Saturday, August 16, 2014

Bee on Echinacea

Macro of nectar-loving bee

I am linking to I Heart Macro HERE.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is truly amazing, and he is looking right at YOU! And right at US! How close were you anyway? The chipmunk is super cute, I wish we had some around here. We had them when I was growing up, we had a wooded area out back. If we were really still for a long time, they would grab a peanut from our hand then run.

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic macro! Always amazes me to see a little creature up close like this

Ela said...

This is a lovely macro photo !
Nature is fascinating to photograph!
Have a nice weekend :)

Roan said...

That is one beautiful macro!

RedPat said...

They really seem to like Echinacea - and Cosmos. Fab pic, EG!

MadSnapper said...

he/she bee would make a great sci-fi movie..

William Kendall said...

Beautiful capture! I often wonder what they must be thinking when we look at them.

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous colors on this macro shot.. Happy weekend!

Mersad said...

Such a great photo! Lovely colors.

Mersad Donko Photography

Lowell said...

You've been busy as a bee capturing this busy bee with the big eyes boring into my bony skull! Cute as a bug, though. Is a bee a bug?

Elizabeth at Eiffel Tells said...

I love this image. Photography makes my heart sing,

I'm unfortunately out of practice and was also greatly discouraged by the quality of my last series of photographs. Warm regards

Elizabeth at Eiffel Tells said...

I love this image. Photography makes my heart sing,

I'm unfortunately out of practice and was also greatly discouraged by the quality of my last series of photographs. Warm regards

Revrunner said...

Nice eyes. 8-)

Stephanie said...

Absolutely stunning!

carol l mckenna said...


artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

ps. ~ Creative weekend though late in responding to bloggers ~ I apologize.

Rose said...

He is saying 'you better not mess with me!'

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Fantastic shot! Love it.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Super shot!

Linda W. said...

Very cool shot!

Cloudia said...

I enjoy your creations! Aloha

Jack said...

Good eye, EG. As usual. I planted echinacea last summer in an out-of-the-way part of my yard and it seems to like it there.

rainfield61 said...

Busy be a bee.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Beautiful image....lovely colours!

Happy Sunday,

Anvilcloud said...

Gotta love this close crop -- very dramatic.

Unknown said...

Lovely shot! Bees and cone flowers are a wonderful combo.

Anonymous said...

really nice shot, I always find when they look into the lens you get the most impact.

Lisa Gordon said...

Fantastic macro, and I really love the composition.

Wayne said...

Great week for Echinacea :-)

you-wee because said...

Nice little bee, nice little shot!

Anonymous said...

Amazing macro! Some lovely texture there?

Villrose said...

Artistic shot!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.