Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tobermory/ Sky Watch

Sunset last week over Tobermory, Ontario

The sunsets this week have not been great, as our skies have been almost totally cloud free, which is fabulous during the day but at sundown...not so much

 Ferry docked at Tobermory

 The ferry in the photo travels between Tobermory and Manitoulin Island, another place I would like to explore some day.

Tobermory is where the red bulb is pointing

To see tons of beautiful skies from around the world, visit


Andy said...

Even with the lack of clouds you still did a great capture. Keep on clicking.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Even though there weren't many clouds and maybe even because of this, there is such a lovely soft golden glow on the water, beautiful images.

Anonymous said...

Another glorious sunset!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

There is such romance in sunsets, isn't there?

Tanya Breese said...

you still managed a good one! i'll take your skies, ours have been grey and wet, blah!

Buttons Thoughts said...

I love it. I have never been here but hope to get there someday. I just love the sound of the name Tobermory don't you agree. It just flows off your tongue. B

Lowell said...

One does need clouds to get good sunsets but then you did just fine without them in these photos. I really like the first shot - putting the day to bed!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

These are fantastic photos of sky by the water!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Fantastic shots and gorgeous scenes.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful pics. We've had clear skies here also.

Nature Rambles said...

Love those colours! Beautiful!

Judy said...

I never seem to get enough of your sky shots...wonderful!

MadSnapper said...

I love sky pics, i love watching the sky, over water over mountains and on flat ground. the sky is amazing, even when raining or storms are brewing. sky watching is one of my most favorite things to do. this morning from the back yard, the clouds out at the beach were brilliant pink, but we have TREES that block the photo, but i can enjoy it each day

Anonymous said...

The golden glow in the clouds is so pretty.

Halcyon said...

Fantastic colors!

Torunn said...

Beautiful orange clouds in the sky. Great pictures.

Gillian Olson said...

Lovely pictures.

Martha Z said...

Yes, cloudless skies are not very interesting to the photographer. Always at the ready, you did manage to find a nice sunset.

Karen said...

Great shots! I like the subtle reflections on the water. You really should take the Chi-Cheemaun to Manitoulin, it's a beautiful place.

RedPat said...

Another pair of beauties! Postcard-worthy!

Lisa Gordon said...

That sky is absolutely glowing!!
Both of these are just gorgeous.

VP said...

Gorgeous pictures: this sky is alive!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful! And yes, gorgeous sunsets are the gift of a cloudy day!

Carver said...

Those are lovely sunsets. I know what you mean about clouds adding to sunsets but these had enough variation to be quite beautiful.

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous skies, colors and clouds and what a gift they are! Superb captures as always!! Happy SWF! Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

first off what a beautiful sunset.

second, i agree that thre are plenty of places within our area that needed to be explored.

have a lovely weekend.

Unknown said...

Just take the ferry and you're almost here!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Pearl Maple said...

Fabulous colours from a pretty corner of the world, thanks for sharing with SWF

Carletta said...

I think you caught that wonderful time of evening in the first image just beautifully!


What a glorious sky you have caught in your camera!

Madge Bloom @ The View From Right Here said...

Beautiful that ferry shot!

Kim, USA said...

Love it!!

Sky Watch

George said...

The color of the sky in your first picture especially is just incredible. This is a fantastic capture.

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful sky with such a special color. Great shot

joo said...

Gorgeous sky - colours are simply fabulous!

clairz said...

I like to imagine spending the day in this lovely place.

Elisabeth said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Hope you have a great weekend.

Reader Wil said...

Your sunsets are very beautiful! Better than the ones I take. But it is the enthusiasm we show that counts.Have a great weekend!

BernieH said...

Fabulous golden colours.

NatureFootstep said...

I love when the water takes the color it has in your shots. :)

Michelle said...

Great sky color!

theconstantwalker said...

Beautiful images... I have just had a wonderful browse around your blog. Many thanks for sharing.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful skies and colors. Wonderful skywatch captures. Have a great weekend!

Lesley said...

Beautiful golden glow. It must have been quite a nice view from the Chee Cheemaun.

Kay L. Davies said...

You can't go too far wrong with boats, docks, ferries, and sunsets. Gorgeous!

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

VioletSky said...

The top of the Bruce has the most amazing sunsets.

SandyCarlson said...

So very beautiful, my friend. Gorgeous.

Saun said...

Beautiful skies...

Kateri said...

Wow, these are the golden color of the sky.

Randy said...

What a great thing to see while floating on the water.

Ms. Becky said...

whoa - Tobermory (love that name) is right out there on that point alright! your photos have a distinct look always - I could spot them on a gallery wall I do believe. I'm just enthralled by the light on that water. that is one glorious sunset. man, I love that photo EG. really nice. happy SWF to you!

Linnea said...

To me those skies are pretty spectacular!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I live at a point, and people come specially to view the sun rise and sunset and view the moon. I have yet to do it. Weather is still lousy.

Ebie said...

I love the golden "clumps" of clouds, the soft shimmering reflection, and perfect place to be to sky watch!

Hildred said...

Beautiful golden lights.

Stewart M said...

I like it when I find places that share names with other places that I have visited. Tobermory in Scotland was one of the last places in Scotland I went to before I moved overseas!

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Gattina said...

Still you managed to take these beautiful pictures !

DJ said...

beautiful golden clouds!

Colin Campbell said...

Tobermory in Scotland looks very different. It is almost always raining there. Lovely shot.

Inger-M said...

A sky aglow, so beautiful!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.