Thursday, October 16, 2014

Birders on Platform

Cranberry marsh, Whitby

Some days this time of year, this platform is very crowded with birders as there's a hawk watch in progress. A group of experienced birders is watching for and counting raptors a they fly south over this marsh and then travel easterly to Niagara Falls. Most of the time the kettles of hawks and eagles are flying so high I can barely see them. But those doing the count use scopes to see far better than I can with my camera.

Raptors do not continue south here as they would have to cross Lake Ontario and the birds don't want to do that, so they fly to between Lakes Ontario and Erie near Niagara Falls where they have only a river to cross.

I am linking to Good Fences HERE.


Andy said...

It seems to me that there is always birders at Cranberry Marsh. Thanks for educating me about the raptors flight path.

eileeninmd said...

Smart birds! Wonderful scene and photo. Have a great day!

Revrunner said...

For the record, I wouldn't want to have to fly over Lake Ontario either. :-)

Jo said...

Thanks for the information on raptors' flight paths. I love the bridge rail as a fence. Greetings. Jo

Buttons Thoughts said...

Is it sad I have camera envy even though I could never carry one of them?:) Great shots. Hug B

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love taking photos of people taking photos. Great catch.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

look very busy. wonder if they were talking to each other or just taking pics? lots of amazement i bet. ( :

Shammickite said...

Birdie paparazzi!

William Kendall said...

They certainly take it seriously!

Cranberry Morning said...

How wonderful to be able to see that. Kettles of hawks? That's a new one for me. I've heard of a murder of crows. Love these terms! Beautiful bridge shot!

TexWisGirl said...

a nice shot showing the observers and photogs! thanks, cameragirl!

Judy said...

That sounds like it would be a good place to watch the birds!!! It's a wonder any prey is left, though, with so many hawks flying through...

Indrani said...

It must be very interesting.
I am tempted to join them.

Birdman said...

Don't get me going on birders.

Taken For Granted said...

Thanks for using the term "a kettle of hawks." Apparently that term applies to any number of birds circling in a rising thermal of air. Glad someone is concerned about the number of raptors.


great candid moment.

George said...

I really like this photo of the birders in action.

Anonymous said...

Birders are much better for photographing than are birds. They stand still longer and are completely unaware that you are photographing them. One of my favorite subjects to photograph.

Ruth Kelly said...

I like seeing a photograph of others photographing.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Some interesting facts about Raptors, and a cozy little fence (railing) tucked in the middle of it all. Our Hawk counts are done in a State Park right next to Lake Michigan. I assume now that those hawks are going along the edge of the lake to avoid the water as well. Smart birds ... and there is always ample pray along the reserved edges of the lake ... but then they have to fly over or through Chicago and we have a huge number of birds killed on the reflective glass windows. Those are times when my heart aches. Great post ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Bob Bushell said...

A bridge with some Birders, you can't beat it.

Sylvia K said...

Like the others, I love seeing the birders! What a great capture for the day! It is indeed fun to see photos of others taking photos!! I, too, think that it's probably easier to get pictures of the photographers than it is the birds!! Thanks for sharing the fun and the info!!

21 Wits said...

Be sure to bring your heavy duty (picture) shooting equipment, we're in for some fun today!

A Colorful World said...

True, serious birders are an interesting breed! I love birds, and enjoy taking pictures of them but I am in no way a birder. Don't have the energy, the equipment, or the desire. But, I can respect their efforts, especially in bird conservation. Glad there is such a place as your platform here for them to count the birds! Nice post!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Those are some serious lenses there EG, I think birding can definitely get into the blood, I know if I had more time AND patience I's enjoy it a lot!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Learned a lot here -- and with a great picture to boot. Most interesting! Thank you,

Anonymous said...

They all look very keen!

Pamela Gordon said...

Interesting facts that I didn't know. Thanks for sharing.

RedPat said...

They aren't dumb birds! ;-)

cieldequimper said...

Competitors for you. Cool post, interesting!

Jenn Jilks said...

Cranberry festival in Bala this weekend! Wish I could go!
I have some fluey stuff!
Great shots!

Ileana said...

:) Wonderful picture!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, that marsh grass is even growing over the top of the bridge!! If there were a whole lot of people on it, I would be afraid that it would collapse!

Anonymous said...

Nice shot! A great spot for birders.

Hilary said...

You know, I've spent so much time back and forthing between Mississauga and Bowmanville until I moved north, but never knew about this spot in Whitby. Darn!

DeniseinVA said...

A great shot EG.

Jeanne said...

Interesting how they know their geography and not to fly over a big lake. Beautiful shot.

Tanya Breese said...

look at those lenses! they look like they are with espn or something!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I had the opportunity to participate in a hawk watch while in VA...AWESOME!!!...:)JP

Stephanie said...

Beautiful photo! Love the reflections as well.

GreenComotion said...

Crossing Lake Ontario is a big job.
The birds are very smart.
Nice tidbit and fence addition to Good Fences.
Peace :)

Carola Bartz said...

These guys have some serious telelenses and scopes. A few years ago, when we witnessed the upbringing of two Great Horned Owls, we bought a scope as well and never looked back after that. It's easy to attach a pint-and-shoot camera (the small ones) to the scope and photograph through it.

Cloudia said...

Fun variation on the meme, E.

I've considered getting binocular/digital camera! They make such things-

ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= . <3 .

Anonymous said...

What a pretty place to watch birds (or bird watchers).

Randy said...

Nice lenses.

Ida said...

Those are some serious lens there. I think it would be cool to spend time watching for the raptors.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the platform as a fence shot. Would have liked to have been 1 of the group

orchid0324 said...

Look at the cameras; oh they must be almost professionals :-) Yes, great captures of 'Birders on Platform'with camera, EGcameragirl♡♡♡
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

CJ said...

Nice image ---the scenery & the photographers.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.