Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17/Nature Notes

Yard mosaic, Monday April 16

Here are some of the flowers blooming in my gardens last Monday. Remember,  I'm not showing you the weeds. I'm also not showing you that I am only halfway through this year's spring cleanup.

Largest square: purple pasque flowers, which may be my favourite flower of all - dependable early bloomers (but I'm fickle when it comes to my favourite flowers). Moving clockwise: the yard robin hoping I'll help it by digging up some worms; daffodil; pink pasque flower; white lungwort; and pale yellow primulas.

York Regional Forest

This time of year when first entering the forest, it appears there's nothing to photograph. But looking carefully I found fast-growing mushrooms, emerging tree leaves, budding shrub flowers and blossoming tree flowers.

Unfortunately, we didn't walk very far into the woods on this trip so I didn't get to check out the wildflowers, and since Saturday the weather has been overcast and rainy. Next time, I hope to capture a few blossoms.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more


Giga said...

Też bardzo lubię sasanki, chociaż prawdę mówiąc kocham wszystkie kwiaty.Oprócz kwiatów miałaś ślicznego ptaka w ogrodzie. Pozdrawiam.
Also I really like saffron, although in truth I love all the flowers. In addition to the flowers you had a lovely bird in the garden. Yours.

Jenn Jilks said...

You are so right! So much to photograph. For anyone with a keen eye.
Greetings from Cottage Country!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love those purple flowers. and would really love to walk down that path into those woods. it always amazes me what we can find in simple wooded areas.

Judy said...

I always enjoy your mosaics.

TexWisGirl said...

love the yard blooms. :)

Carver said...

Beautiful nature post. Good to see spring arriving in your garden. My spring cleanup will probably take several years as I'm starting to have a real forest in my garden.

cieldequimper said...

This is the best time of year! The nice thing about macros of flowers is that you can't see the weeds, lol!

Buttons Thoughts said...

So much to see so much to snap. Awesome pics as usual. B

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely captures. Good to see Spring springing in your part of the world.

Stephanie said...

Nice to see spring has arrived in your neck of the woods. I really like your yard mosaic collage. Those purple flowers are so pretty.

Leora said...

I like how you look so carefully in the woods for your post.

I enjoy the robin - they don't seem to visit my yard, but I've been spotting them all about our little town.

Lowell said...

I like the Robin and the woods. I miss the northern woods. They are different and I find them much more interesting than our southern ones.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful mosaics.The beauty of photography is that we need only show what we want others to see.

George said...

This is a wonderful time of the year to hike through a forest. My favorite flower also changes depending on what is in bloom at any particular day.

Rose said...

I love that big picture of the second collage...it is so inviting.

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Lovely mosaics. My favourite is of the pasque flowers and you've got a double form ! I've never seen that variety before.

Libby said...

Great to see what is going on in Ontario! I like the looks of York forest :) Looking forward to see what you photograph on your next hike!

Rambling Woods said...

I learned some more of the flowers..now I need to get out and see if I have any..You live in the perfect area to take walks and such EG...Michelle

eileeninmd said...

Lovely mosaics and beautiful flowers. Looks like you found a nice place to walk. Thanks for sharing, have a great day!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Very pretty blooms - really like the pink pasques.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.