Sunday, August 1, 2010

Purple Coneflowers/ Today's Flowers

Monarch butterfly on purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)

This monarch is looking a little rough but is still out enjoying what it really likes - the nectar of purple coneflowers!

If you love flowers -- and who doesn't - check out Today's Flowers at


Unknown said...

My favorite summer sight! And I had not had one yet til you posted this gem.

Leora said...

Hard to pay attention to the flower with the butterfly stealing the show like that.

Regina said...

Pretty amazing!

Michelle said...

Love the butterfly. We have had a lot of them at our farm this summer.

Kathy said...

Hard to decide which is the prettiest, the butterfly or the flower. But the two together make a wonderful composition. I also like whatever processing you did to the photo. It has a special quality.

Rose said...

He may be rough, but at least you caught one...not sure I have even captured one this year...if I did it has been a while. And this is good photo, too.

Francisca said...

I see hundreds of little yellow butterflies flying around my house, but I have yet to capture one with my camera. You did marvelously with this one... butterfly AND colorful flower!

Cezar and Léia said...

HEllo dear EG,
Impressive, this picture is magnificent!The flower is adorable but I'm enchanted by the sweet butterfly, how lucky you are to capture so perfect moment!
Léia :)

B SQUARED said...

They are in all their glory around here. Simply beautiful.

Carver said...

Great shot of the butterfly on the coneflower.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful shot of the butterfly! I love Purple Coneflowers.

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful capture. I haven't seen very many Butterflies around this year. Lots of flowers her so I wonder why. I'll keep looking. MB

Rambling Woods said...

I haven't seen one and I don't expect to..lucky you...

Roan said...

It seems like all the butterflies I find have a chunk out of their wings. The perfect ones won't stay put long enough for me to get a picture. ;)

Anonymous said...

Finally, a resolution I love and really want to keep. Good article.

George said...

This is a wonderful macro of both the butterfly and the cornflower.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.