Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jackson's Point/ Watery Wednesday

Frozen Lake Simcoe at Jackson's Point

These kids not only walk on water but ride their bikes on it too!

I am linking to Watery Wednesday where you can find many more watery photos.


  1. I'm afraid it would be too cold and too slippery for me!

  2. Love it! Looks like fun, but I would be afraid of falling. That cinches it, I'm old! lol

  3. that make me laugh your comment!! IT's amazing what kids can do nowadays, at least one if them looks as though he is wearing a helmet, kudo's to him.


  4. Must be slippery on a bike.


  5. Great shot EG!The lake is beautiful but about those kids,I'm worried,I hope it's safe to play there.
    Hugs and Happy Valentine's Day :)

  6. You could have included Paul Simon's "Slip-sliding Away" as background music!

    Nice, sunny day! And probably not too cold, right? Well, too cold for me, but not for a Canadian!

  7. Nice color capture of the red and red on the one fellow. Looks too slippery to ride a bike on.

  8. Great photo! That's a life I never knew as a kid. I think I would like the cold better now if I had experienced it as a kid on a regular basis.

  9. That looks like it would be so slippery. You must be having a colder winter than they are in New England - they had to move the pond hockey tournament in my parents' town to a smaller lake because the ice on the big lake wasn't thick enough this year!

  10. I can almost feel my brittle bones breaking as I hit the deck, er ... ice!

  11. Hi EG
    it must have been fun watching those two ice-riders. the first thought I have is "broken bones". it must be an age thing. at least one of them is wearing a helmet. winter has paid us a visit this week with intermittent snow and cold. nothing like a normal season but at least a taste. thanks for stopping by at Stolen Car - that was truly special. I've been hiding out there while hibernating from my usual blogging haunt and it's been a lot of fun having a photo-conversation with my blogging friend Susan.
    happy Tuesday to you EG. take care now.

  12. It really does look like they are walking on water.

  13. That's a first for me...bikes on ice. Wow.

  14. Wow, how scary! As soon as it is slippery, I do not cycle and try to find my way to the shops on foot.
    In the meantime our ice melted away.

  15. Gorgeous shot! Ahhh to be young again. I notice at least one of them is wearing a helmet. Great capture!

  16. Hee! Love your commentary with the shot today.

  17. kids just know how to have fun--love the colors in this shot. The red seems to be caught and repeated. From the jacket and the bike and the reflection in the ice and then reflecting off the waves, water and the background. (I'm assuming this picture was taken as the sun went down). Very nice.

  18. Lovely shot, makes me nostalgic for when I was young and out riding my bike everywhere.

  19. I had missed your beautiful shots. I like the combination of red and different hues of blue and the lighting is great too.

  20. to be young and fearless.

    happy valentine's day.

    Watery Wednesday

  21. Just goes to show that having faith isn't that hard! Thanks for sharing.

  22. It feels like home, except by us the streets look like this.
    Nice composition.

  23. Great shots!
    Happy Valentine to you!

  24. Awesome photo of beautiful country ~so you know the area I live ~ not far from Manchester and Magnolia ~ thanks for coming by ~ namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

  25. I´m sure they have fun. But I will not do it. :)

  26. At their age I would have loved it!

  27. They are very game - wonder if their parents know what they are up to lol

  28. The ice must be as hard as the asphalt! Brave ones!

  29. I love the composition, so classic and filled with nature's beauty, and with wonderful mood. So serene.

  30. A very nice photo...
    We have a lot of cold , here in Portugal..but no rain at all: that is bad...so bad...the agriculture is suffering with the lack of rain...
    I fear the next summer...

    Hug you

  31. For kids challenges are fun - and so it is for photographers, lol! Great capture!

  32. it must be tempting to ride on the icy water !

  33. riding the bike on the ice? if you have ACC, accident compensation corp in Canada, they will go broke,

  34. The road looks icy; and the 'waves' water like a rolled mat. What a capture!

  35. Brave souls! How on earth do they manage to keep there bikes upright I wonder?


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