Monday, March 9, 2009

The Snow Must Go On/ My World

Not spring yet!

We woke up to new snow this morning. The Great White North is still, well, WHITE.

To visit other blogs celebrating That's My World, please visit


michael bird said...

Sunny, windy and warm down in these parts so your snowy clime does not send chills through me as it would have just a few short weeks ago. Very nice photo, as well.

Rose said...

It is still beautiful, though! We went from shirt sleeve weather yesterday, to feeling like the wind is off an iceberg today.

Jenn Jilks said...

We had a dump of snow, too! Just a taste of spring.

Day4plus said...

We got snow overnight--Again!! Not the volumne you get but snow nevertheless. 11 day until the first official day of Spring. Last year we had snow in April--what is happening out here---global cooling I think. MB

Unknown said...

Great captured winter scene.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing these snow shots. It's not a world I live in so thanks for sharing part of yours.

Eve said...

We got fresh snow this morning too, but yours is much prettier (*sigh*)!

cieldequimper said...

A snow plough made art! I love your title too!

Louise said...

I could see snow in my world today, but it didn't snow at my house. It FEELS like snow, though!

KOSTAS said...

Amazing landscape, beautiful photograph, very good post!

SandyCarlson said...

I think Ma Nature likes to let us know SHE calls the shots!

Sylvia K said...

Well, tired as I am of snow and cold, it's still beautiful! And your photo is perfect!!! Thanks for sharing your world!

Janie said...

The snow plows are working harder than usual in many parts of the country this year.
Oh, well, spring and summer will be that much sweeter when they finally arrive.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

i think you would be a little tired of it by now. great shot...

we had snow storm (all of 5 inches) a week ago and it was about all i could handle what with walking from parking lot to building to work. i always dread the ice....

have a great evening.

erin/the road not taken

Gretchen said...

We had sleet today. Where is spring?

Anonymous said...

I suppose it still snows somewhere. I am so anxious for spring and warmer weather.

imac said...

Really picture post card photograph

Shammickite said...

I was surprised to look out of the window this morning and see snow! But I have to admit, I'd rather see snowdrops and crocus!

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful shot but I understand why you're tired of snow right about now. We don't get enough snow for me to get tired of it but even so, I am glad that we ended the week with warmer weather after it began with snow. I hope you will get some warmer springtime weather soon.

Gaelyn said...

Wonderfully white and beautiful. Hange in there, spring will come, eventually.
Partially sunny and 60F with wind.

kayleen said...

It's a lovely shot...even if most of us are wishing spring was already here. Thanks for sharing.

Jeannelle said...

Yes, that's definitely a winter-like scene, and very eye-catching. Happy Travels!

Anonymous said...

So white huh? it makes a perfect picture though.

Guy D said...

Brilliant winter shot, I love it.

Have a great week!
Regina In Pictures

Anonymous said...

I guess the groundhog saw his shadow again!


This looks precisely like home! Very good perspective on the photo! I like it - even if it is snowing!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Great shot i don't feel so bad now as we too still are having snow.Suppose to be nicer by the end of the week

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

Ahhhh! What a great shot - sorry about the snow though! We've had pleasant weather lately - lots of rain, but NO snow! We are not thinking we're "out of the woods" just never know!

Suzanne Casamento said...

Great picture. Branches covered in snow remind me of my childhood and the magical feeling of waking up to snow.

And a snow day. ; )

Lowell said...

It's so pretty. But... We finally got some warmer weather - 81 today. It's getting cold now, though; I think it's dropped to 70!

dot said...

Absolutely beautiful!! It was hot here today and it makes me want winter back. I'm sure we will have some more cool weather.

Swarna said...

Enjoy while it lasts - hope it does not disrupt too many plans...

Unknown said...

No spring for you just yet then! Pretty piccie.

antigoni said...

Your title reminds me the song "Show must go on". Great photo. I love snow.

chrome3d said...

Luckily you have the hard working plough men coming to the rescue from the sunshine. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Lol, that is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Nice to see some ligt in the background!

Leora said...

You really do live in a wintry world. In New Jersey, you blink and the snow is gone.

Leanne said...

I love seeing your wintery shots but I do expect you are looking forward to spring. I have only seen snow twice.

Unknown said...

Amen, same ole story here as well. :) The snow does make the trees looks festive though. :)

Robyn said...

We had snow when I got up yesterday, but it was all gone by this morning. That's the great thing about March!

Tarolino said...

Snow really seems to go on for ever this year. There too. But the picture is gorgeous nevertheless. All of yours are.
I scrolled down and looked at the others too. The monchrome one is a peace of art and the close ups on the little birds were magnificent. I do like those kind of shots and hope to still learn that skill myself. Takes a lot of training.

Darla said...

I do see a bit of sunshine peeking through. Nice composition.


soulbrush said...

thanks goodness our snow is gone now...where is spring??? lovely photo.

Barb said...

Yep - that's how it is here in CO, too. The yellow of the plow looks great against all that white.

Mojo said...

O Canada...

At least you know for sure that it gets better. I mean it can't snow all year, right?

Latane Barton said...

Just hang on.... spring will very soon be with you

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.