Monday, July 21, 2008

Meadowhawk at the Pond

Tons of white-faced meadowhawk dragonflies live on the tiny island in a friend's small pond. They appear to spend quite a bt of their time catching and eating mosquitoes, which I think this one is poised to catch here in this photo.

Also on the island, moving clockwise from the dragonfly: a feather caught in a small bush, joe-pye-weed still in bud, plantain, cattails, and goat'sbeard seedhead.


Small City Scenes said...

Quite excellent EG, you do a great job with nature photos. MB

Anonymous said...

Those so-called weeds all look the same. I guess location doesn't change their physical appearance like it does people.

Bergson said...

a splendid mosaic; I adore the color of this dragonfly; here they are blue

AphotoAday said...

Very cool dragonfly, and the other shots are great!   Very nicely done...

Darla said...

Anything that eats mosquitoes would be welcome in our garden. Wonderful collection of shots.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

EG: Very nice post and a great shot of the dragonfly. Red is such an unusual color and is quite pretty.

dot said...

I think this is your best ever!! I really like it.

Marcel said...

Wow way cool and exceptionally good photos!

Rambling Woods said...

I love dragonflies..what a beautiful set of photos..

mrsnesbitt said...

Re ABC Wed, can you give me your e-mail please?


Rose said...

Wonderful collage--again you must have had me in mind when you took them;)

Louise said...

Lovely pictures one and all. I'm partial to the red dragonfly (I've never seen one that is red) and the plantain. It almost looks like a nice flower!

Anonymous said...

Oh so lovely! It has been a crazy weekend. But I am back. Have a great day!

Leslie: said...

Hi, would you mind emailing me (see my home page) with your contact info for Mrs. Nesbitt. She is setting up a separate page for the next round of ABC Wednesday and needs to send you an invitation. Thanks.

Kerri Farley said...

Fabulous collage!! That dragonfly is AWESOME!!

Sandra Evertson said...

Amazing photos!

Shammickite said...

Great stuff, EG!
Joe-pye-weed... what a great name for a plant!
We used to have plantain battles.... just loop the stem round the neck of the flower... take aim... ready, steady, FIRE!

Tom said...

These are real beauties, never mind weeds

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.