Saturday, April 9, 2011

Old Mill/SOOC

Roof lines on the Old Mill Inn & Spa, Toronto

To see more photos straight out of the camera, visit Jan's  SOOC at Murietta365.


Kathy said...

Reroofing must be like putting together a puzzle.

Lois Evensen said...

What a wonderful image of angles and textures. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Lovely roof tops.

Janie said...

I like the old fashioned weather vanes and the clock. Nice shot!

Lúcia said...

Very nice composition!
Beautiful roofs, we don't have roof like these over here.
Have a good Sunday!

Birdman said...

Roof lines always make for cool shots.

Lorac said...

Love the wind vanes!!Does the clock work?

Michelle said...

Quite an appealing roof line.

Jan said...

Do you think the weather vanes are communicating? I love this shot, did you stay here?

Rose said...

What an interesting roof line....looks like a real shake roof!

Anonymous said...

I love that shot. The weathervanes and wood shingles are so rustic and beautiful.


Randy said...

I would not want to reroof that steep roof.

Momgen said...

Great shot for SOOC Sunday...

mine is up

Nicolette said...

Wonderful photo of the roof... Love the weather vane and clock tower...

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a wonderful roof! I also really like your swans in the previous post

DawnTreader said...

I like those rooftops and weathercocks!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

A geometer's heaven. I love all the lines and angles.

George said...

I really like the roof lines (and weather vanes) of this building. Thanks for a fascinating shot.

Cildemer said...

Just beautiful!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice day****

Lisa said...

Very Very Nice.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.