Monday, October 26, 2015

Parry Sound Train Station

 Parry Sound station still in use as a station and as an art gallery

Yesterday my husband and I were in Parry Sound and stopped by to check out the art gallery inside the train station...but it was closed.

 Seating between the station and the fence and tracks

Have a seat but...

be sure to  read the sign!

 Looking southerly along the tracks

No trains coming...but wait!

Canadian National heading northerly

That was close!

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


Unknown said...

What a lovely looking station and what a great idea to hang art there, it looks really pretty...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

A very pretty station I hope you will go back and see the art. a lovely day out with trains adn art and beautiful autumn colours.

Andy said...

I love these old train stations. This one is well looked after.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful place with both things together...

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Adoro tudo o que seja comboios e a estação é magnifica.
Um abraço e uma boa semana.

Revrunner said...

Coming around the bend.

Jeevan said...

Very pretty and cute train station! But I guess trains don’t stop there. Love the track curve through the fall colors/trees

Kate said...

The train is a little too close for comfort? Love the idea of art in a train station. Stations here in smaller metropolises are often pretty dreary places.

Darla said...

Pretty station. Go back sometime to see the art and tell us about it.

Pamela Gordon said...

That is a really sweet train station and I like the pretty mums along side the benches. It sure is close to the tracks though! The photo of the view looking southerly is so pretty and it's nice that you have trains still passing through. Have a super week!

Kathy said...

When I saw your blog title on my blog roll my first thought was "What the heck is a 'sound station'"? Imagine how stupid I felt when I finally realized the error of my thoughts!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a cute round train station! The fall colors around there are lovely too. Sorry the art gallery was closed. Wonderful series! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Nancy Chan said...

I like the cute train station and also the colourful leaves on the trees.

Shammickite said...

I love trains and stations! They remind me of when I travelled to and from boarding school on a steam train back in the UK.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is my first time ever saying a building is 'adorable' but that little round train station is really adorable.... i love trains and the tracks with all that color is wonderful

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

odd they even felt they needed a warning sign :O)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I too think the shape of the station is lovely and unusual EG,and surrounded by such fab autumn colour.. bit of a shame you couldn't get into the gallery :(

Gerald (SK14) said...

A station with an art gallery - how excellent if you have to wait for the train.

Anvilcloud said...

There was an old song, "Don't fence me in." But fences serve their purpose.

William Kendall said...

The station's quite pretty. It's been years since I've been over to Parry Sound.

RedPat said...

What a cute station that is/was, EG! Parry sound - the birthplace of the great Bobby Orr! ;-)

Mary Hone said...

What a great building. The hubs always tells me building a round building is so much harder.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, I do love trains and the stations and this one is perfect!! Terrific captures for the day, as always, a wonderful way to start my week!! Thank you -- again, for sharing the beauty of your world, EG!! Always a delight to visit your blog!! And, I hope your week is off to a great start!! Enjoy!

Karen said...

What a quaint station. Glad it is still used!

genie said...

Not only did you get to slowly wander around that beautiful old building, but you got to see a train as well. Hope your week is as fine as these pictures. Thanks for sharing that adorable station with us.

VP said...

A lovely and unusual building!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful old building. I've read that being near train tracks can be very disorienting for some people.

Taken For Granted said...

Too bad the station art gallery was closed, but the building is great looking. Looks like the trains are fenced off from the station. How do people get to the trains?

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely building. There is something really neat about watching a train coming into the station.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That's cool to have a train pass by that close.

cieldequimper said...

How delightful! I've never seen a round train station before! Love the last shot too!

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) What a splendid idea to have an art gallery inside a train station, and a very attractive round building it is too, especially. like the fresh looking flowers in the plant pots.Perhaps on your next visit the gallery will be open!

Linda W. said...

What a cute building, and nice fall colors too!

Amy at love made my home said...

A very unusual and interesting station! xx

Reader Wil said...

Splendid photos, especially those with the golden trees!
Thanks for sharing and for your visit.
Wil,ABCW Team.

4 Lettre Words said...

So lovely! There's just something about trains.

Fun60 said...

What a pity it was closed. That train looked a bit too close.

carol l mckenna said...

Now, that's a train! Gorgeous photography!

Wishing you a happy week,
artmusedog and carol

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nicely captured photos of the station and the train!

colleen said...

Bright and nostalgic. I miss trains.

Hilary said...

Very cool.. you.. ummm.. tracked one down. ;)

Bethany Carson said...

Love your photos of the tracks and of the train! This reminds me of a little old train station in a nearby town that I keep thinking of visiting and photographing.

Stephanie said...

Such a pretty train station.

Birgitta said...

What a pretty station! Great photography!

Kay said...

Great looking station! Too bad it wasn't open. But the area looks very pretty.

Small Kucing said...

It's a very pretty station. Quaint.

NatureFootstep said...

I like the old stations you have in your area. We don´t have much of it in Sweden. :(

Fine buildings and train

Anonymous said...

Fantastic shots, it may have been shut... but at least you saw a train!

s.c said...

Great train and great little station. What a contrast.

Anonymous said...

What a charming station!

Rose said...

Oh, it is a handsome train...I wondered what train system that was in the shot in the other photo. I like the colors of it, too. And love, love love, that train station...I wish I could see inside.

Wouldn't that end that you are showing be fun to have for a dining room!

Powell River Books said...

Trains are noisy, but they have a special kind of attraction for many. - Margy

EG CameraGirl said...

Not the same train company, Rose, but both are Canadian owned freight companies. The one at the station has ORANGE engines and is owned by Canadian National. The freight train on the trestle bridge is Canadian Pacific and the engines are RED. ;)

Jack said...

Jeez, EG, you are scaring me!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.