Wednesday, November 16, 2011

C/ Alphabe-Thursday

 CHAIR made of skis

This week's Alphabe-Thursday challenge: C

Here's an idea for recycling skis, which I think is rather clever. Have you ever seen this style of chair before?

A second CHAIR made of skis

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Jill said...

This is great!

unrosetoinviacerreto said...


Jenn Jilks said...

You find the most incredible shots!

And, yes, 13,000 photos now. Many of the grandkids. What can I say????

I love digital photography!

Cheers from Cottage Country!

wildcatwoods said...

We live in a ski area where making chairs of old skis is popular. These are great.

Carolina Mts

Buttons Thoughts said...

I have never seen it it is very cool. B

MadSnapper said...

a fun chair for sure. when i saw the top of the skis and the letter C i thought you had lost it. cute

Andy said...

What a coincidence! I just photographed a similar chair made from hockey sticks.

Small City Scenes said...

Pretty clever and also a good idea. MB

Malyss said...

A great idea in those times where we all need to be careful with money!Did you sit there? are they comfortable?..

Gillian Olson said...

I have never seen this before, but it seems like a good way to recycle old skis.

Zosia said...

Fine and colourful recycling.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Clever Canadian Chair on C day.

Paulie said...

A great day for me to stop in to visit! Love those ski "benches." The ones I have seen are shortened tho. . . guess they cut the skis in half to make a longer bench?

cieldequimper said...

Those are great (but don't ever ask me to get onto skis! I prefer bobsleighing!)

Lowell said...

Oh, I really like these! Very creative and colorful!

Darla said...

Never seen a chair like this but you know how much I like repurposed things.


Anonymous said...

So colorful! And a great way to reduce, reuse, recycle. =>

Tina´s PicStory said...

so cool and very clever :)

Diane said...

What a creative chair! :)

Kate said...

I want one of these! Wait! I already gave all of ours away. Great design!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I have a neighbor who has a fence around his house made of skiis...

so cool!

Mary said...

Love these chairs! Too creative!!!

Craver Vii said...

Hilarious! I can see someone flying down the slopes in the customized Adirondack. Whoosh!!

Saun said...

Nope never seen anything like it.

Kathy said...

Ingenious but I think it probably needs some cushions!

Unknown said...

Wow, that's a pretty crazy looking chair! Great way to recycle old skis though!

Jack said...

Hah! An Adirondack chair made of skis! Way cool.

George said...

I haven't seen any chairs made from skis, but I do think it's a clever idea.

Elisa N Viajes said...

It´s wonderful, and quite original!
If you could leave a vote for my french blog ( Contest)
It will be top!
Thanks and greetings
Elisa, Argentina

Rose said...

They would be for least that was my first thought when I saw what it was.

penny said...

If the chair had skies on the bottom I just might try sliding down a slippery slope.
I love the rainbow of colors.


SandyCarlson said...

Those are great chairs. Around me, that would be the safest use of skis!

Kalyan Panja said...

lovely captures!

Carol Kilgore said...

Unique chairs! Love them.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting today.

Randy said...

I would love a set of these!

anitamombanita said...

my husband got hold of a bunch of discarded snow boards and did the same. they're so fun!

Lola said...

Lovely images!

Have a great weekend & look forward to *seeing* you again soon.

Have a great Alphabe-Thursday

ellen b. said...

I really enjoy the things you "see" with your camera lens! Great letter C entry!

Anonymous said...

What a great way to recycle!

Susan Anderson said...

How totally cool is that??


21 Wits said...

Ah we'll be needing these soon! We won't have our first snow this year until this weekend, but at the Buck Hill not far from my house they are already busy making snow!

Karen said...

We have 2 chairs like that at the cottage! Love 'em.

Sandy said...

This is something I've never seen before,, guess it's because I don't ski... did you make them?
great shots

kayerj said...

skii season is here, that means it is winter.

Pondside said...

I've never seen such a thing - but there is a fence of skis near here.

Judie said...

What a clever use of old skis!!!

Jenny said...

I've never seen this before, but it is sooooo clever!

I love all the colors and the clean, modern lines of this design!

Thanks for a delightful stop for the letter "C" this week.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.