Monday, October 5, 2015

Model Super Cub

1/3 scale Piper Super Cub

One of the the surprising finds my husband and I have had travelling the backroads along the many commercial sod fields of Beeton, Ontario has been the model airplane aficionados allowed to play there.


And what nice guys (so far I have only met men) these model airplane enthusiasts are!

Safe and sound after landing

Chris, the owner, explained that this is a balsa model built from a kit. Powered by a gas engine, it has a 144-inch wingspan so is not a tiny toy. And the propeller is 20 inches long.

The owner is retired but still a kid at heart

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


chica said...

Lindo modelos! bjs, chica e ótima semana!

Jeevan said...

How cool to play a flying plane? Superb capture on the model plane both on land and sky

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Um magnifico modelo.
Um abraço e boa semana.

Revrunner said...

I've spent many a similar happy moment at RC air fields. :-)

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Growing old is mandatory...maturing is not!

Pamela Gordon said...

These model planes are fascinating. We used to see men flying them on the river in winter but not for many years now. My grandsons would enjoy watching them as they are crazy about planes.

Darla said...

That is a pretty big "toy". Good think they have wide open spaces to fly them.


Tomoko said...

Wow, beautiful photos and really exciting!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Bob would love this. he flies every day the weather permits. the club he is a member of is 99 percent men, a couple hundred men, maybe 5 women. he has a couple of these this size, but rarely flies them now, the gas for them is 20.00 per gallon and he can't fly except at the club. his battery powered planes he can fly in the park that is 3 minutes from home.

Penelope Notes said...

These are amazingly realistic looking. What a sense of satisfaction these folks must have assembling the plane and then seeing it fly. They have the best of both worlds … feet safely on the ground and heart soaring in the air!

EG CameraGirl said...


I didn't know the airplane fuel was THAT expensive. It must be way more expensive here in Canada. The sod fields are huge and out in the country and several clubs have permission to fly there. The owner of this plane was actually from Toronto where his club is based.

Suburban Girl said...

We have a neighbor who is into this as well.

Birdman said...

Every Saturday, back a ways, they'd fly in the athletic field near the house. You heard the 'buzz' all day.

Bethany Carson said...

Looks like a very neat and fun hobby! I've seen a model airplane or two out on our local grass airfield before.

Ohmydearests said...

oh my! looks like fun! love the white/red against the blue sky!

Indrani said...

Lovely model, I would love to fly one.
Nice colors.

Mary Hone said...

Those are great. I bet those guys have fun. Boys and their toys. LOL

Debbie said...

i think this is so cool, there is a big group in our area!!! i tried to talk the hubs into doing it but he had no interest. great images!!!!

Kathy said...

The forerunners of drones by chance?

Linda W. said...

Nice shots of the plane in flight!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, how fun!! I would love to see them in flight, but your pics are the next best thing, as always!! And, thanks for sharing the fun!! Hope you have a great new week!! Enjoy the every moment!!

RedPat said...

I thought that was a real plane at first! Cool shots, EG!

Unknown said...

If I had not seen the last photo of the series I would have "bought" these as real planes... LOL!

Unknown said...
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VP said...

Oh, I would really love to see and try this!

Lowell said...

There is a large park west of Ft. Lauderdale that has a field used exclusively for these model planes. When we lived in that area, we would got out to watch them fly. Truly amazing machines. Not an inexpensive hobby, though!

Shammickite said...

Late husband had a huge model plane that he bought from someone, but he never flew it. We hung it from Grandson's ceiling but it fell down and was never the same again! Air crash!

Halcyon said...

Cool! IN the air, they look full-size (at least in your photos!).

Phil Slade said...

Those are full size boys toys. Those are super colourful photos you took.

Phil Slade said...

Those are full size boys toys. Those are super colourful photos you took.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These scale model planes are fun to watch.Jake and I even attended an airshow which consisted completely of scale model planes. It was very interesting.

Fun60 said...

Boys and their toys.

William Kendall said...

I see I'm not the only one who thought boys and their toys!

Photo Cache said...

I thought it was a full size plane from the first image. That is some serious toy.

Worth a Thousand Words

carol l mckenna said...

fantastic shots and what fun!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Lois said...

That looks like fun! Wonderful pictures.

The Cranky said...

The Great Scot would love this... I would as well, but can you imagine what would happen on one of my shaky days? LOL!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i never would have guessed it was a tiny plane ... until the last shot. so cool. we have folks around here that have a club & field to fly this little dudes. ( ;

Gayle said...

So pretty and bright against the blue sky.
Our son has dabbled in this hobby and has mounted a camera on his.

Stephanie said...

Wow, nice to see the actual size next to the fellow.

Kay said...

Our neighbor has built two of these planes but I don't think he's flown them yet. He's a former pilot.

Joyful said...

Great shots of the model airplane. I bet they are fun to fly.

Lea said...


My name is Riet said...

What a great hobby model airplanes.

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun, I never realised there were models this big!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That is a fun hobby and lovely to see the planein the air.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Quite a large model plane. It is a lonbg time since I last saw model planes in action. The interest in them seems to have waned a little.

orvokki said...

They have a very nice hobby.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Now this is the kind of flying I enjoy EG, when I'm not actually UP there in the plane :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love to watch them fly. Most people I know build them themselves and it takes lots and lots of hours to complete them.

Powell River Books said...

Until the last photo it looks like the real thing. - Margy

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.