Sunday, December 16, 2012

Cheeky Squirrel

Black squirrel

This cheeky squirrel climbed up the back of my husbands leg and over his shoulder to help itself to birdseed  that he'd been offering to chickadees.

I am linking to Madge's Weekly Top Shot.


Anonymous said...

Wow - how adorable! And how tame it is.

eileeninmd said...

Oh wow, how cool! He is a pretty squirrel!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amazing that he did that and also he is black and that amazes me.

Buttons Thoughts said...

An opportunists for sure. Great shot. :) B

cieldequimper said...

Have I ever seen a black squirrel before???? Hmmm... Don't think so...

Kathy said...

He's so cute. We don't have black squirrels here - only brown ones.

Giga said...

Bardzo odważna śliczna wiewiórka i brawo dla niej. Pozdrawiam.
Very daring cute squirrel and applauding for her. Yours.

Lowell said...

We don't have black squirrels here. I've seen them in Colorado, though.

This is amazing. "Cheeky" is the right word. I tried to take some pictures of squirrels the other day at a local park and they were so skittish I didn't get one decent shot!

Lowell said...

Hi EG. Re your question: Yes. :-)

TexWisGirl said...

how BEAUTIFUL! and special! and cute!

Judy said...

How fun! I have only seen one black squirrel and that was in Colorado. Ours are all grey or red.

Ruth Hiebert said...

He is either very brave or very hungry.

Michelle said...

I've not seen a black squirrel before. Beautiful!

Deanna said...

wow, never had a squirrel do that to me...probably would scare me and I would scream and then he would run off never to be seen again. Great shot!!

Tania said...

Wow, this is is very special!!

Malyss said...

That's the 1st time that I see a black squirrel!As cute as the others! :o)

RedPat said...

A sense of entitlement there!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh my .... that is pretty awesome!
He's gorgeous!!

Carletta said...

What an awesome experience!
I know you're glad you carry a camera!

Fjällripan said...

Oh he is really adorable!! never seen a black squirrel before :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

how sweet, what a handsome squirrel!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

So cute! It brings back memories of when I was a child and had a pet squirrel named "Charlie". He would climb up my dad's pants, sit on his shoulder, and dig peanuts out of his shirt pocket.

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Now chipmunks, birds - I get, but this is the first time I have heard of a squirrel! Amazing!

Snowcatcher said...

Clever and brave little guy! Good to know he's well fed!

Randy said...

How fun and what a great shot.

Jack said...

That squirrel really is black! I think we just have gray squirrels in New England.

Anonymous said...

Cute... I hope he doesn't nip if the nuts run out! Great capture... Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #61!

Stephanie said...

Gee, the squirrel is not shy is he? Very tame and friendly. I have not seen a black squirrel in years.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Way too friendly for everybody's good.

George said...

I'm glad he posed so nicely after stealing his treat. I haven't seen many black squirrels.

Anonymous said...

How cuuute! Ya know, I've seen black squirrels in blogland, but never any here in southeast Missouri... we have gray & fox squirrels, but no black ones. How long did he sit there eating out of hubby's hand?

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I've never seen a black squirrel...beautiful! So cute, eating out of your hubby's hand.

Darla said...

Eeeee, I would have been running from that squirrel. Brave husband :-)


Halcyon said...

Ick! I'd go crazy!!! :S

Viola said...

Oh, what a very lovely squirrel! I have never seen a black one before.. so nice it's sitting in the hand eating.. :)

Anonymous said...

That is so cute!

Janie said...

He is a bit cheeky. Very brave! You got a great photo of him.

Susan Anderson said...

They do love that birdseed, don't they?



Rose said...

Oh, how wonderful and how lucky your hubby was for it to come sit on his hand/arm!

msdewberry said...

What a handsome little guy! I love feeding squirrels, actually love feeding birds etc too.
Have a wonderful Christmas!!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.