Sunday, December 27, 2015


 Apples fallen from a tree (not mine)

Not only was there an abundant crop of apples this year but...

Apples hanging on

a few are still refusing to let go from the trees.

 I have picked buckets of apples up off the ground for my compost and a friend took away bushels to make cider. And still there are are apples on the trees!

I am  linking to  NATURE NOTES.  


William Kendall said...

I'm surprised they're still on the trees!

Sandi said...

I wish I had trees like this!

Revrunner said...

Look like very mature trees.

Linda W. said...

Funny to see a few apples still hanging on. Love the brilliant red color!

Maks St said...

It's very crazy! Apples in winter... it's like snow in summer - impossible! I greet! :)

Kay said...

Apple on tree: "Hey! I didn't do all this growing just to end up in a pile on the ground!" All those apples can be overwhelming. We have gleaners around here who are willing to pick up the slack of people's produce abundance. I think it goes to local food banks.

Sylvia K said...

Ah, love that pile of apples!! Wish I were there to load up a basket and head for the kitchen!! Great captures as always, EG!! Hope you have a great new week and welcome the new year, camera in hand!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Apples and plums are both like that in Oregon and nobody ever seems to pick them up ... I used to when we had a houseful of kids, but now m old and lazy ...and don't garden. Back then, I cut out the bad parts and made applesauce and jam and stuff! Sure makes a pretty picture, that carpet of apples! Happy New Year!

Anvilcloud said...

Even after that mighty pre-Christmas wind? Very sturdy apples.

Cloudia said...

Seeing and hearing of this bounty is a nice antidote to all the bad eco/nature news!

( '>
Warm ALOHA to You,


Anonymous said...


Susan said...

Wow, it's a shame to see them go to waste. Glad you could take some!
Beautiful photos!

Small Kucing said...

so many over there! Over here a good sixze apple are like gold

Guess the trees just doesn't want winter to be here yet

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those apples on the bare limbs look rather out of place.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

It's apple mania. I don't think I have lived anywhere where there are apple trees.

Small City Scenes said...

We still have a few hanging on our trees too. We leave them for the birds and the deer.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Over here the winter thrushes (Redwings and Fieldfares) would have normally feasted upon the fallen apples and left very little by now. However this year it's been so mild that there are still some fruit lying around. A nice splash of colour in such a dull season.

Tom said...

A deer buffet.

Nancy Chan said...

The apples look so red and juicy. Good idea to make compost for the garden than let them rot there.

Lowell said...

I don't think we can grow apples down here. This reminds me, though, of our grapefruit tree at our first Ocala house...we had so many grapefruit that they littered the ground and we had to throw them away. Nobody wanted them because just about everyone had a grapefruit tree.

MadSnapper said...

that is what daddy would have called a bumper crop.. they made beautiful photos and i am thinking maybe they lingered because our weather is whacky

Donna said...

What perfect autumn pictures...and oh I hope someone or some critter will use them.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

dats a lotta apples

Rose said...

I am wondering what kind of apples they are

Stewart M said...

The apples will pick start the compost once the days warm up!

I have to wonder why they were not picked?

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Rambling Woods said...

Wow... All those apples. I'm glad that you could get some, but wildlife will clean up the rest.... Happy New Year!... Michelle

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.