...

Love the shot! No cursive writing!?! Crazy!

Judy said...

What a beautiful sunset..I love the longer days that come with daylight saving time.
That is sad about cursive writing, I guess they figured with all the technology that is here who writes in cursive anymore...I still do tho :)))

Leora said...

Love love that orange sunset. Cool about red +'green to get orange. Wish I wrote cursive like my mother did. I think it was emphasized in PS 14 on the West Side in the thirties.

Stephanie said...

That is one stunning shot!

Michelle said...

I still teach cursive writing in my second grade classroom! I am holding out!

Randy said...

The colors are so crisp and beautiful.


That is the most gorgeous cornfield ever! (And loved the reminder of early color lessons:)

Anonymous said...

That's a'blazingly' good photo!

Barb said...

That vivid sky above the stark landscape - wonderful. We don't seem to get those intense sunsets here unless there is a fire nearby. Kids are usually thrilled to be able to write in cursive - however, maybe the modern way is typing...

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wow! Gorgeous sunset! I didn't know that about cursive writing in the states. What a shame. Wonder if that means that pens and pencils will become obsolete before long?
Have a great weekend!

Carver said...

Gorgeous sky and I like the cornfield too.

maryaustria said...

A wonderful sunset! Gorgeous colors!
I haven´t heard about cursive writing in Canada and the States... That is sad. Someone would not be able to read old letters from parents or grandparents...

Jack said...

Quite a sunset, EG.

Ida said...

That is one stunning sunset over that corn field. Presented by the Master of sunsets who uses colors perfectly. Very interesting about the TV colors being different from mixing red/yellow to get orange.
Coleen's teacher is still showing her students how to learn cursive writing. Many schools have stopped teaching it (which is sad) but I think others are realizing what a big mistake that is.

Small City Scenes said...

No more cursive---yipes!!!
I find that disheartening. I worked so hard on penmanship with my kids. I thought it was so important. I suppose everyone keyboards now. Too bad. MB

Unknown said...

Sadly, I have students who can not read my cursive writing on the board or my comments on their papers. I simply don't understand it. Lovely, inspiring photo.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

What a vibrant contrast between the sky and fields

I have heard this about cursive and think it is ridiculous !

Snap said...

i just don't understand not teaching cursive -- except perhaps the powers that be figure we won't have to be able to write, just type. ACK! lovely sunset and fun post on color. have a great weekend.

Nancy said...

No cursive? How the heck will these kids sign their name?

21 Wits said...

A great and wonderful difference it makes, it's almost like having spring although it's not really spring here yet!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.