Wednesday, July 6, 2011

L/ Alphabe-Thursday

LOMO effect: distortion at the edges, twisted colours and high contrast

LOMO is short for LOMOgraphy, a photo fad that began in1990s based on a low-tech Russian camera (LOMO Kompakt Automat) just right for taking a playful, be-fast-and-don't-think snapshot.  I'm sure most of you remember the Bobby McFerrin song "Don't Worry, Be Happy" - the perfect attitude for snapping with a LOMO  camera.

Well, I don't have a LOMO Kompakt Automat camera, but I did experiment in Photoshop Elements to simulate the effect.

Original photo

Above you can see the photo I started with.  And if you go HERE you can learn how I played with it.

LOMO effect

And here's another photo altered in Photoshop.

Original photo

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


TexWisGirl said...

beautiful! i like it very much!

VioletSky said...

This is very cool. There is also a LOMO effect on Picnik that I use,though I don't think you can control the effect as well as from this tutorial... which btw, thanks for the link - reading the comments was also very entertaining!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love it. I have a Lomo camera and use it a lot but I've been known to alter digital camera photos also.

cieldequimper said...

I've been experimenting with light lomo effects lately. I really like the way these turned out. That chair is too small for me unfortunately... :-)

Stephanie said...

Hi there! Awhile ago you left a comment on my blog saying you would tell me how you would do your collages/mosaics. I have tried locating your email address and cannot locate it. You can email me at: . I do not use this email very often. Please email you addy there and will respond from my blog email addy. I really like to know how you did it. Thanks!

I have looked at all your other earlier blogs to today, so enjoy looking at them all.

Malyss said...

I'm not very gifted with technical things, but I love the effects on your pictures! I especially like the first one!

Judie said...

Fantastic! I love the effects! I just wish I wasn't such a lame-brain when it comes to photoshop.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! I dely on the get luck button on Picasa!

Jack said...

Once again, I am being left behind by technology.

Kate said...

iphoto with Apple computers also has a techniqe similar to your lomo effect.

Pat said...

What an interesting draws the viewer right into the image. Well done!

Randy said...

I like the technique used in the first shot!

Andrea said...

wow those are lovely effects. The Olympus DSLR has somewhat like those effects too. Beautiful edited photos.

Francisca said...

Super entry for L. I've been playing with the Lomo effect in PS too. Maybe because so very many of my shots are the "on the run - be fast and don't think" kind! :-D

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

There is so much you can do with photo manipulation. I enjoyed reading about how you did it.

Darla said...

Very cool! I really enjoyed seeing the before and after shots.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

flowers in the window box, they are fake? (sorry I asked)

Tes said...

Cool effects, but I got distracted by your lovely yard! So pretty! :)

MadSnapper said...

I love the LOMO and will be headed over to see how you did it. hope i can do it in PS 7, i don't have the new PS

ellen b. said...

Oh...this is fun. I might have to experiment!

Martha Z said...

Interesting, I play with Elements a lot but have never tried the LOMO effect. Seeing this maybe I'll give it a try.

penny said...

They both look fantastic.. you did a great job with elements. I especially like the first photo, it looks so inviting.


Gattina said...

Very interesting ! never heard of it. The pictures come out very nice !

kayerj said...

the first shot is so summery :)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fantastic effect and beautiful photos! Have a great weekend..

Cheryl said...

Still haven't figured out how to use PS, but I'm getting quite competent at Picasa. I lurve lomo but I like to play around with a few affects at once too.

Great snaps and great edits.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

wow, smart trick, thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

I love LOMO :) I actually have a LOMO camera but I don't use it as much since the film is expensive to buy in Japan. I really love how you used Photoshop Elements to simulate the effect though. I looks very much like you took it with a LOMO camera :)

Rose said...

Oh, EG, I love both of these.

Jenny said...

Love this technique. What a lovely transformation.

The house is lovely...with or without photo manipulation!

Thanks for sharing this week.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.