Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Two paddlers, one boat


 Two paddlers, two boards

 Many paddlers, one boat

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE 


Gill - That British Woman said...

neat series of photos there and very appropriate.


cieldequimper said...

I'm paddling today too. Except I'm not in a boat. I'm just trying to paddle my way through a heap of files...

Buttons Thoughts said...

Love your images, the bottom one looks familiar, and I do not paddle:) B

Nancy said...

Love these -- speak of freedom to me. :)

The Cranky said...

It looks so relaxing; beautiful shots once again!

Kate said...

Being on the water is so relaxing, although in the top shot looks like the person is front is getting whacked on the head!

Giga said...

Ja najchętniej popłynęłabym ostatnią łodzią :)
I ran most recent boat :)

Darla said...

Looks like it is still warm enough to be one the water in your area.


Our photos said...

Lovely Photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

MadSnapper said...

the one guy in the second shot looks like he is walking on water.. hubby wants to try those boards, we saw them on TV

Pamela Gordon said...

A beautiful series of photos.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Last one looks stunning and peaceful

Anonymous said...

Lots of paddling going on!

Anonymous said...

The water is so calm in the last photo.

carol l mckenna said...

Fun post and fun and great photography ~ carol, xo

Esther Joy said...

That last photo is strikingly beautiful!

RedPat said...

I especially like the last pic too!

Michelle said...

I want to do that paddle board thing!

Jack said...

That first photo is funny. It looks like the woman behind is swatting her companion with her paddle.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful "P" post! I love your "p"ictures!

Randy said...

Great water shots.

Stephanie said...

Nice series of paddlers.

Vagabonde said...

Good pictures. I saw some people on single boards like you show. They were going down the Tennessee River in Chattanooga – I wondered how they could keep standing on the boards without falling.

Eden House News and views said...

perfectly picturesque paddlers

Leave It To Davis said...

The water looks like you could walk on it in that last picture! Looks like glass.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fun scenes! That is a great original word for the letter P.

Pondside said...

All those photos of paddles made me wish to be on the water in a kayak!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Now I need to get on the kayak once more before the cold weather hits!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...


Lmkazmierczak said...

Perfect letter P Post♫

kayerj said...

It looks like they are all having a good time.

fredamans said...

Great shots! Makes me miss the water.

Susan Anderson said...

Perfect paddling presentation...


Jenny said...

Paddle-boarding would probably be a lot of fun and a perfect way to get in shape...

If you aren't scared of the creepy monsters prowling around beneath the surface...

These are really neat photographs...
It looks really peaceful out on the lake(if you don't think about the prowling creatures... winkwink)...

Pretty cool post for the letter "P"!

Thanks for linking.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.