Wednesday, August 14, 2013


 Viewing platform, Tiny Marsh

M is for MARSH.

Tiny Marsh is a great place to hike and take photos of wildlife.

View north from the platform

As you can see in this photo taken a couple of weeks ago, Tiny Marsh is NOT tiny but quite large.

View south from the platform

This photo was taken in June when the water was still high because a beaver family had built a dam to keep water from draining out of the marsh.

Sample of fauna in the marsh

This marsh is one of my favourite places for watching green herons.

Sample of flora in the marsh

The wildflowers there are continuously changing.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE 


Manav Singhi said...

Beautiful Clicks. . . I like Them. . . You have a Nice Day. . :)

Judy said...

I love that image of the green heron!!!! I don't have a good lens to capture birds, so I enjoy seeing yours!!

Lowell said...

Down this away we call these areas swamps! It does remind me of our mangrove swamps what with the slimy green water. Is this where you get some of your great bird photos?

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That is quite a marsh. The beavers down here get active in places also.

Kate said...

Marsh life is fascinating, and it looks as though you have a great viewing place.

MadSnapper said...

stunning views from the platform..

Kathy said...

I'm fascinated by the name. How did Tiny Marsh get its name?

The Furry Gnome said...

Looks great! I really must go there.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hi Kathy,

Good question. When Upper Canada (now Ontario) was being surveyed in the the late 18th century, Lieutenant Governor Simcoe must have run out of names for the various counties being formed so he named three of them after his dogs, one of which was named Tiny. True story. :)

TexWisGirl said...

a great green heron shot!

Shammickite said...

Tiny, Tay and Flos were Mrs Simcoe's dogs!

rainfield61 said...

That's a vantage point.

Anonymous said...

The platform looks like a perfect vantage point to spot the birds from!

Birdman said...

... and very much ALIVE, I'd wager.

Anonymous said...

That is a very impressive marsh. It's nice that there's a viewing platform there.

Leave It To Davis said...

I've never seen a marsh in person. It sure makes pretty pictures!

kayerj said...

what a beautiful place.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Wow! I would not mind walking around that Marsh area with plenty to see and shot. Great shots especially the heron

Small City Scenes said...

Cool shots. You reminded my that there is a marsh with wood trails or bridges and a viewing platform up Bellingham way. I must go up that way. Photo ops!!! MB

Maggid said...

to me it looks as if the birds are professional models . . your photos are THAT GOOD.

RedPat said...

Looks like a great place for a wander!

LisaS said...

beautiful photos. What an interesting place...

Stephanie said...

Beautiful heron show as well as the marsh.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous marsh photos ~ and nature's delights ~ thanks, carol, xo

Halcyon said...

That heron is beautiful. And that's no tiny marsh either! :)

Denise said...

So pretty. I wish I had just a tiny portion of your photography skills.

cieldequimper said...

I'm wriggling my nose like crazy feeling bewitched by these wonderful photos but I'm still sitting in Versailles :-(

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Amazing photos! Love that marsh!

Jill said...

So. Very. Pretty.

Esther Joy said...

Amazing what beauty can be found in a marsh!

Susan Anderson said...

Your photos are so vivid. Makes me feel like I'm there in person, right on top of that viewing platform!


Jeanne said...

What a great marsh and place to see birds. Love that viewing platform too

Rose said...

I wish we lived close to a marsh that was easily accesible...there is just so much that goes on at one. Love the heron.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures! Wow! The water really rose.

Randy said...

Nice place to watch the sunrise or sunset.

Lola said...

Superb *M* post – great photography!

Tiny Marsh is certainly anything but tiny!

Darla said...

Amazing marsh. I'll bet you sometimes just want to camp out on that viewing platform.


Lmkazmierczak said...

Dandy pics! Love how nature changes♥ My letter M:

fredamans said...

Some great things to see on that lookout!

Splendid Little Stars said...

What a fantastic place! Your photos are wonderful!

Jenny said...

I could sit on the outlook for hours and watch. Nice post.

Jenny said...

The marsh is so mysterious...

All the wildlife is absolutely magnificent!

Thanks for sharing this marvelous post for the letter "M".


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.