Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Y/ Alphabe-Thursday

 YELLOW submarine, side view

This vehicle is parked at the side of the road in front of a company that sells vintage cars. I'm not sure if it's there just to get attention (it certainly got mine!) or if it is also used in parades...or whatever.  What do YOU think it's used for?

YELLOW submarine, front or back view

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Leif Hagen said...

It would have caught my attention and I would have jumped out of my car for a photo, too!
Just singin' - "We all live in a yellow submarine......"

MadSnapper said...

I am thinking it is really way cool what ever they use it for. parades would be my guess

Zosia said...

"As we live a life of ease(life of ease)
Every one of us(every one of us) has all we need,(has all we need)
Sky of blue,(sky of blue) and sea green,(sea of green)
In our yellow(In our yellow) submarine.(submarine) ( Haha! )"
The Beatles

Janie said...

I wonder if it's actually drivable. It would be cute in parades!

RedPat said...

Must be for parades!

Tina´s PicStory said...

thats so cool :)

Lowell said...

It's used to ply the depths of Lake Simcoe, looking for dastardly spies from Minnesota who are seeking to destroy all the fish in Lake Simcoe in order to foist a dastardly plot to force all Ontario persons to eat lutefisk at Xmas.

Hey, it could happen. Minnesota full of dastardly spies! Mostly Norwegians, though.

ormbunke said...

Det måste vara en blandning mellan ett flygplan och en Ubåt. Ha de gott. Anita

Small City Scenes said...

Oh Jacob!!! He must be Norwegian and a fisherman---oh no he's a golfer. Maybe the machine is used to find golf balls that Jacob has plunked in the water.

Do the Beatles know about this??? MB

Craver Vii said...

I'm sure it's perfect for music videos, but especially a favorite for photos.

The idea of using a sub to find lost golf balls is hilarious. said...

What ever the use, I would love to ride in it. That is really cool.

SandyCarlson said...

I think it's used for smiling at traffic in a buck-toothed-tire sort of way! And communicating with aliens.

Michelle said...


Saun said...

hmm,not sure

Andrea said...

yes that is funny and lovely. Kids will surely love it in the partk!

Splendid Little Stars said...

That is one crazy vehicle!
dastardly spies!
golf balls!
No matter what, attention it does attract!

Esther Joy said...

"We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine..." Reminds me of that old song!

H said...

I'm still trying to work out which end is which. I thought your 'front view' photo was the back :D

It looks vaguely tank like. Maybe they use it for paintballing.

jfb57 said...

Now that's my era!

Malyss said...

Made to inspire the Beatles and the photographers passing by...:o)

Anonymous said...

Great photo op!..Love the "Yellow" sub!!

Anonymous said...

It's a great marketing device. I would have stopped to have a look, too! =>

Anonymous said...

My son would love this!

Lola said...

Great marketing opportunity!

Happy Alphabe-Thursday!



Gillian Olson said...

Great shots, but no idea what it would be used for.

storybeader said...

adorable! It caught my attention, and I just saw the words! {:-Deb

Gattina said...

This car makes me laugh, I wished I could rent it for a day to do my shopping, I am sure I would be noticed like Angela Jolie !

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what it would be used for, but it would get a person's attention! What a fun Y post!


ellen b. said...

What a great find! I really love the photo above this post, too. It really looks like a fine oil painting...

Rose said...

Have no idea why its there, but I am glad it there till you could photograph it.

Pondside said...

I'd have snapped that too!
I think it was built to sail to BC, and then the builder realised that there might be an obstacle or two on the way, so beached it right there.

The Poet said...

Whatever it's used for, it's certainly good advertising!

Nice photos!

Thanks for sharing.

Yesterday With You

Unknown said...

Wow! That is indeed eye-catching! I hope you find out what it is!

Jenny said...

I love it!

Wow! Definitely and eye catcher!

I would have jumped out to get a picture, too, and probably knocked on the door trying to get more info while my husband ducked down in the car in shame at my brazen personality!

Thanks for the smile! I really enjoyed your Y link!


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.