Wednesday, July 11, 2012


 House wren assessing whether this is - or is not - the perfect nesting place

Last week, a house wren moved into our neighbourhood. Into our garden, actually.

 A  longer view

At first the wren was all alone. It appeared to be calling out hour after hour for a mate to join it:  Look what I found! I'll be a great mom (or dad).

 Cleaning out the former nest

On speculation, it began house cleaning. Earlier this year, a chickadee family occupied this dwelling and left the place sooo untidy!

However, last July a house wren lived here. (Hmmm. Could this have been the same one?) Truth be told, the chickadees also had  to clean up before moving in.

Happiness is singing your heart out

Well, cleanliness must be next to Godliness, as the saying goes: Yoohoo! Are you out there? The house is ready!

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Giga said...

Oby znalazł towarzystwo i byli razem w posprzątanym domku. Bardzo ładne zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam.
May the company and they were found together in a clean house. Very nice pictures. Yours.

Muffy's Marks said...

Oh the joys of a new home. Great photos!

Laura said...

lovely series...and yes indeed happiness is so often born of singing and a nice tidy home!

Jill said...

This is delightful! Great photos and narrative!

MadSnapper said...

hope you get a new family soon.

Reena said...

Oh so cool! I'd love to have some wrens move in. AND, I was always trying to figure how to hand my little houses and see what you used. That would work well!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Hope he/she found a mate for the new home!

Darla said...

New tenants. I'm sure you are a good landlady.


Anonymous said...

Such gorgeous shots!

George said...

Thanks for a neat photo sequence. I hopw the wren has found a mate.

Gillian Olson said...

Great series, hope you have a full family of tennants soon.

TexWisGirl said...

so cute! hope it nests!

Shammickite said...

I hope Jenny Wren finds a mate soon, or perhaps it's Johnny Wren..... I guess they'll work out who's who without our help!

Francisca said...

I first heard the expression "cleanliness is next to godliness" from the janitor in my Grade 9 school, but when he wrote it in my friendship book he added, "except at Inglewood, where it's next to impossible." What a way to remember someone! He was a nice guy. Your house wren and her happy home are heart warming...

Ruth Hiebert said...

I hope they decide to build their home there. You should be able to get lots of great pictures that way.

Everything Changes said...

Love it!

Paul in Powell River said...

Very nice catch!!

FAB said...

I do hope they have another sucessful nesting season.

RedPat said...

I can hardly wait to see the babies!

Lowell said...

I've heard that chickadees and wrens both leave a mess.

Very cute post. But I think in that first shot the wren is wrenching its neck to hear the sound of your camera clicking so it can stop posing and get back to work!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Aw poor little lonesome thing. Hope he (she) has finally found a mate. In Florida, we had a red-bellied woodpecker who spent weeks making noise searching for a mate -- but I'm betting any amount of money that your wren sounds a lot prettier singing than the woodpecker did pounding and squawking.

Joop Zand said...

Your blog looks very nice.

thanks for your comment.

Greetings, Joop

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

How sweet! Lovely lovely shots...

NatureFootstep said...

great shots of a difficult bird to shoot. At least for me. It always eludes me.

renae said...

Beautiful birdy shots. My Grandmother on my Dad's side was a great bird person.

Thanks for your comment. Yes, extended family is more like life-long friends, but that is all getting older.....


Erika said...

Great shots. We have a nest on our front porch and I cannot get anything of the birds.

Anonymous said...

I hope s/he finds someone to share that lovely little nest. :-)

Fábio Martins said...

The small bird is so cute :)


Happiness is a newly cleaned home! Lovely bird too, and how sweet if it were the same wren.

Rohrerbot said...

Love it!!! I have a bird house in the garden but no takers...yet! Enjoy the fun. It's a compliment to you when someone says...Thank you and stays to raise their family in your garden;)

Randy said...

I love that first shot.

Stephanie said...

Cute shots! Hope they made themselves at home in their new place.

Jack said...

Fine bird photos again, EG. I have a bird house against the garage, which has been ignored for years, but this year has a tenant!

Esther Joy said...

Wrens are so cute, but its hard to believe their powerful song can come out of that little body!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

oh I love these photos! amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

These look like they should be part of a children's book on birds!

Naperville Now said...

great shots all! love.

Rose said...

I love wrens....

anitamombanita said...

Very cute little friend!

My name is Riet said...

Gorgeous photo's lovely bird and I love its house.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your birds ... sadly we don't have many in our garden

Lmkazmierczak said...

So perky, so purposeful...wonderful shots♫♪

Jim said...

I like your 'clean' bird. The house she/he picked is really neat.
Speaking of neat, you took some really neat pictures of this bird.

Judie said...

Wonderful photos! I'm sure I'll be doing some cleaning when we move into our house on the coast!

Susan Anderson said...

We love it when birds nest in our yard...

And the photos are great!


Pondside said...

I love to see a new little family build a nest in our wisteria - it happens every year. Your photos strike me as a lot like the water colours of Marjolain Bastien - beautiful.

Jenny said...

What wonderful captures!

I love all the texure on the birdhouse and the happy little bird!

Thanks for sharing this!


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.