Wednesday, January 2, 2013


 Gazebo, Charlotte Beach, New York

G is for GAZEBOS

Gazebos are such lovely structures, don't you think? The first is strikingly beautiful especially in this early-morning winter light. Gazebos are often seen in public spaces but...

 Gazebo, Jackson's Point, Ontario

some are privately owned and are pretty additions to spacious gardens, even in winter.

Gazebo, somewhere in Ontario

And some are screened to keep out pesky summer bugs.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


MadSnapper said...

i like the golden light in the top of first one, and the screened one is not as pretty but is more practical, especially here, since we have bugs year round.

Darla said...

I need one of those in my back yard.


Janet said...

I want one.

Dianne said...

I love gazebos
very pretty shots

Judy said...

I have just the spot for one of these. They are so pretty, and that last one has a great reflection.

Taken For Granted said...

Lovely gazebo reflection. These are sometimes called "summer houses" so I suspect they don't get much use this time of year.

Kathy said...

I could do some nice relaxing in one of these.


Very pretty additions to any space, public or private. I love seeing these charming structures:)

Lowell said...

Wonderful series, EG. Our eldest daughter was married in a gazebo at a country club in south Florida. Worked out beautifully! The wedding and the marriage. :-)

Pamela Gordon said...

These are beautiful gazebos. I would love to have one. Sigh.....

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful gazebos, would love to have one of my own some day.
Happy New Year.

TexWisGirl said...

since i live in one, they're one of my favorite structures. :)

Jori said...

Wow! Beautiful! I would love to have a gazebo at my house.

Kerri Farley said...

I LOVE gazebos!!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Happy New Year Camera Girl I love your pics and Gazebos. You should check out the cool one in Gores Landing if you are ever driving through. B

Midwestern City Girl said...

I do love gazebos - they are such great places to sit in and watch the world go by. Great photos!

Susan Anderson said...

Gazebos are so romantic. Love them.


Judy said...

Gazebos are such lovely things, if you have a big enough back yard!! I love the one with the reflection!!

Sandy said...

The one in the snow is perfect.. so Pretty...
thanks for sharing

George said...

All three of these gazebos are beautiful, but I especially like your first photo.

Anonymous said...

I always thought it would be wonderful to have one in our yard.

Along These Lines ... said...

Great gazebos

Splendid Little Stars said...

These are lovely gazebos!
I'm remembering one on a beach on a Caribbean island.....

carol l mckenna said...

And they ARE gorgeous ~ wonderful photography ^_^

(A Creative Harbor aka ArtMusedog and Carol ^_^)

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Lovely shots!

I think gazebos are a beautiful reminder to slow down and enjoy nature when we can...

Linda said...

Those are gorgeous gazebos ... can't wait for nice weather to sit in ours again.

Anonymous said...

I do love gazebos! They seem so old-fashioned, a reminder of simpler more pleasant times. Great post!

ImagesByCW | OceanDreamIllustration said...

Gazebos to me are always very romantic. You captured them beautifully, I especially like the first one.

Janie said...

Happy New Year!
I enjoyed the great photos of gazebos, especially the first one with the golden light coming through the high openings.

Michelle said...

I think I need one on my farm!!

Naperville Now said...

excellent G post! love the gazebo in winter. wish we had room for one.

Randy said...

These are great. I love the first phone.

Jack said...

Your gazebos are great. The first one can come home with me.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That first picture is stunning. The light is just so perfect and that Gazebo is gorgeous.

Esther Joy said...

I love gazebos, and enjoyed your fantastic shots of them! Great G word!

Stephanie said...

Looks like a pretty place in the first shot. Nice shots!

Vintagesouthernlife said...

So pretty! I want one for my backyard but would need screens because of the 'skeeters here in the south.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful selection!

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

I love Gazebos so much...that I got married in one!!! Thanks for sharing.
Laurie @ Pride in Photos

Susan said...

I just love gazebos. So romantic!

Small City Scenes said...

I would love to have a gazebo. I had all the makings for my son in law to build me one but it never happened. I have used the lumber for other things now. MB

Snowcatcher said...

All beautiful; wonderful locale for family photos. But I think the golden glow in the first shot is my favorite.

Judie said...

Wonderful photos! We had a gazebo in Tucson, and I miss it!!

Dominique Goh said...

The gazebo's are really lovely. The first one is my favourite.

Pondside said...

I love a gazebo by the water - a summertime breakfast or time to read a book and doze off - the perfect place!

Jenny said...

I think gazebos are just grand!

They invoke my imagination and make me want to relax away my worries!

Thanks for letting me visit some lovely ones today!

And thank you for linking to the letter "G".


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.