Wednesday, March 23, 2011

X/ Alphabe-Thursday


Xerogardening is gardening in a way that reduces or eliminates the need to water plants. These are a few of the plants in my garden from spring through autumn.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Bergson said...


Ruth Hiebert said...

SOooo pretty.Now i am even more anxious for spring to arrive.

cieldequimper said...

Careful: you might have lots of bloggers swarming to your garden for a world wide blogger picnic! :-)

TexWisGirl said...

Nice! (I liked the comment above about us swarming to your place...)

DoanLegacy said...

You have such gorgeous flowers in your garden! Love the mosaic..

Small City Scenes said...

You are so mean---showing us pretty flowers not even out--yet.
Pasque flower is one of my favorites as are Trilliums--Oh I could go on.
You have a lovely garden. MB

RedPat said...

What a nice surprise to see all your flowers as I sit here considering whether I should go out to shovel snow again!

Leif Hagen said...

Such beautiful spring, summer flowers! Your great collage could be sold as a poster! It's snowing again down here....

Birdman said...

A very colorful montage here.

Judy said...

What lovelies...I can't wait until I can see flowers like those around here :)

Roan said...

Your flowers are lovely! When I went home for lunch, I saw some tiny purple flowers poking up through the grass. Can't wait for more!

George said...

I learned a new word today as well as getting to enjoy a beautiful collage. Your garden must be beautiful.

Martha Z said...

That is especially important in the arid west although it hardly seems arid this year.

Lola said...

Hi again!

So pretty!


Btw Alphabe-Thursday

Pat said...

Compared to what we are seeing outside our windows today, your flowers are so wonderful and give me hope!
Drop by to check out the difference!

Gabe said...

what a great x word. . .I didn't know that was the name of that kind of gardening.

Beautiful pictures

Ames said...


Sharon said...

A beautiful collage.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

How beautiful..makes me so long for spring and the beautiful mountain wildflowers!

Viola said...

I think you have a wonderful garden! So many colorful flowers from Spring to Autumn! :) Looking forward to see them poping up now, I guess..! :)

Judie said...

Xero-gardening is practically a necessity here in the desert!

Anonymous said...

What a great word! I have never heard it before. Your flowers are wonderful!

Michelle said...

I have a few of these in my own flower garden. Great collage.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I've never heard of this, but it sounds very interesting. Your garden is certainly beautiful!


Jack said...

I have heard water called The Next Oil, because in many places we are running out of easily available water and will have to start rationing it better.

Sue McPeak said...

Yes...water saving! XeroGardening is something we practice here in West Texas. Beautiful flowers...they got all the water they needed! I hope my tomatoes do well on XeroGardening...if they need more we are hoping for SOME rain! Great X word!

Mike B. @ said...

Native plants, native plants, native plants. They've survived a long time without extra watering!

Tracy said...

Wish my garden looked as good as yours

Gill - That British Woman said...

I so wish it was summer now!!!


Lowell said...

Well, I'm impressed! Kudos to you for the environmental concern and for your ability to grow such gorgeous plants!

Lowell said...

Me again! Re your confusion about the light and the brick. No, it's not upside down. That's the trouble when I try to get artsy. Nobody understands the photo. Mea culpa! But I shall not give up. Artsy is my right!!! Right?

Have a great day! And a great weekend. We're heading south so will be out of pocket for a few days...

Jenny said...

I was reading an article a few weeks ago on this method of gardening...why I didn't think of this for an X word is beyond me.

This was a lovely mosaic of flowers. My garden is overflowing with flowers now. The batchelor buttons and sweet peas are especially lovely this year.

Thanks for an X-cellent link to Alphabe-Thursday's letter X!


Unknown said...

Now that's the kind of garden I need!

Becky said...

Oh I love Xerogardening. We are working on that down here.

Donnie said...

Great X post.

Jo said...

interesting ... I just learned something new!!!

Janie said...

I learned a new word. Very interesting.
Your garden flower shots and butterfly are lovely.

Jackie said...

It's strange that the sound for X can be Z . why don't they just spell it like zerogardening lol Anyway I don't know what that is unfortunately . I've never had a garden :(

Pondside said...

As odd as it sounds, after all the rain we have every winter, in summer we need to practice xerogardening here.

Unknown said...

How interesting! I never even knew a word like that existed :) Thanks for the lovely images of spring. Still waiting for the cold to go away and spring to start!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.