Thursday, June 5, 2014

Beware of Dog

 Fence on country road, East Gwillimbury

Is is just a coincidence, or does that...

Missing chunk

missing chunk of fence in front of that sign...

Closeup view of the sign

mean something?

I am linking to Good Fences HERE.


Anonymous said...

Yep. That is a dog one best be aware of.

William Kendall said...

I would be wary!

Unknown said...

Nice pictures of fences! They made fine lines in the photos.


Malyss said...

:o) . There MUST be a story behind the scene !

cieldequimper said...

Lol, I hope not!

Stuart said...

It means, if you're close enough to take a picture of this sign, you're too close.

Anonymous said...

That dog may have a B I G BITE!

The Cranky said...

If it does mean something I certainly don't want to meet that dog!

Revrunner said...

Kind of strange that the broken fence is attached to what looks like a relatively new post. Hmm . . .

maryaustria said...

Wonderful shots! I hope the dog has not made his way out ;)

Hootin Anni said...

...did you SEE the dog? Love the composition of these fence images.

Andy said...

A warning with visual effects. :)

cedarmerefarm said...

Humm? Could it be that the owner put that sign there right by the broken fence to deter children from trespassing until he can fix his fence?

Buttons Thoughts said...

Yikes I think he must have big teeth:) Nice shots. Hug B

Anonymous said...

Ha ha - just coincidence, I think. What lovely countryside.

eileeninmd said...

We will never know, did the dog take a chunk of the fence off? Great fence finds! Enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

We will never know, did the dog take a chunk of the fence off? Great fence finds! Enjoy your day!

Roan said...

I think Big Foot got hungry. I'm sure there is a story about that missing chunk somewhere. Love the fence. Did you see the bad dog?

Jo said...

I'll say! Excellent capture, well spotted. Hope you're having a great day. Greetings, Jo (East Africa)

CJ said...

Looks like you got two fences for the price of one. Everything looks so lush and green, especially contrasting with the white fence. I bet that dog got a piece of the fence.

Jenny said...

Nice observance. xo Jenny

Shammickite said...

The fence got broken by a visitor who couldn't read.....

Anvilcloud said...

I see you have edited the title from dig to dog. :)

TexWisGirl said...

ha ha! chomp!

thanks for linking!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the raccoon are taking chunks out of our fence

Lowell said...

A nice and funky find.

But I have found
The time to be wary
Is not when there
Is a hound.
For the most fearsome
Of this world's critters
Stand upright and quite often
Need babysitters!

Heh, heh!

Judy said...

Yes, if that was the dog taking chunks out of the fence, then best beware!!!

Bob Bushell said...

Ha ha ha, that's funny EG.

Lois said...

Well I wouldn't take any chances after seeing the sign and the condition of the fence!

marilyn said... is possible...great post...

Maria Ontiveros said...

LOL! That scene has a whole Harry Potter feel to me.
Lovely post.

Linda W. said...

Don't think I'd wander too close to that fence! :)

Ileana said...

:)) Excellent photos!

Amy Burzese said...

I'm betting no coincidence here. lol

Karen said...

Must be a BIG dog!

Anonymous said...

Hehe! I guess it goes without saying, "You've been warned!"


Stephanie said...

Must be a large dog, perhaps the dog took the chunk out of the fence. Who knows? Love your compositions in your images.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

LOL! I can see you stayed back a good ways from the fence! Not sure I would have even gotten out of the car!!

Susan Anderson said...


An excellent question you ask there…


Halcyon said...

Hee! I hope you were on the lookout for the fence eating dog!

Photo Cache said...

someone did not heed the signage, methinks :)

Rose said...

And that is such an inviting lane...would be so tempting to walk down it. But I don't do trespassing if there is a sign...and wouldn't tempt the dog.

Gail Dixon said...

Haha, that's enough to keep me away from there. Great find!

RobinfromCA said...

Somewhere there's a dog with splinters in his gums! Great photo!

Ruth Kelly said...

That would certainly be a large dog to take a chunk out of the fence. Love that first shot!

Debbie said...

awww perhaps yes!! and possibly created the need for the second fence, back by the tree!!!

pretty images!!!!

Lisa Gordon said...

Beautiful old fence, and all the green around it is wonderful.

RedPat said...

A dog not to be messed with for sure, EG!


great post.

barbara l. hale said...

Nice catch! Hope the dog can't jump the fence. Beautiful lush greens!

Pamela Gordon said...

I definitely like the fence and the pretty scene but I wonder about the dog. Might be a ruse to keep people out. ;)

Kathy said...

That fence is beginning to look pretty ragged to me so I say it's a result of rot, not of a big bad dog.

Carver said...

That is funny how the sign is there and the fence is missing a place. Does make me wonder. I keep meaning to get a sign I saw online that says something like: Forget the dog beware of the human inside.

forgetmenot said...

Lovely photo of the fence, road, and trees--very quiet and peaceful looking. But, maybe not if there is a dog to contend with. Have a great weekend. Mickie ;)

Small City Scenes said...

mmmm it does tell a story. MB

Ida said...

The sing and the missing chunk of fence does lead one to "beware" for sure.

Brian King said...

That's some gorgeous green!

Sue (this n that) said...

ha ha, I love the fence and the sign - something sure went on there. I'd never be tempted to jump that fence ;D)
Beautiful photos too.

Randy said...

A dog with big teeth.

Jeanne said...

Looks like some lovely land protected by this fence... in spite of the hole in the fence.

Kate said...

The greens are so lush, and the fence really stands out . . . it's crying out for a little TLC.

Ramona said...

I'd be walking really fast past that fence. Besides that, it's a really pretty shot.

orchid0324 said...

What a find of that sign and the fence; oh, I wonder how big the dog would be if any;)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

21 Wits said...

It does appear like a bite has been taken out of it! Very pretty captures.

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty scene. I'd like to know the story behind the broken rail.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.