Wednesday, February 1, 2012

K/ Alphabe-Thursday

 Go fly a KITE!

When you think of playing outdoors in winter, you probably don't think of kites. But quite a few people were flying kites on the frozen ice over Cook's Bay last Sunday afternoon.

Practicing the art of KITE flying

Out on the bay you don't have to worry about your kite getting caught in tree limbs. And a few kite flyers were wearing short skis or snowboards and were enjoying a ride courtesy of the wind.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Malyss said...

I'm impressed by the fact that ice is STRONG ENOUGH to carry people!..Great place to ,practice kite, yes, no trees around..
I liked your gulls yesterday!

Dan said...

Colourful kites against a light background. Very nice indeed!

Is the location Lake Simcoe?

RedPat said...

it looks like winter there! What a great place to fly a kite!

Jack said...

This would be fun to see. Though it would be best seeing it from the inside with a fire blazing . . . )

Small City Scenes said...

What fun and the colors look great on a winter's day.
Love the mosaic on the previous post. MB

Jill said...

So pretty and fun!

Paul in Powell River said...

Not something that comes to mind when I think of winter in Ontario, but it does look like fun.

cieldequimper said...

Ah that is fantastic!!!

Shammickite said...

I'll watch from the shore, thank you very much! Just thinking about walking on ice after such a mild January gives me the shivers! OK, I'm a chicken, I know!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh my grands would LOVE this! Too many high lines& trees around here.

Michelle said...

It would take a lot of convincing to get me to go out on frozen ice, but flying a kite and getting a ride from it does sound like fun.

Kathy said...

It's great to see people flying kites ~ no matter what season!

Splendid Little Stars said...

That looks like so much fun! What wonderful shots!

Michelle said...

I love to see kites flying up in the air. Never quite thought of flying them in cold weather though!

VioletSky said...

Actually, that does look like fun!

Gillian Olson said...

There is no end to some peoples ingenuity, great picture.

Judie said...

The fourth letter of the alphabet isn't working on my keyboar, so rea this carefully. My father use to make us kites out of the Lon(insert fourth letter)on Times. Such fun!!!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Yes, I would not have thought of kite flying as something to do in winter, but why not? Your nice shots show it's great fun even on ice!

Jo said...

I do not enjoy the cold, but kiting on ice might change my dislike in a hurry ... what a lot of fun that looks like!

Anonymous said...

That would be fun! I love all the bright colors.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - kite skiing looks like great fun!

Not much chance of having a go here for a while!!

Stewart M - Australia

Lisa Gordon said...

Oh, this looks like so much fun!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

looks like great fun albeit a little chilly.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Wow! This looks like fun and something I've not seen on our side of the lake.

Randy said...

Now that looks like fun!

Jeannette StG said...

It's nice and see from the inside of the house:) They must love their kite very much!!

anitamombanita said...

Fun fun fun!

Vancouver Street Blog said...

This looks like a lot of fun!

Darla said...

Looks like fun. Would never have thought of kite flying in the winter.


Ebie said...

I am surprised! Only in the summer on flying a kite! But I love anything that is all year round!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these kites look nothing like the kites we had as children, what will they think of next

Halcyon said...

This area is certainly windy enough for kite-flying! Nice shots. :)

Pondside said...

What a great way to enjoy some wintry sunshine!

Ingrid said...

That is even fun to watch !

Momgen said...

I like to watch like that too..

Anonymous said...

This looks like a whole lot of fun!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Looks like it would be exhilarating!

We have enough ice here to do something like that....


Susan Anderson said...

Never thought of flying a kite on the ice. Sounds fun, and I'll bet you can really get it going!


Naturegirl said...

Great winter fun! I suppose you just make the best of the weather..but I just can't seem to appreciate the cold snowy winters..prefer sunshine and blue skies of Arizona.
a snow bird taking in the sunshine!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

right now, in NZ, they do kite flying on the beach.

Sandy said...

Amazing photos of those playing on the ice with their kites!
I'm in sunny florida and people are doing the same, but on the hot beach!
Nice post

Lowell said...

I've got to admit that does look like fun...even for an old guy like me!

storybeader said...

going for a ride on the wind sounds like lots of fun. I've always like kites, but haven't flown a lot... {:-Deb

Vicki/Jake said...

Makes me think of the wind surfers I see out on the lakes around here. Think I'd try it with a pair of ice skates on:)

21 Wits said...

Best Fun ever!

Cheryl D. said...

It looks like fun, but I bet it's incredibly cold!

Jenny said...

This is so neat...

Can you imagine being pulled by a Kite on an icy lake?

What a ride that would be!!!

Great post for the letter "K"...

Thanks for linking.

Wonderful job!


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.