Wednesday, August 28, 2013


 Orange raft in small farm pond

O is for ORANGE

Although orange is sometimes a harsh colour, sometimes it's very beautiful. In the top photo I like the way the orange raft contrasts with the surrounding vegetation.

 Autumn in Muskoka

Yes, from my archives. Before I know it, October will be here, though.

 Winter sunrise in East Gwillimbury

And snow will follow.

Orange house trim

I wonder if an artist lives here.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE 

FYI City Daily Photo members: September 1st is CDP Theme Day. The theme is "Pink." To participate, link your post to the CDP theme day page.


Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful collection of colour. So love the autumn leaves and reflection. So rich. And lovely snowy image in the last photo.

Leave It To Davis said...

Love the sunburst effect of the wood in that house! And wow to the fall picture! Never seen anything like that in person....we don't have acres of trees turning into gold like that around here.

Michelle said...

I love seeing those leaves. Fall is my favorite!

Kate said...

Orange must be the new fall color?! Love the trim on the house.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love your "O"'s. I love summer especially the cool one we ware having this year but am looking forward to Fall.

Indrani said...

Beautiful greeting card type pictures.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ooh, I love them all!

Stephanie said...

Very nice series of orange themed shots.

Nancy said...

Orange is a great accent color -- lovely shots.

Anonymous said...

You've certainly found orange at it's best! I love the autumn leaves photo.

TexWisGirl said...

what a nice set.

Darla said...

Enjoyed your orange series. I like orange best in nature like the leaves you show.


Rose said...

Love all of these, EG! But especially the second...fall never lasts long enough for me to get tired of it.

Mersad said...

Love it. Beautiful collection of color.

Mersad Donko Photography

RedPat said...

I'm not ready to leave summer yet! ;-)

MadSnapper said...

i love the natural orange of nature but not so much on that old house, but i am thinking you are right and it might be an artist. i smiled at the raft in that tiny pond.

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful shots of orange. Love the house but that huge icicle means heat is escaping. I though the same thing about an artist living there. :) The fall scene and winter sky are stunning.

Small City Scenes said...

I love all the oranges. when I was a little one my favorite colors were Orange, Brown and Turquoise (sp?).
Fall is near. MB

Judy said...

I love that house!!!!! Even with the snow!!!

Andy said...

Orange you glad you had these photos in your archives? :)

Cynthia said...

That sunrise is so glorious! Great photo.

Anonymous said...

Lovely collection of photography for O ~ thanks, carol xo

Judy said...

I know I'm probably the only one, but I love the changing colors.

lissa said...

that's something to look forward to - the autumn season and the bright orange of the trees. wonderful orange pics.

have a sweet day.

Esther Joy said...

I always enjoy seeing what you came up with, and today was no exception! I loved the last photo the most. Really cool!

Jack said...

It is a clever grouping of orange photos. Orange is one of the colors of the year, isn't it?

Randy said...

Beautiful shots.

Anonymous said...

Your orange sky photo is totally amazing! I don't think I have ever seen a sky that color before.

CabinGirl said...

Lovely images :-)

Someone I love following on Twitter must live near you - he posts photos often from Muskoka - or at least I'm pretty sure it's that.

Love how social media connects so many dots!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

This was fun...especially the house with the orange trim!!! :)

Lmkazmierczak said...

Love how your eclectic subjects came together with the orange notch♫ My O:

Cassie said...

Beautiful photos! Fall is my favorite season...cannot get enough of the leaves changing colors!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

That second shot is quite breathtaking...

fredamans said...

I love the autumn colors!! It will be coming here soon!

Annesphamily said...

Beautiful, brilliant colors! I love the autumn and enjoyed your photos. Have a good weekend and thank you for sharing.

Jenny said...

Orange can make an ordinary object look good in a funky way...

The beauty of "Autumn in Muskoka" is overwhelming and I would be overjoyed to start my day out watching a sunrise like that!

Outstanding post for the letter "O"!

Thanks for linking.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.