Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wild Turkey/ Camera Critters

 Wild turkey (female), moseying out of photo range

Thursday we passed a farm with this critter out on the front lawn. We backed up... but the turkey heard us and began walking in the opposite direction until...

it was out of sight. Sometimes I wish wild turkeys were not ...turkeys!

To join in the fun, visit Misty Dawn at CAMERA CRITTERS 


Jill said...

Ha! Loved your last line. Great shots!

Andy said...

Great capture. Turkeys have made a big come back in Ontario.

Tammy said...

Funny, I see them in the fields all the time, but I never realized they were so colorful.

Michelle said...

I think they are rather ugly, but yet beautiful at the same time. If that makes any sense!

Kathy said...

Thanksgiving dinner!

eileeninmd said...

The turkeys are cool critters, glad these were safe and not dinner. Great sighting and photos.

Judy said...

Love that last shot of him!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Turkeys I do find one of the quirkiest of birds.

Anonymous said...

We have whole herds of Wild Turkey around here. Just yesterday I lost count at 30 in a grassy field with homes all around. Quite used to a suburban lifestyle they are.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is a fine one, but i am afraid of turkeys and you will find nary a turkey photo on my blog. i was attacked by a white turkey gobbler when i was 8, he ripped my Easter dress to ribbons. but i do like the wagon wheel with the turkey. i am also afraid of Roosters for the same reason, once a really beautiful and big rooster appeared under our grapefruit tree in the front yard. bob says aren't you going to go out and take a photo? i said if you want one you go take it.

TexWisGirl said...

laughing at your commentary. but at least you caught him/her!

Indrani said...

Great captures.

Paul in Powell River said...

He would have made a nice picture on top of that old farm equipment!

ormbunke said...

Fantastiskt färggrann kalkon. Bra fotograferat. Ha en bra lördagskväll. Anita

RedPat said...

I had no idea that we had wild turkeys here!

Kay L. Davies said...

Yeah, they really are turkeys sometimes, aren't they? Well, I guess they're always turkeys.
Good work capturing this one.

Small City Scenes said...

How can I soar like an Eagle when all I see are Turkeys. LOL
Nice captures. MB

Linda said...

Great shots! I can't seem to get close enough to the wild ones to get good shots...even with a zoom! These are very good!

Anonymous said...

They are such funny-looking critters. Lovely shots!

LindyLouMac said...

Handsome chap you do not find them wild here.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Indeed! Those turkeys can be hard to capture!

Lowell said...

You did better than I did. Saw one of these on the golf course last fall and grabbed my camera but all I got was the darn thing wiggling his tail feathers at me.

George said...

I think you got a fine picture even if he didn't cooperate.

Jack said...

Darned inconsiderate of that bird.

Gill - That British Woman said...

that turkey looks ever so different to the wild turkeys around here. Great shots though,


EG CameraGirl said...

This is a female. You may be more familiar with males, which look a bit different.

magiceye said...

:) nice captures

Anonymous said...

Love that second shot! Will you consider entering it in my 'Weekly Top Shot' meme? We're on Week #17 and I'd love to see you share with me and my readers! Here's this weeks' link:

Susan said...

hahaha! Great post, and great pictures!!!!

Stephanie said...

Believe it or not, I have never seen a live turkey in my life, only in the grocery store to buy for Thanksgiving or Christmas time. Thanks for the look see what they look like.

Randy said...

Excellent capture.

LifeRamblings said...

i think the turkey is camera shy. :)

DeniseinVA said...

In 20 years I have only seen wild turkeys twice. These are great shots and I enjoyed your last line very much. Thanks for the chuckle and the neat photos.

Carletta said...

Yours seem to have a little brighter color in the feathers that we see here.
Loved your captions - made me chuckle.

Rune Eide said...

We don't have them, so for me it was a treat just to SEE one!

penny said...

Lovely capture of Miss wild turkey. Sunlight glistens on her colorful feathers.

Leif Hagen said...

A wonderful capture of that turkey! Especially love the composition of the second photo as he's walking away!

Halcyon said...

He looks super skinny!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

You still did well! Capturing wildlife is so difficult!

Anonymous said...

You did a great job getting those shots!

World Famous said...

Good Capture.
Exam Papers

Rose said...

That last shot is so appealing!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Nice shots.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.