Wednesday, August 3, 2011

P/ Alphabe-Thursday


A few kilometres north of where I live is a parachute school. For a price, anyone can learn to jump out of a plane...with a parachute.

But I'm too frugal  a chicken.


Imagine free falling a few hundred feet before your parachute opened. Sounds like fun a nightmare to me.

But the jumpers seemed to like it just fine.

Is it my imagination that the second jumper turned around so we couldn't see the fear on his face?

Oh! The fear was on MY face.


Parachutist #3 was having a ton of fun. REALLY he was! He must have found some updrafts because he was up a long. long time before he swooped safely down.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Birdman said...

Fantastic coloring... but I'll pass on the jump.

Julie said...

wow, i love the first image. i would have to try parachuting if it was that close and i was watching them all the time

Jack said...

I would be scared out of my mind. Shhhhhh . . . this is just between you and me. Don't tell the other bloggers. I have a reputation to uphold.

Zosia said...

Love the first photo, the colours are amazing. My brother got to jump with a parachute with an assistant (two people together) for this 60th birthday. I don't think I will follow his example. Too chicken :-).

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks pretty,BUT,not for me.I like both feet firmly planted on the ground.

RedPat said...

I would probably die of fright on the way down! No way would I do that. Nice pics though.

Lois Evensen said...

Very colorful, pretty images, but I'll stay on the ground and watch from here. ;)

Unknown said...

Great pics. What a nice thing to do, but I don't think it's for me. I'd be too scared too.

Kaori said...

Oh the colors against the sky are gorgeous! It kind of looks fun from down here...but I'm not sure I'd like it as much from up there :D

George said...

These are beautiful shots of the parachutists, and it does look like they are having fun (except possibly #2), but I think I'll keep both feet on the ground and just enjoy the pictures.

McGillicutty said...

fantastic pics... i don't know if I have have the balls to jump out of a plane. I have been in one while jumpers bailed but to actually bail... i don't think so!!!!

Tina´s PicStory said...

Great shots! Must be nice to fly like this :) LG Tina

VP said...

These are really great pictures!

 gmirage said...

Woo! Lovely images! I'd enjoy one of those or...not! I'm afraid of heights so I'll just admire your photos!

Lowell said...

Some super photos of the mentally unstable and/or downright insane! If we were supposed to jump out of planes or from other high places, we would have evolved with chute packs in our backs. Or the earth would be made of Nerf!


Lynn said...

I don't think I could do it:@)

Anonymous said...

I'll watch safely from the ground, too. My stomach is somersaulting just looking at these! =>

The Poet said...

The pictures are great, but I like to feel the ground under my feet. The only time you'll see me in the air is in a plane and even then, I DON'T sit at the window (my wife can have that spot without any question).

Thanks for sharing.

I'm here:
Pages Of Love

My name is Riet said...

Parachute is the perfect P word. Wonderful pictures.

Anonymous said...

I'm chicken about jumping out of airplanes but I think I'd try anything but this.
Great P word,and glorious photo's.

JayLeigh said...

Oh, my goodness! . . . I would have fear on my face, too. LOL What super pictures!

Kathy said...

I'm with you as far as being a chicken. Being drugged and thrown overboard is the only way I'd leave a plane that was above the ground! You got some great photos though!

Rose said...

I am too chicken now but would not have been when young..yeah right. But my oldest daughter did a tandem jump right after college and loved it...I think there is a pic somewhere on my Pics & Pieces is too expensive to do it often.

ellen b. said...

Oh my...what wonderful shots of the parachutes. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could do this either. They would exciting to watch though.

Randy said...

I would love to try this once but I wouldn't want to do it over water.

Elisa N Viajes said...

Wow! Such a colorful adventure!

Arti said...

Fantastic images... But I too, like you am probably too chicken!!!
Have a fabulous day:)

Pat said...

My husband is a former pilot and he & his buddies always used to say "why jump out of a perfectly good airplane?"

I think I might handle being attached to a hang glider who was in control...but no way jumping with a chute.

Fantastic photos!

Pondside said...

Just looking at the pictures makes my stomach swoop! I don't think I'll be jumping out of any planes!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, and I'd love to watch and photograph this, but you couldn't pay me enough to do that!


Carletta said...

Great shots with wonderful color!
I'm chicken too. :)

Francisca said...

Oh, I reaaaally would like to jump out of a plane... (yes, with a parachute)... vertigo be damned! It's on the bucket list. If Bush Sr can do a jump at 80, I still have a few years...

Indrani said...

I don't think I can ever try this. Great captures.

Anonymous said...

There is just something fundamentally wrong about jumping out of a perfectly good airplane! Fun post!

Fjällripan said...

Great shots! and a fun read :)

jabblog said...

That looks so inviting - almost;-)

Kate said... guts, no glory! Terrific photos of someone having a great time. Someone with guts, that is!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

great photo 1 & 3, the first time I ever saw closeup that they have those "holes"

Halcyon said...

Count me in the "frugal" club as well! I'm sure this must be fun, but I think there is just something wrong about jumping out of an airplane. :)

Darla said...

Great colorful shots. I like my feet firmly on the ground tho.


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Bravely flying over land and sea! Awesome!

Craver Vii said...

I would love to do that, except that I have bad knees. Otherwise, it looks like great fun to me!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Just the photos make me cringe! I'm such a chicken.....

lovely shots..

Susan Anderson said...

Wouldn't want to do it myself (the closest I've ever gotten was parasailing), but I do love watching them float up there.


Janie said...

Nobody could pay me enough money to do that. But the photos look very cool, and I'm sure the parachuters are having fun.

Ames said...

There is a community airport next to the neighborhood I grew up in. We used to watch the parachutist jump from the plane. Some landed on our roof tops. They funny to watch. You could hear them whooping it up on a still day!~Ames

Jenny said...

I would want to try it, but I know I would chicken out!

Heights and me...not too friendly.

I love the colorful pictures you shared here and you're funny story along with it.

A perfect visit for the letter "P".

Thanks for linking.


Unknown said...

I'd be too chicken to jump out of a plane and rely on my parachute to save my life! Even if you never try it, you still get a great view of all those who do try! Those are quite some color parachutes too :)

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.