Monday, September 28, 2015

Back in Time

 Lawn ornament outside stable in Loretto, Ontario

There used to be a horse statue out in front of the horse-drawn carriage but the day I made these photos, it was gone.  Still I wanted to take photos of the carriage as I have never been so up close to one!

 A front view of the carriage

I cannot imagine riding in such a buggy - but it does sound kind of romantic...though bumpy.

 Cushy seat

A cushioned seat would help make the ride a bit more pleasant, methinks. In good weather on a smooth road the ride might be fun!

Convertible top

The top doesn't cover much so I wouldn't want to travel in this carriage on a rainy or snowy day!  I'm sure some spring and autumn days might be quite pleasant with the top down, though.

Please visit Through my Lens at Mersad Donko Photography.
More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

whaat a lovely buggy and it was great that you got up so close to photograph it. Wonder where the horse statue went to. Hope it was not stolen.

chica said...

Lindas fotos e volta ao passado! bjs, chica

Unknown said...

It's a pretty buggy! It would be great on a sunny day, but probably not so great on a windy rainy day.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Uma bela peça de museu.
Um abraço e boa semana.

Andy said...

Wow! It is in such good shape.

Revrunner said...

Better suspension than my bike, but not by much I'm guessing.

eileeninmd said...

It is a pretty lawn ornament and the scene is lovely. It would be fun to take a ride in this buggy on a sunny warm day! Wishing you a happy day and new week ahead!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Wholly better than walking in the rain :O]

MadSnapper said...

I love the look of it, and the romantic thoughts of it, but am so very glad i did not live when this would have been the mode of transportation.. i would like to ride in one a short distance though.. but not in the rain.

Jackie McGuinness said...

has the horse statue done a runner?

Pamela Gordon said...

Yep, a nice warm sunny day buggy ride on a smooth road would be so fun. Great to be able to get close up for pictures of this one.

Anonymous said...

A real blast from the past!

21 Wits said...

A lovely piece from the past!

Christine said...

It's very well preserved! I think it would be romantic to have a ride in it on a sunny afternoon!

Lowell said...

Thanks for this. I've never seen one of these buggies up close. It's quite beautiful but I don't think I'd trade my car for it! Can't imagine why someone hasn't stolen it yet!

It you put this on a lawn in south Florida, it would disappear in a few minutes and a couple of hours later would be in a chop shop in Cuba!

Mary Hone said...

What a neat find. The horse statue would be neat too.

RedPat said...

It looks quite elegant, EG!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, I do love these old buggies and what wonderful captures!! A real step back in time!! I would love to see it with a horse statue, too!! Fun post for the day!! Hope you have a great week!!

William Kendall said...

I think at some point I've seen this... must have driven past it!

Katarina said...

Oh, I would love to ride in it!

Halcyon said...

Guess the horsie made a run for it!

Fun60 said...

A short ride might be fun but any more you might live to regret.

Linda W. said...

It's always cool to find these old relics from another time.

Rose said...

I'd love to have the opportunity to try a ride in it!

Barb said...

I lived in an area with many Amish when I was younger and buggies were often seen in all kinds of weather. No thanks - it would be mighty cold in winter! These were probably the first "convertibles!"

Kay said...

This is a real beauty. I'm with you: it would be fun to give one of these a try in nice weather. But I do wonder how to climb into it gracefully. It looks high to me.

genie said...

This looks just like the Mennonite buggies we see in this part of Virginia. This one is in fine condition.

VP said...

Quite amazing and elegant!

carol l mckenna said...

Reminds me a bit of the Amish buggies ~ Very creative and wonderful photography!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i bet that would get cold. unless in the warmer weather. great for picture taking. ha. ha! ( :

Susan said...

I would sure love to go for a ride in one. Lovely photos!

Photo Cache said...

I would love to ride one.

Worth a Thousand Words

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

With the season's change this will soon be rolled back into the barn.

magiceye said...

Lovely captures! Horse gone grazing? ;)

Karen said...

That's in fabulous condition. Great photos EG.

Stephanie said...

It is in great condition. great shots!

colleen said...

It looks like a baby pram or rickshaw.

Cloudia said...

We ARE so lucky in our inventions


handmade by amalia said...

A Jane Austen film waiting to happen. So pretty.

NCSue said...

Charming although I wonder if it doesn't have problems weathering the weather - wouldn't rain and mist damage it sitting out in the open like that?
I hope you'll come link up at

NCSue said...

Charming although I wonder if it doesn't have problems weathering the weather - wouldn't rain and mist damage it sitting out in the open like that?
I hope you'll come link up at

Kate said...

It would be so much fun to ride in this down a country ride between blazing autumn trees.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It would be fun to ride in ...on a nice day as you say! We've taken carriage rides in a couple of places ... A romantic and nostalgic way to see a city .... But I suspect that those carriages are replicas while this one is the real thing.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A buggy without a horse.. not going far hey EG :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

There is charm in these old modes of transportation,even though I prefer our modern cars.

NatureFootstep said...

it is a beautiful carriage and seem to be well taken care of :)

Jack said...

Maybe 5 percent romantic and 95 percent bumpy.

Linda said...

All it needs is fringe on top! And a horse.

Unknown said...

Wonderful old buggy...

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.