Just pull down the handle on it's chest and it opens.
Remember the old excuse why you couldn't turn in your homework? (My dog ate it.) Wouldn't it be nice to tell the bill collector the same thing...and get away with it?

More Photo Scavenger Hunt photos can be found at View of You Photography, http://viewofyouphoto.blogspot.com
I am laughing---that is too funny. I specially like Bowser with the snow on his/her head. Good one!!! MB
Oh that is jsut super! I love taking photos of odd mail boxes. Yours is the best one I ahve seen for awhile. Love the snow touch too!
I laughed too! What a great find.
EG: You dog made me laugh for sure.
I'm still laughing! That's got to be one of the most unusual mailboxes I've seen. Well done!
What a find! Your photos had the desired effect: I laughed!
your gooood! This is a giggle. love how the metal rusted to look like brown fur.
I really giggled at the photo with all the snow on his head. Funny mailbox, I wonder if the maillman smiles every time he stops.
This was a funny character...hehe.
That is a pretty cute mailbox. I hope it doesn't eat too many bills!
Your title was just too funny.
Absolutely the BEST!! Love it what wonderful whimsy!
That first picture makes it look huge. I thought it was a large piece of yard art!
OK, this is the most unique mailbox I've ever seen. What a great post!
That's a neat mailbox. I love to find unique things like this.
Yep, laughing!
Yep...very funny! Never seen one like this!
how unique and the fluffy squirrel freat winter looks Sandy
Yes thank you! I smiled! It's very funny and a beautiful mailbox.
It made me laugh! Very unusual.
Chilled by cold. Joints must squeak ! So funny.
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