Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Smile: you are on Candid Camera!

N is for NIKON

We had to back up to take this photo...even though I shoot with a Canon. (A little joking rivalry here: Canon vs. Nikon...and I'm really not sure which brand is better.)  The Nikon is at the side of the road because...

Rural delivery!

it's a mailbox. Hmmmm. I wonder if the owner is a blogger.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE 

I am also linking to Rurality Blog Hop HERE.


Suburban Girl said...

Oh my goodness that is awesome! I know some Nikon users who would love this.

Nicki said...

OMG - I can not wait to show this to my husband later today. Must.Have!!! Love it!

Rose said...

I shoot with a Canon, too...but had Nikon before digital...I love this. Not saying that I like NIkon better.

HansHB said...

I love Nikon!
Great post!

Gill - That British Woman said...

that is so neat. Never seen one like that before. Have noticed a few mail boxes down in our area, because the bloody snow plows have knocked them over!! Better not touch mine!


Linda said...

What a fabulous mailbox. I'm sure lots of people take photos of it. I've got a Canon and a Nikon (recent purchase).

Kate said...

What GREAT photos of a great mailbox. I've seen many along rural roads and some city sidewalk but never one as inventive as this. Get right back there and find out who this photographer might be!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What wonderful and unique photos ~

Anonymous said...

Wow! What wonderful and unique photos ~

MadSnapper said...

I wonder if there name is Nikon, i bet it is... I am going to show this to Bob and see if he will build me a Rebel mailbox, we need a new one so why not... ours is rusting away

Jori said...

How cool!!!!!

Darla said...

What fun. A camera buff surely lives there.


Kerri Farley said...

That is so cool!!!! LOVE it!

Birdman said...

Now, that IS quite a place to get your rural mail delivery.

Vores have said...

Fun Photo - Wish you a good day :) Hanne Bente

Krishna/കൃഷ്ണ said...

interesting post


Judy said...

This is so clever! I would have backed up too!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Haha! Now that is someone who takes their hobby/profession quite seriously! And whoever made the mailbox is quite the craftsperson!

Gail Dixon said...

I'm a Canon girl too, but I have to admit this is the most awesome mailbox ever!

Esther Joy said...

What a cool pix! My little "point and shoot" cool pix digital is a Nikon, and my other digital with zoom is a Canon. I love them both!

TexWisGirl said...

that is the COOLEST mailbox, ever!!!

Stephanie said...

Cool mailbox. The owners are obviously Niikon fans.


All I have are Canon and Panasonic point-and-shoots (still aiming for a real camera one day:), but I love this touch of Nikon whimsy!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Hmmmm,I wonder if this person shoots with a Nikon? It is definitely a unique mailbox.

Pamela Gordon said...

That is the coolest mailbox I think I've seen! I'm a Canon girl too. ;)

RedPat said...

Good one!

George said...

Even though I have a Canon, I really like this mailbox. Someone has used a lot of creativity to dream it up and make it.

cieldequimper said...

Now you know what you need to do: get yourself a Canon one!

Linda said...

This is really awesome and so unique!

Lowell said...

A terrific find. I've never seen a Nikon mailbox before but I like it as I shoot mostly with Nikon (and a couple of Canons)...

The owner may not be a blogger but is certainly creative and I'd bet is a photographer!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I want that with every fiber of my being....


Judy said...

That is totally AWESOME!!! I shoot with a Nikon :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ok, that's cool- I'm a Sony girl myself.

Anonymous said...

I want a mailbox like that! I'm a Nikon girl. :-)

Dana said...

That is so cool! Best mailbox ever. ☺

Jack said...

You sure don't see this every day!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a fabulous catch! Cute mailbox...really does make me wonder about the story behind this choice!

Midwestern City Girl said...

That mailbox is so cool! I'm a Canon girl myself but I respect Nikon owners as well.

Michelle said...

I so need this!!!! Except in the Canon version...

Elizabeth Edwards said...

awesome!!! love! ( :

Randy said...

Oh I want that! Every photo blogger should have one.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Ha, you get the find for the day. I like both Nikon and Canon.

Anonymous said...

What a cool mailbox! It does make you want to meet its owner.

Anonymous said...

Love it! I'm a Nikon girl myself, but I'd have stopped to admire even if it was a Canon. =>

Andy said...

Don't you wish you had one at your house.

Eden House News and views said...

We don't have mail boxes here in uk . If we did I would really love one like this thank you

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

What a fun mailbox! This reminds me of one out in the country on the way to my sisters house. Someone put a mailbox up very very high on a telephone pole and labeled it "AIRMAIL" :)

Janet said...

Genius! Whoever made this could sell 'em if he could just make them fast enough. I'd sure want one.

Lola said...

Hi again!

Fascinating *N* post – wish we could have those mailboxes here too. Great photography as always!

Have a great Alphabe-Thursday and weekend too,

Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

Peg said...

Cute mailbox! Not sure it would last long here. We have mailbox whackers... kids with nothing better to do than to drive around at night and smash mailboxes. I would hate to see this ruined.

Anonymous said...

Whoever made that should be selling them!!

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

OH MY have captured the BEST N image ever!!!! THis is beyond cool!! Kudos to YOU!

Naperville Now said...

I join in the chorus -- fantastic shot. Because you shoot with a Canon, go home and make your version of this.

Small City Scenes said...

I love this!!! I like Canon best but I have a Nikon right now. Well just because that's the way the camera clicks sometimes. MB

Phil Slade said...

What a brilliant idea to make a post box like that. Well spotted EG.

21 Wits said...

Now I know what I want hubby to make!

Anonymous said...

That has to be the best non-traditional mailbox I've seen yet! What a great find!


Susan Anderson said...

Classic! My DIL would be in heaven with that mail box.


Sandy said...

My Son would love this mail box
he lives in the wilderness of
Juneau and it would go with
the area...
Very nice

Lmkazmierczak said...

Would love delivering mail to that box....I am a rural carrier♫ Thanks for sharing♥

Gunn said...


Snowcatcher said...

Ultra cool! (spoken by a Nikon devotee) Really had to chuckle at the "camera" being "on the side of the road" too!

A Colorful World said...

GREAT mailbox! What an awesome find!

Kathy said...

Love it!

I'm a Canon girl too but I just bought one of the new super-duper Nikon Coolpix. Can't wait to try it out. 42X zoom. I may never wag a heavy camera and a bag of lenses around again!

Anonymous said...

That's the BEST mailbox I've ever seen! Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #3' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #4...

Jim said...

I like that mailbox, Ms. E.G.T.B
It wouldn't work in the U.S. because it is not of an 'approved' type or manufacturer.

My camera is a pocket Sony, my second. I also had a Kodak pocket camera. Each lasted for a little over 10,000 pictures.
Jim's Alphabe-Thursday

Carletta said...

COOL find!!

kayerj said...

what a fun shot for a photography buff.

Unknown said...

Ha. What a fun post. Need to see if the owner is a blogger too so we could invite them to party with us in Miss Jenny's class. lol

Jenny said...

What a nifty post!

This is the coolest mailbox I've ever seen!

I bet the people who live in that house are amazing!

Thanks for a fuN link for the letter 'N'.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.