Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gilford Ice Fishers/Watery Wednesday

 Gilford: arriving by bicycle

Last Saturday the ice on Cook's Bay was about 23 centimetres (9 inches) thick so fishers from miles around arrived there in droves.  This year fishers parked their cars on terra firma as the ice was not  really safe enough for cars or trucks.  To reach their ice houses, fishers rode across the ice on bikes, all-terrain vehicles... or walked.

 Pulling a sledge

Some of you dear readers have wondered who'd be "crazy" enough to fish in the cold. The easy answer is: lots of people, mostly men but some women and kids too. Many of the fishers are not Canadians but Americans who've traveled north for the pleasure.

 Canine helper

And even a few dogs enjoyed a day out on the ice.

 On all-terrain vehicle and on foot

The huts were a fair distance from the shore so for some it was a chore to get all their gear to their fishing spots, although this guy didn't seem to mind.

 Even kids haul gear!

And these boys were quite excited to be fishing with dad.

What are they fishing for?

A pailful of perch

In this shallow water, they were catching perch.

Many thanks to Rob of Gilford Yellow Huts, Inc. (gilfordyellowhuts.com) who answered many questions my husband and I had about fishing here.

I am linking to Watery Wednesday where you can find many more watery photos.


Jill said...

These are such fun shots! As a Minnesotan raised on ice fishing, I take no surprise learning there were many Americans there. :)

Lowell said...

What a great series! But it simply reaffirms my belief that you Ontarions are just plain nutty! Go get your fish in a supermarket like real people do! Sheesh!

Suburban Girl said...

A lot of creative transport methods there! Perch are pretty. I don't think I ever saw one!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I've always be fascinated by ice fishing. It seems its more about getting away than it is about the fish.

Stefan Jansson said...

A bit different from the ice-fishing at my favorite lake. Nice photos.

Judy said...

I love seeing those fishing huts out on the frozen lakes. Great series of photos.

Darla said...

Those perch must be really good if people are willing to go to all that effort. Me? I'll wait home by the fire.


Janet said...

I've always wondered that too! What a thoughtful series, and those are some big fish!

Kathy said...

Leave it to those crazy Americans!

Kate said...

A terrific group of pictures to illustrate beautifully the pleasures that some people get from ice fishing. If they go to all that trouble to get to their fish house, you know that it's something that's important to them. Great to involve the whole family!!

Indrani said...

Good catch.

TexWisGirl said...

i think it's a neat sport. :)

Penelope Notes said...

You have to admire people who bundle up and brave the cold to forage for their dinner outdoors instead of going to their local heated supermarkets. It looks like a fun family sport that all but the perch could enjoy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I enjoyed my visit through your photos, but i would not be one of the women out there. love the dog pulling the sled and i assume they fish inside the huts?

Malyss said...

For me, it's incredible to see people doing all those things on ice!so interesting!

Anonymous said...

Good for them but I cannot see the pleasure or thrill in sitting in a hut freezing. I know I'd sit there thinking "What am I doing here?" Brrr....

Paul in Powell River said...

I did it when I was younger, but now I live in costal BC where - thankfull - the lakes don't freeze! Great series.

Halcyon said...

This is something I really want to see!

cieldequimper said...

I have a colleague who might be doing just that right now on her honeymoon in Québec!

RedPat said...

A wonderful series EG - an education for many of your readers!

George said...

Ice fishing may be fun, but I think I'll limit my experience with it to your wonderful photo sequence. You got some great pictures.

Stephanie said...

At least some enjoy this hobby. Not my cup of tea freezing out there. Great shots by the way.

HansHB said...

This is so good, I do like it!
I wish you a happy evening!

Photo Cache said...

i've always found ice fishing fascinating. hope someday i get to see it in person.

Watery Wednesday

kayerj said...

those are some interesting shots. I've never been ice fishing.

Sylvia K said...

It does look as though everyone is having a fantastic time!! And it does look like fun! Always been fascinated by ice fishing!! Terrific captures as always!! Have a great evening!


Anonymous said...

Great shots..
I remember going ice fishing on Lake Simcoe and Manitoulin Island.
Thank you for sharing your pictures!!
-cheers from Guildwood.

eileeninmd said...

Great photos, I am sure the kids and dogs love it. But, I get goosebumps looking at the cold icy lake. Thanks for sharing, happy Wednesday.

Craver Vii said...

Yup. As long as I dressed for the weather, I think I could enjoy that, too.

I do not think I have ever tasted perch. (stomach rumbles) I'm hungry.

Anonymous said...

Neat shots, but boy does it look cold - Brrrr!

hamilton said...

Ice fishing does have its pleasures.

Karen said...

I wouldn't have thought the ice was thick enough! Great shots!

Randy said...

Looks like a fun day!

Gillian Olson said...

Thanks for the great story on ice fishing. It looks like fun and the catch seems to be worth braving the cold for.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Fishing is crazy. Winter fishing is completely bonkers. But ice fishing? Each to his own, I suppose. Now if you were talking about getting frozen cold to see some rare bird or simply to take photos, that I could understand!

Cezar and Léia said...

What a fabulous reportage!Congratulations and thanks for the link, it's a very interesting and different way to fish!

genie said...

I have always been fascinated by ice fishing being that I never lived in area where people partook of this hobby. It sound like greg fun once you get yourself and your gear out there on the ice. Love the human dog sled...the child, of course. Looks like by hook or by crook these fellows are gonna get out there to catch their perch. genie

Ruta said...

These are great!I love seeing those Bob Houses out on the ice...looks like fun,although I don't think I could stand the cold.

Powell River Books said...

As Paul said, out on the BC coast we don't get frozen lakes unless we head up into the high country. And then those lakes are pretty shallow. How did they get the fish houses out on the ice? Same way? Loved the dog power picture. Bet he was glad when he hit the ice. - Margy

Rose said...

I don't think any ice-fishing has been done around here this year, but lots of people do when there is plenty of ice. I bet fish are really good this time of year...I know i like them better in the spring of the year. They don't taste quite so 'fishy.' Haha

Jenn Jilks said...

It just looks so cold!
I don't mind walking on the bog, though!

Cheers from Cottage Country!

Faye said...

That was going to be my question as well-what were they fishing for? Now I know. Is this the first year that the ice has not been able to hold up heavier vehicles? Such crazy weather. Love involving the dogs with your activities--they seem to love it so much. Willie the Pit Bull loves to go with me on photo shoots.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.