Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Portable shade

U is for umbrella or umbrolly

Remember summer - seems so long ago, doesn't it - and that fashionable, colourful accessory,  the beach UMBRELLA?

 A very hot day

In this photo, it looks like some beach goers preferred to  be in the sun.

Sharing their shade

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


'Tsuki said...

Sharing shades is so sweet ! I like this sharing thing, a lot.

Kerri Farley said...

It's chilly here .... I could use some beach weather right now :)

Andy said...

What goes around comes around. Summer will be back.

Cloudy said...

Ach ja, dort wäre ich jetzt gerne...

Lieben herbstlichen Gruß und Fröhlichkeit!


Suburban Girl said...

Seems like ages ago! And it is only October.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

love how you call it "portable shade" ... sounds so cool. "warm" views there... needed that. it is chilly here. brr!! (:

Kathy said...

Summer was just a couple weeks ago here, although we've had a few cool nights. But I do love the beach umbrellas because that is something that requires a rather long drive to see!

Judy said...

I love that they are all each of a different color and pattern.

Darla said...

I think we are going to need a rain version of these pretty soon.


Michelle said...

You are bringing back some great summer memories.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh these are great they make me long for the warm.
I love the colours and the shadows you captured. B

MadSnapper said...

love all the colors and different styles of umbrellas.

George said...

I really like those colorful umbrellas. Your post has even helped me feel a little warmer on a cloudy, chilly day.

Stephanie said...

Nice fond memories of summer especially of the beach umbrellas. Great post!

TexWisGirl said...

makes for lots of pretty colors. :)

VP said...

In Italian, with scarce fantasy, we call it 'obrellone' (big umbrella)!

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful umbrellas, love the striped ones.

Carletta said...

Bright and colorful make believe shade!
Thanks for the look back at warmer days. It's definitely a cold fall day here.

Snowcatcher said...

These are such nice photos to view when it's cold outside! Thanks for reminding me of summer!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

The color is the best part of umbrellas, the shade is nice also.

Jack said...

Summer? Not here. Rainy and in the 50s. Love the bright colors of those umbrellas.

RedPat said...

I used my umbrella for the rain this morning but it is a colourful one!

Ellie said...

Oh what I would give to be sitting under one of those just now :)

Birdman said...

This is NOT Maine today... cold rain.

Lola said...

Great post!

Hope you’re having a great week too,

Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

Rose said...

What colorful umbrellas! I would love to be up high looking down on it all.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

The colors just seem to pop!

love it...

Lowell said...

You mean this wasn't take yesterday?

It's finally cooling down here a bit. Sixty-one degrees this morning. I almost needed a jacket on the golf course.

Lovely umbrellas!

A lot of your compadres have made their way back south...the roads and cafes are filling up again. Yikes!

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic photography of 'umbrellas' for U ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Jenn Jilks said...

I remember hot days!!!!
Cheers from Cottage Country!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Those are beautiful and colorful umbrellas!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Love your photography / fun U post!:)

A Colorful World said...

Summer doesn't seem so long ago was still close to 100 up until today and now it is finally in the high 70s! We certainly have sand...but no ocean! :-(

Along These Lines ... said...

We're still summery, just a few miles from the Gulf. Haven't put the brollies away yet.

Anonymous said...

I just love photographing beach umbrellas...they are always so colorful. You did a great job with these photos!

Midwestern City Girl said...

I, too love photos of beach umbrellas. They add so much color to the scenery. Great photos!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Great photos of beach umbrellas! It does seem like summer is so far away now!

Mary said...

Fun brellaa and summer thinking. I love summer best.

Small City Scenes said...

Summer??? Why does it disappear so fast. Monday was our last sunny and warm day and we took full advantage of it by playing and hiking.

No rain yet--it has been 80days since any measurable rain but Friday it is supposed to start in again. Well we do need it.

The umbrellas are quite gorgeous. MB


Love those bright splashes of umbrollies!:) I needed this dose of sunshine, thanks! (The weather channel didn't forecast all this rain.) Summer, come back!

anitamombanita said...

Reminds me of the beaches in southern France where you see so many colorful umbrellas in the sand. Fun!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'm lonesome for Florida now~

kayerj said...

you did a nice job capturing summer fun!

Susan Anderson said...

Portable shade is a very good thing to have.


Halcyon said...

I'm counting the days until summer returns! Although I got a taste of warmer weather when we were back in Mississippi over the weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

What lovely pictures! They make me want to go to the beach!

Anonymous said...

I am still happy to say farewell to summer. I love that last shot of the umbrellas!

VBR said...

As the weather here gets cooler, it is fun to see the umbrellas and beaches!!

Tracy said...

Sun!!! What sun my umbrella has been for rain

ImagesByCW | OceanDreamIllustration said...

Great umbrella shots! I never really go to very crowded beaches anymore, but I definitely can relate to your first shot :)

Thank you for visiting my Alphabe- Thursday: Underwater photos @ ImagesByCW

Judie said...

My beach umbrella stays in the back of my car so I can be ready at a moment's notice to go to our beautiful beach!!

Naperville Now said...

I'll return to this post in about 4weeks just so I can remember what the sun looks like.

Pondside said...

As I listen to the first rain of the season, I'm thinking of another sort of umbrella!

Jenny said...

We take this kind of umbrella to sporting events in the spring, summer and fall here in Arizona.

It's the only shade around.

People gather under the shade like ants to a picnic.

I'm glad the weather is cooler now. I'm not missing my umbrella at all!

Thanks for a fUn link for the letter "U".


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.