Saturday, June 4, 2011

New Neighbours/ Camera Critters


Two beagle pups, three-months old, have moved in with neighbours down the street.  Aren't they cute?

Brother and sister, Lucy is the boss.  Maxx, who is actually bigger than Lucy, obeys Lucy. But when it comes to having their photos taken, Lucy looks at the camera. And Maxx?


Not so much. He's all over the place.

To join in the fun, visit Misty Dawn at CAMERA CRITTERS.


  1. Two great shots. I can't get over the size of the ears.

  2. What big ears they have! So very cute!

  3. These puppies are so cute!
    I do love dogs, they bring lots of happiness and love to our life.

  4. So cute! I love them!
    I have my puppy, my beagle. She is Olivia and she is quite old (12 years) I love her.
    Have a nice weekend

  5. Oh, I love those sweet eyes! Lucy is the confident one! I have the hardest time getting dogs to look at the camera. They will do it as long as my face is not behind it, which makes it very difficult to focus and frame a shot!

  6. beagle pups are made for the camera. :)

  7. I love them both! they have such beautyful eyes!

  8. So cute and I like that red harness. Puppies have so much energy, it makes me tired just thinking of running after them.

  9. Great shots. Beautiful images of, as you say, a very cute dog.

  10. Cute as can be! There is going to be some howling in your neighbourhood!

  11. I hope that both of the often grace you with their presence!

  12. Aww, so sweet and adorable! Lovely neighbours :)

  13. What great neighbours!

  14. You have got some new models to photograph!
    They both looks very cuuuuuuute!:)

  15. What wonderful new neighbours for you! They're just adorable, and their harnesses look so comfortable.
    Excellent camera critters!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  16. Aw, Lucy and Maxx are so cute. Beagles make great family pets.

  17. Beagles are soooo cute. I have a friend who has one who is just about to have her first birthday! Before I left Phoenix I was the official baby photographer!

  18. Stopped over from Camera Critters. I have two Beagles - Shiloh who is 8 and Shasta who is 4 - they truly are the love of my life and the only real "family" I have who keep me sane. Lucy and Maxx are adorable and make perfect models for your camera - check out our blog and you will see my two (they "own" it). By the way, the ears are just fine - they do grow into them - mine did - most people say that's what they love most about them because they are so soft.
    Kim, Shiloh'n Shasta
    Team Beaglebratz

    PS - also a new follower since I love taking pictures of all sorts of stuff and looking at them too..

  19. We had a beagle named Barney and a mix Dottie. They are adorable.

  20. Beautiful critter shots!

    Late visiting for CC, hope you can take a peek at my Camera Critters too. Thanks!

  21. Big ears!! And they look adorable even if Maxx is a camera shy.

  22. Aw, they are so cute. There is something about puppies I just can't resist....and I a cat person. :)

    Through Squirrel Eyes

  23. two beautiful shots, but my fave is the first one.

    what a cutie!

    visiting via camera critters.

    plus: i love your photography.

  24. AWWW so cute, Maxx and Lucy are beautiful puppy dogs. Great shots!

  25. they are precious, wish i could reach in there and hug them. my husbands dad raised beagles many years ago. great shots of these sweeties.

  26. They are so cute, but beagles are not the most easy race, so you have to make it clear, that you are the boss ;-)

  27. They are rather too cute for words.

  28. Oh I love those little pups! Soooo cute.


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