Wednesday, October 8, 2014


A bad hair feather day

U is for UGLY.
Often moulting birds look UGLY!  This male red-winged blackbird is loosing his feathers but will soon grow new ones.

 Closeup of ugly

This is natural and in this case happened just after mating season.

Unnatural UGLY

Leaving cups in the forest is not natural and is very ugly.  Just sayin'. I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted, right?

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE 


BasiaW said...

Beautiful photos!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hate litter anywhere! Sure is ugly but a great shot.

Andy said...

Good thing the moulting occurs after mating or else there would be no babies. :)

Mersad said...

A bad feather day indeed. Your photos are great though!

Mersad Donko Photography

Kalina said...

Cudności:)))Usmiech na twarzy od rana, ptaszysko urzekające!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

totally agree with your "trash talk" - so true. i love the sayings that folks say ... leave only footprints, take pics nothing more. there are so many.

you never ever leave trash,
silly people. ( :

eileeninmd said...

Yes, it is a bad feather day! Poor bird! I hate to see people leaving their trash behind. Enjoy your day!

Revrunner said...

Enough to give a bird a complex.

William Kendall said...

Quite a bad feather day for that fellow!

Birdman said...

Compared to yesterday's beauty, yup you got 2 uglies.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your ugly is beautiful.. a true bad feather day... good thing he has no mirror. as for the other ugly, the actions of people are sometimes really ugly.

TexWisGirl said...

always feel sorry for the birds when they molt. :) litter is just sorry...

Anonymous said...

Looks like an old man. Fortunately in my next door State Park that I frequent nearly every day little litter is seldom seen. I think it is because it takes too much effort to get in there and those who litter are too lazy.

Crafty Green Poet said...

The blackbird will look handsome again soon enough I'm sure!

I hate litter, even worse than disposable cups in the woods are those people who put their dog poo in bags and then hang the bags in the trees!

Gail Dixon said...

Excellent shots of the RWB! I have never seen one molting like that. My pet peeve is littering, especially in wildlife habitats. Curses!

Sylvia K said...

Ah, bad feather day indeed -- almost as bad as my reflection in the mirror this morning!! I, too, am always upset by the littering everywhere these days, but it is particularly disgusting in the wildlife habitats!! Thanks for a great post and reminder!!

Rose said...

The red-winged blackbird looks like he could be related to the vulture...LOL

I will never understand going in the woods/trails and leaving garbage behind. Frankly, don't understand taking it in the first place.

Out at the strip pits, people leave all kinds of stuff behind. It is a pity.

21 Wits said...

It's sad how some people have no respect. I adore your birdy though! Pretty.

RedPat said...

Poor bird - he is probably not pleased to have his pic taken looking like that! ;-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

The molting makes him look like a little vulture!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That poor bird looks mighty sad.

Anonymous said...

Those poor birds are all so horrible looking when they molt. I can't believe people would leave a cup like that.

Jim said...

Poor bird. She is a cancer survivor.
BTW, I have removed the word "Ugly" from my dictionary.

Pat Tillett said...

I hope the bird isn't self-conscious this time time. Not only the cup, but and "ugly" person left that trash there.

Sandra @ Sandra's Ark said...

You are completely right on all counts. dropping in from Alphabe Thursday.

Lorna said...

How do you make two kinds of ugly look so good?

Randy said...

Someone needs a feather transplant.

Hilary said...

And it always seems to be a Timmie's cup, doesn't it?

Poor RWBB. I have seen a number of cardinals and blue jays bald like that.. and one grackle. Never a rwbb though.

Stephanie said...

The poor bird and disgusting habit for some folks leaving their litter behind.

fredamans said...

That litter is just plain ignorant to leave behind. That stuff grinds my gears... can ya tell?!

Small City Scenes said...

Poor old Blackbird looks like a buzzard. And the cup shot is totally trashy. MB

Jenny said...

Molting birds are definitely unnatractive. We do pack it in/pack it out and try to leave the area better than we found it.

This was a unique link for the letter U.

Thank you for sharing it.


Krishna/കൃഷ്ണ said...

A nice theme


Indrani said...

Oh! It needs a cap. :)

Malyss said...

Poor boy! must have had a hard life..

Anonymous said...

The bird is full of character!

Stewart M said...

Stick stuffers make me even more mad than just normal litter throwers - they had to think about what they were doing!

I'm putting the kettle on to lower my blood pressure!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Pamela Gordon said...

Oh my that poor blackbird. I didn't know they moulted like that! Now that Tim's cup is really upsetting but made for an interesting photo.

carol l mckenna said...

Love the bird ~ none of us are very pretty when moltening ~ Great shots!

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I don't understand the thought process of "I'll just throw this cup here in this wonderful pristine woodland."

great post!

Jeevan said...

Sometime life is unpleasant, but the situation won’t stay forever! Beautiful photos

Lmkazmierczak said...

I learn so much when I visit...I'd like to think the wind took that cup into the trees from some unwary camper...♪ life/

Anonymous said...

yup the moulting bird sure is is the Timmy's cup

A Colorful World said...

Poor thing...he does look ugly! But he will get new head feathers and be beautiful again. Scattered trash is never beautiful! :-(

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.