Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Early-April Pond/ Watery Wednesday


Although most of the grass was beat down by winter snow, the phragmites (common reed) still stands tall.

Oh, I forgot to say that this photo was taken a few days ago. This is now covered with 6 to 8 inches of SNOW!

You can find more photos celebrating Watery Wednesday at http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com


Darla said...

With the snow gone the pond looks like it is definately waiting for spring.


cieldequimper said...

Even with snow, it's still a lovely place. What I wouldn't give to leave the office right now!!!!

Judy said...

We only have an inch of snow. I guess we will have more by nightfall. We usually get the weather 6 to 8 hours after you. I know this is normal, but can I go back to bed till it goes away?

George said...

What a peaceful place! It's too bad that it now has a covering of snow.

Small City Scenes said...

You mean to say that after all the snow was gone you got MORE??? Yipes. Spring will show uo---sooner or in your case later. MB

That is the chicken said...

It's nice to see water! Our river has finally thawed but most of our lakes are still covered with thick ice...as you spotted on the Sunday shadow shot photo!

Lene said...

How pretty and peaceful :) Beautiful :)

Esther Garvi said...

Aw, too bad Spring hasn't come to stay yet. Wish I could send you some warmth from Niger, there sure is plenty to share!!!

PERBS said...

I love the red in the photo! It "makes" the picture.

You got more snow and we finally got bllue skies. . . 4 days of weatehr int he 70's now! Today it will be 77 they say. Good weather to be outdoors. I guess tomorrow the rain comes back . . . SIGH

I almost envy you your snow!

Rose said...

Are you tired of snow? I always love it for a time, but then I am ready for it to be spring...we had flurries yesterday. Just a few. I was glad it wasn't more.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Looks like Ole' Mother Nature is not ready to turn loose of Winter yet. We have some snow here too--but not nearly as much.. I'm ready for Winter to leave completely 'til next year!!!!

Great picture of the pond.

Bim said...

Looks like a lovely pond to play at. I'm sorry for the snow...

Reader Wil said...

Amazing that you should have snow! The photo is very beautiful as always!Thanks for your visit.

Anonymous said...

A very beautiful place.

Martha Z said...

Spring has not sprung in this photo but the brown grasses say that it will come.

Becky said...

Good shot EG, everything here is covered too! I didn't go out today to photograph anything. We got 8" of snow so far, and right now it's snowing again. sigh.....
I'll have to look back in my archives for a watery picture for Wednesday.

A New England Life said...

Enough of the snow already! It's time for spring. Solitude fits perfectly.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh to sit next to that lovely pond and read a book. Super photo!

Gill - That British Woman said...

I was going to say, that must have been taken last week, as didn't you get a foot of snow yesterday?


Janet said...

Oh no! Not more snow! Places in East Alabama actually had a few snow flurries this morning but not here.

Anyhow, I like the reeds and pond. Spring cannot be far away.

Margaret's Ramblings said...

I love this photo. Winter is loosing it's grip and the warm weather is just around the corner.


Anonymous said...

This is indeed some beautiful and serene looking pond.

judi/Gmj said...

How peacefull is that? Not a fisherperspn in sight... Do they fish that pond? I really like it.

Unknown said...

You captured it beautifully. Have a blessed Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like winter isn't ready to let go to springs ripening progression.

Mojo said...

That's a perfect title for this shot. It's a lonely looking place, but inviting in its own way.

Guy D said...

Excellent shot, this is a tough time of year to get good shots, but did just that.

Hope your having a great week!
Regina In Pictures

Lowell said...

I was going to say it looks a little bleak yet, like spring has been delayed and then you tell us you got more snow!


Very nice photo, however!

2sweetnsaxy said...

To me, the reeds in the front really set this picture off. Very nice! :-)

Unknown said...

what a lovely, tranquil place.

Carletta said...

Lovely and serene looking!
The ponds here are muddy mostly.
That much snow again - stay warm.

Aileni said...

That spot looks peaceful enough also.
Are you back to long Winters and short warm Summers in Canada? That is what I was taught in school.

Ash said...

What a lovely place!

Arlene said...

Lovely photo! Would love to take walk around there when the snow is not thick. And since it is now filled with sow i bet you play snowball on the pond.

I played WW too this week! Hope you can come by.

Happy Easter!

amanda said...

Amazing shots but I don't envy you all That snow!

Unknown said...

This looks like my neck of the woods, exactly. There is pond not far from my house that I've been meaning to get to now that it's Spring but there is too much going on and I'm lacking the time.

Thanks for this. I always enjoy coming here.

Tammie Lee said...

Oh my gosh, more snow for you!
I still have a foot in my yard, but it settles and melts more every day. Your image reminds me of how early winter and early spring can look so alike. Wonderful image.

EG CameraGirl said...


Actually, it's a fish farm. The owners grow fish here to stock other ponds. ;-)

Gemma Wiseman said...

The sheen on this stretch of water is stunning! A pretty contrast with the naked boughs etching the sky!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Nice place to sit and hopefully catch a few fish.

Connie said...

Fabulous Photos!!!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.