Sunday, August 23, 2009

Moody/ Monochrome Maniacs

Lake Simcoe just before a storm

  To find other maniacs crazy about monochromes, visit Aileni at


Anonymous said...

Moody for sure. I love those storm clouds.

Tom said...

What a great picture this is.. the sky is excellent and the detale is stunning..

If you get time nip over and meet Ammon Wrigley then read his poem The Homestead

Dagrun said...

One can really see the storm coming in. Beautiful contrasts in b&wh.

cieldequimper said...

It literally looks surreal. Fantastic shot.

Janet said...

Monochrome certainly does justice to the approaching bad weather.

annalarssonphotography said...

Great contrast EG!
And mood.

Have a nice week!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Looks like a MEAN storm a-coming.... Nice photo--and great contrasts.

Lorac said...

I got a real "Beaver Cleaver" feeling looking at this pic. The back and white took me back instantly in time. Like it, Thanks!

James said...

Awesome shot! That is a really good time to take a picture either before or after a storm.

Anne said...

Beautiful skies and a beautiful place :-) even if the rain was on its way :-))

Petunia said...

Like the contrasts in your shot! Great image!

This is my first time on monochrome weekly .
You find my picture here

Anonymous said...

That picture has the quality of a print from film. I like it very much.

judi/Gmj said...

fantastic, again, that is starting to sound redundant. really a nice one, I can almost smell the ozone.

Liz Hinds said...

That sky is incredibly dramatic.

Ashley said...

Wonderful black and white. I love the feeling in this image!

christina said...

Yes, i can se in the sky that it´s an exiting weather coming!

Nice picture!


Susan said...

What a fantastic shot! I have been to Lake Simcoe many times and you, my friend have captured one of those dark and stormy days. Very well done!

Lowell said...

Lake Simcoe is very large, right? In other words a storm brewing off the lake could be quite strong.

Needless to say (but I will anyway), you came through with another super b&w shot. Lots of interest; great play of light and shadow.

Miranda said...

I love this, in black and white it looks like an even more fierce storm.

Shammickite said...

I was just checking through your blogs and was wondering which EG river is home to the EG Hippo!!! (I knew it was the Toronto Zoo all anong!) Did you get the storm last Thursday? Quite a lot of damage near here, but not much in Stouffville, thank goodness.

Becky said...

Those clouds look so familiar, and I can almost see the wind blowing.

Day4plus said...

Those clouds are downright scary. Great shot though. MB

PERBS said...

This photo was perfect in black and white. There is so much expression in it that would be lost in a color photo.

Rune Eide said...

You have caught the waves very well. That is not easy in monochrome at that angle. I feel the storm coming!

Cezar and Léia said...

This lake looks peaceful now!Great b&W shot!You did a fabulous work one more time, congratulations EG!

John said...

Nice shot, especially with the cloud detail

Rose said...

I always love your monochrome shots...this is not exception. It is wonderful.


Wonderful shot, and very suitable for monochrome! Love the moody sky!

Thanks for all your kind words on my blog, while I was on vacation!

Roan said...

I think B&W makes the storm even more threatening. Love it!

Daryl said...

Wonderful scenery

Unknown said...

Well done. I love, love this shot.

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

Absolutely moody, true! And the sky looks so dramatic. It works pretty well in B&W. Hope the storm was not as fierce as the clouds were promising.

Unknown said...

Very nice picture, to a point of scary actually LOL...

Gemma Wiseman said...

Wonderful sense of moody tones throughout this landscape! The monochrome accentuates the drama of the sky!

dot said...

Very moody for sure! I love it!

Bim said...

The clouds in b&w are extraordinary!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.