Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dutchman's Breeches/ Today's Flowers

Dutchman's breeches aka squirrel corn

I once read a poetic description that said Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) look like laundry fluttering on washday. What do you think?

Blooming now in East Gwillimbury, Dutchman's breeches are wildflowers between 6 and 12 inches tall. The flowers are about ¾ of an inch across.

Dutchman's breeches bloom in moist deciduous woodlands popping up from tiny bulbs in early spring. They go dormant when the weather grows hot.

Please note: Monochrome Maniacs is the post below.

If you love flowers -- and who doesn't - check out Today's Flowers at


Rune Eide said...

That was an interesting comparison. When I glimpsed the first picture I thought of geese hanging up/side down to dry! Than I saw that it was something altogether more pretty.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Pretty flowers, EG... Don't think I've ever seen this one. AND it does look a little like clothes hanging on the line.... CUTE!!!


Liz Hinds said...

What a very descriptive name! And, yes, they do like washing on the line.

i beati said...

They don't grow here but I always loved them and bleeding hearts growing up Sandy

That is the chicken said...

I thnik they look more like baby chicks pecking...very pretty. You have flowers?!?!?

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Those are just great. Thanks for posting and reminding of this nice flower.

kden said...

I just had to say that these look so much like the bleeding hearts we have. I've never seen Dutchman's Breeches before, so cute.

Ebie said...

I agree with the poetic description. And it has a pretty name, but they are just cute little bloomers.

Rose said...

I am not sure about the comparison, but can't come up with one of my own. I do think they are beautiful though!


I only see beautiful flowers! But reading the comments, I have to say I agree with RuneE!

I didn't know they are a wild flower though.

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

These are so pretty - look similar to an orchid I just bought, they're the same colour.

I like the comparison to laundry as I do enjoy watching laundry fluttering in the wind.

By the way - you have the wrong link at Today's Flowers ... but I found ya anyway ... you may want to go update it tho.

Jane Hards Photography said...

How strange. Never seen these before and sure I won't here. Great desription.

Naturegirl said...

A flower I've never seen before today! I do think that it is the prettiest laundry that I've seen fluttering! :)

Anonymous said...

Pretty hanging rare and this is another never seen before flower. I'm learning and seeing so much.

BTW, your link at Today's Flowers is taking us to your other blog. :)

kayleen said...

They are so pretty and dainty. Lovely photos. Whenever I see them in pictures I always want to pinch them ever so slightly to see if they open like a snapdragon. Never think to do it when I see them in person however.

Nebraska Birding

Lowell said...

I've never heard of these and don't remember seeing any but they are so beautiful....thanks for posting them today!

Jan said...

Just beautiful. It's a new flower, to me.

Leora said...

Oh, yeah, they do look like someone's laundry (not mine, too white, too clean).

Are they the same as bleeding hearts or cousins of bleeding hearts? I have one on the side of my house, and I'm waiting for it to flower.

Unknown said...

I don't think I have ever noticed these. They look a wee bit like snapdragons but those are not wild, I don't think.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful-looking flower. I like the name.


Small City Scenes said...

beautiful. I do like them. So similar to Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectibilis) only (again) different. I'll post mine when the come up and bloom. Soon! MB

Müge Tekil said...

I didn't know this flower! It is very beautiful and looks fragile! Have a great new week! :-)

Darla said...

Those flowers do kind of look like laundry on a line although I'm not sure about Dutchman's Breeches.


PERBS said...

They are an odd shape! Very nice capture! I have never seen them before.

Anonymous said...

That cabbage is neat great colors and interesting texture!
mine is here

Pat - Arkansas said...

Charming, beautiful little flowers, aptly named. Superb photos, as usual.:)

Lulda Casadaga said...

Just lovely...and I agree with RuneE...they look like geese! :)

Reader Wil said...

Dutchman's breeches! I like that! It probably refers to the breeches of one of the national costumes in Holland. Lovely picture!

George said...

I guess they do look like Dutchman's breeches, but your photos are definitely wonderful.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.