Monday, March 23, 2009

They're BACK!/ My World

Robin, a SURE sign of spring

Actually the robins have been back for at least a week but Saturday was the first day I was able to catch one with my camera.

Please note: Macro Monday is HERE.

To visit other blogs celebrating That's My World, please visit


Barb said...

We don't have many red-breasted robins here, so he's a sight for sore eyes!

Jenn Jilks said...

Me, too, me too! I was taking a photo in the dusk of, I thought, a mourning dove. It was a robin... hooray!

Any thoughts on my post ageism and marketing?

Rose said...

Wow! Wonderful capture! They are back in full force here and have been for a while...always glad to see them.

June said...

Very pretty little guy! Nice shot of him...

Small City Scenes said...

Good shot. How funny---I posted a Robin too. MB

Rune Eide said...

And a good catch it was too - envious!

Lowell said...

A beautiful bird, but I'm most impressed with your ability to capture this feathered friend with such color and clarity! Superb!

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful photo. I love Robins. Each year, my grandpa and I report when each of us sees a Robin. They will always be special to me.

Robyn said...

I saw three all standing around in Moccasin Trail Park by the DVP last week. Yay, Robins! Though I guess I could say I'd never left...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love the robins.. That is a SURE sign of Spring for us too...

Have a wonderful day.


Beautiful capture, and a wonderful color on that bird! I'm glad you are happy!

The Southern Mint Julep said...

I love your photography, and especially the Monochrome train. Beautiful.

Unknown said...

Great Robin! I have seen some too and it confirms that warmer days are ahead. :)

Louise said...

And WHAT a catch! How strange that you have them, but we don't. Ours come much later. At least the ones that come to my house.

George said...

Yea, Spring!!! We have lots of birds singing in the trees today.

Becky said...

It looks so familiar. We have lots here all scouting out their territories.
Beautiful capture EG.

PERBS said...

I have never seenone with a breast so red! Ours seem to be around all year here. I took a photo of one a couple months ago but it definitely did nto have that deep red breast.

kjpweb said...

Very nice! It must be one of ours - because our Florida Robins are gone! ;)
Cheers, Klaus

P.S.: Fixed your link - it was pointing to your other blog.

Anonymous said...

That's a wonderful shot of the robin in your world. Spring is surely coming along.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, what a wonderful shot! Spring really is on it's way, isn't it! Beautiful, beautiful!! I love being able to see the birds up close! and this is perfect!! Thanks for sharing!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Such a beautiful and welcome bird. So spring has finally arrived in your part of the world. Hurray to that. The photo is magnificent.

Anonymous said...

You got really close to this guy, very nice photo.

Have you thawed?

Susan at Stony River said...

What a GORGEOUS portrait, and such a wonderful sign of spring! Thank you for sharing this one, I loved it.

SandyCarlson said...

Well done! I hope you made a wish!

kayleen said...

Lovely photo of the robin. It is so nice to see them around again!

Nebraska Birding

Anonymous said...

No red robins here either, but quite a few turquoise birds. I love when nature fills with animals, and the one thing that marks spring's arrival for me in Sweden is when I hear the birds again.

Anonymous said...

How lucky you have been - a spring is there and robins too! Congrats - your photo is perfect :)

We have got swans back to the middle of snow, hopefully they will find something to eat.

Have a nice Tuesday!

Arija said...

His breast is so red, it must be mating time.

Tarolino said...

How fabulosly photographed too. I am so in awe over your skill.

Barb said...

What a beautiful photo! I'm going to make a wish on yours - the first robin of spring.

Anonymous said...

I haven't noticed any Robins yet, but have heard more bird song the last week, so will have to take note of who's singing!

Mary Elizabeth said...

Beautiful snap!!!
Australia is full of birds, I'll try to snap some and share.

Barbara said...

Very different from the robins here in the UK, they stay all winter. Good photograph!

airplane5312 said...

I can't wait to hear the early evening song of robins. Just a few more weeks and they'll be out in full force.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous close-up!!!

Mojo said...

They don't usually leave here even in the winter, but they've been especially active the last couple of weeks here. Them and every other kind of bird known to zoology!

I managed a few shots of them, but all the branches around my house are too high up to get this kind of angle. Great shooting!

Janie said...

We've had robins here in Utah for maybe a month.
Beautiful photo with great color.

mannanan said...

Great capture. Look totally different from the robins we have here. Thanks for sharing your world with the rest of us.

Swarna said...

Nice close-up! Looks regal, I thought!

Julie said...

gorgeous shot of this robin! It seems that many on your site were glad to see robins coming back for spring. a happy thought indeed.

Anonymous said...

A perfect shot. I have seen them for a bit, but couldn't hope to achieve a photo like this. Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great shot.

Reader Wil said...

I like robins. We also have the red-breasted ones. Your photo is really very good. I can't take such photos. My camera is not good enough. And you have an eye for photograghy!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

EG: Nice capture of the Robin with his red breast showing off his beauty.

Unknown said...

WOW...the a stunning image of the Robin. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Great capture.

Anonymous said...

Ah, lucky you! Spring signs! We got some snow yesterday late evening and today all look like a winter wonderland again! It is a beautiful bird, thank you for sharing!

Darla said...

The clarity of this shot is amazing.


Shammickite said...

I saw a robin in Oak Ridges 2 Saturdays ago, and one in my back yard last week.... so spring is definitely here!
Plus the nasty mean starlings are raiding the sparrow's nests in my multi-apartment bird house for nesting material and the poor sparrows are nearly delirious with anger!

Latane Barton said...

And I saw one in my yard recently... so Spring is here.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Outstanding. He's magnificent and a world away from our robins.

Catherine said...

You could have participated to Ruby Tuesday with this capture.
A wonderful picture, even more real than if I had been at the bottom of the trunk.

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic close-up of the Robin. He looks like a little King or Queen sitting up there on that branch. Great photo!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

what a fab pic of the robin...purrfection!

thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog...appreciate ^..^

Carolyn said...

Such a beautiful capture. It great to see them back and to hear their lovely song....real spring can't be far behind! Thanks for sharing.

A Scattering said...

What a lovely fat robin!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.