Wednesday, March 16, 2011

W/ Alphabe-Thursday

Wind Vanes (or weather vanes)

Which way is the wind blowing? Notice that one end of each arrow is larger than the other end so that arrow will point in the wind's direction when air blows over it.

Simple yet elegant vane

A simple vane consists of the four cardinal directions (N, W, S and E) and an arrow on a rotating axis. But most wind vanes are fancier.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


TexWisGirl said...

Love this! Again, great artwork!!!

Judy said...

Nice...I can't wait until our barn is up so that I can put one of these up on top.

Jack said...

Great collection. I like the moose and the cart at the top right the best.

Martha Z said...

Wind vanes are not common in this part of the world, our loss as they give personality to a house.

George said...

I really like your fancier weather vanes.

Kathy said...

I had never heard them called "wind" vanes before but it's so much more correct. I always learn tidbits of info from you! I think my favorite is the moose because we don't have any of those down here where I live - animals or their likeness on vanes!

RedPat said...

I love finding new ones - love that moose!

Paulie said...

I am always on the lookout for them. . . you got a great collection of photos of them.

VP said...

We do not see many of these around here, thanks for the nice mosaic!

Carolyn said...

What a beautiful collection of wind vanes....make so much sense. Thanks for stopping by. The wind on Sunday was so strong that if you did not hold your car door carefully it could brake your leg if it slammed shut. It was really quite amazing, coming right in off the Pacific Ocean(actually the Juan du Fuca Straight). Hope spring is showing signs of movement in your part of the country.

Anonymous said...

I love the moose and JDaniel says he loves the chicken. Great collection!

Malyss said...

Fabulous collection!Living in a city, I don't see such things anymore;i love them!

Lowell said...

You're so vane! According to some singer. Oh, wait! That was "vain."


Well, I like your vanes, anyway. Especially the horse. And the horses and carriages. And the simple one. And the moose. And the rooster.

Don't see many of those around here.

cieldequimper said...

Ha! I just love the moose. If that's a moose.

Judie said...

I love the fancy ones, but the plain one still gets the job done just as well!!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Love weather vanes. I haven't started my barn out here yet, but when it's built, it will have a weather vane on top of it....


Mary said...

I've always thought wind/weather vanes were fascinating :-)

Francisca said...

I've made lots of these for export to the USA... and always called them weather vanes. Nice collection, EG.

Lola said...

Hi again!

Great ‘W’ post -as always. Love vanes - totally unique!


Btw Alphabe-Thursday

Jackie said...

those weather vanes are really cool

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Weather vanes are really lovely works of art and you have some very nice ones! Thank you for your visit! Happy St. Paddy's Day to you!! Cathy

Birdman said...

Weather vanes... always an interesting post.

Jenny said...

Oh hooray! A "W" I would have never thought of but absolutely adore.

I'm always enchanted with weather vanes. I have the horse from one hanging in my kitchen and I love it!

And whenever one comes on Antiques Roadshow I get all excited.

Thank you so much!

I really, really enjoyed this link.


Carol said...

Love the wind vanes! We always called them weather vanes but whatever you call them, the ones in your mosaic are lovely! Love the Moose!

Michelle said...

I love these weather vanes. Wish I had one on my barn.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful collection of pictures. I so love weather vanes, and I wish I had one perched on my barn.


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love the photo shots.
they seem very helpful in view at farms.

Randy said...

I love the Moose!

Rose said...

I like weathervanes, too...I'll take that rooster one.

Small City Scenes said...

great collection of vanes. I like them. We have one with a horse on the lean-to out in the horses pasture. MB

Mark said...

Gee these are just so beautiful. Thanks for posting.

Andy said...

Let the four winds blow.

Theresa Plas said...

Great Post for "W" day! I am a big weathervane fan too!!

Pondside said...

I always like the rooster best - there's one on our summerhouse.

Wanda Metcalf said...

I love these!! So many great ones. My dream home is to have one of these. Each time we have looked to buy a home. I have looked at the roof line to see if I could add one.

.....Still waiting until I get the right style home.

happy Green Day!!

Anonymous said...

oh wow...they are all so beautiful!

Linnea said...

Truly a great collection. We don't see too many weathervanes around here :(

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.