Wednesday, April 25, 2012


 Church windows, Jackson's Point, Ontario

WINDOWS, a great w-word. Here are just a few to get you thinking about their various shapes and patterns.

 Greenhouse windows

Here I loved the curved lines created by the tubes as they related to the angles and lines of the window parts.

 Porch windows

Originally I took this photo because I liked the shadows. Doesn't the repeated pattern remind you of  a plaid?

Barn windows - altered!

Okay, I admit this is NOT what the windows looked like unaltered.  This version makes me smile and I hope it curves your lips upwards too. What I did was apply planet photography to the original, which you can try on a photo of your own by  clicking HERE.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Buttons Thoughts said...

Awesome I love church windows. I do see the plaid nice.
I love the barn window until I read about your change I was wondering where I could see such a cool window. I love it well done. B

Kathy said...

Stained glass church windows that swing out: unique and lovely to boot!

Leif Hagen said...

A heavenly photo of some beautiful, stained glass church windows!

Gill - That British Woman said...

the church windows are wonderful, going with the "W" theme!!


Cezar and Léia said...

The first picture is my favorite, I love the detail of the open window and the stained glass is beautiful!

Roan said...

I don't think I've ever seen a stained glass window that opens quite like that. Very nice. And Yes, I had to smile at that last one.

MadSnapper said...

those first windows are sooo cool. love the fact they open like that, and one of them open makes this so murch more interesting. they are beautiful. cool porch windows to. like the planet barn

Splendid Little Stars said...

Windows is a great W word! Your photos definitely brought a smile to my face! Cool effect on the altered barn windows!

VP said...

Fascinating mix of very different windows...

Profile Not Available said...

I love the church windows...surprised to see that they could be opened!

Paul in Powell River said...

The church window is nice for it's colour, but the porch window with the blinds and shadows is a terrific shot!

Judy said...

Great series of windows. I collect pictures of windows myself and find them to be fascinating. The altered barn window did make me smile.

Lowell said...

You did a fine job with windows. Do you wash windows? Just checking.

Love those stained glass windows and I like the way they open...haven't seen that kind of thing for years!

The last shot is right up my alley, too!

TexWisGirl said...

love the way the church window opens! :)

Jill said...

LOVE the altered windows!

Rose said...

I do like the altered version...

RedPat said...

Love those church windows!

Linnea said...

Those are all wonderful. I especially like how you captured the geometric patterns in the last two. Thanks for stopping by!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely photos! The last one looks like a windmill! :-)

Birdman said...

Stained glass church windows... can ya beat 'em?

Nancy said...

The open stained glass window is beautiful!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Love the stained glass! So beautiful! said...

What a fun, fun, fun series of windows. The church windows, and the unusual way they open are really show stopping, as are your altered barn windows. Great shots.

Craver Vii said...

I can't decide which I like best, the church windows, plaid or planet. They're all so cool!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful variety of windows! I love the first ones, and the barn windows are so fun the way you've changed them.

Elisa N Viajes said...

Wonderful windows, vitraux and colors!

Judie said...

These are simply fabulous window photos! Photographing windows is certainly a challenge, but you have mastered it.

Anonymous said...

The windows do look plaid! Loved this post!

Pat Tillett said...

Lot's of different angles and shapes here. Nice photos! The barn windows kept me staring at them for a bit...

Stephanie said...

Those are great shots. Thanks on the link on how to do that roundabout feature on a photo.

Randy said...

I like the way the first windows open.

Ebie said...

I am fascinated on the last photo. I am going to check out that application.

Mildred said...

Very nice series!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a great day****

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Beautiful windows! I always like to see stained glass and barn window.

Hootin Anni said...

I especially like the effects you've used of the barn windows. That is awesome.

WINGS TO FLY is my Thursday Post Link. Stop by if you can. I'd love your company!!

Susan said...

Wow, these photos are awesome. I love the repeated shadows on the porch windows!

Tracy said...

Hi love this blog post thank you for sharing

Susan Anderson said...

Cool window shots...altered and un-.


Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

Very cool. I liked the porch windows the best, very graphic. I've never thought of using a theme to take pictures. I really like it.

Darla said...

Wonderful Windows...great W.


Pondside said...

We seriously considered a house in Jackson's Point way back in 1980. It was such a pretty spot.

Zosia said...

Wonderful, colourful, artful.

H said...

Stained glass windows are so beautiful. I love to see them. The shadows on your porch windows are so clean; crisp lines :)

Anonymous said...

I am entranced by stained glass windows- always have been..... Thank you for sharing your lovely pics!

Jenny said...

What a Wonderful post for the letter W.

Very creative!

I love the altered barn Windows...

Thanks for linking.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.