Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Downy/Wild Bird

 Female downy woodpecker (Picoides punescens)

Downy woodpeckers live here year-round, often seen in my yard with chickadees and nuthatches. Downies are diminutive versions of their woodpecker cousins. Even their bills are short.

Looking for a yummy treat

Note that the female does not have a red cap, but she does have a white patch on her back.

I am joining Stewart M's Wild Bird Wednesday HERE


Judy said...

Love how he posed for you in the top shot. We get these guys visiting all the time, just love watching them.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a Downy visit my yard. I didn't realize how short their bills are.
Great shots, thanks for sharing them.

Lowell said...

Cute! You've got more woodpeckers up your way than I've heard of anywhere. So, if I saw a male one of these I'd think it was also a red-headed woodpecker.

That's very confusing you know! :-)

Kate said...

Beautiful and detailed photos!

Buttons Thoughts said...

You are an incredible photographer. I love these. B

The Cranky said...

Oh isn't she a beauty and you've captured her so perfectly! =)

Kathy said...

She's a beauty queen, for sure!

Kerri Farley said...

What a lovely lady .... that first shot took my breath away!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

She's so beautiful - love these pics!

Becky said...

One of my favorites at my feeders too. I have several pair, and the parents even brought the babies this summer.
Have a great rest of the week.

Muffy's Marks said...

Great photos of those wonderful little birds. We have them year round too. Like you I enjoy watching their quirky ways.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is beautiful and even with a short bill they can make a hole really fast and are very loud...

TexWisGirl said...

i love these sweet downies, too, and am glad to keep them year-round as well!

Anonymous said...

Fantastico! =)

Hayu Maselli said...

So beautiful birds,you've captured it perfect.

Carletta said...

They are sweet!
This year is the first year they have pecked on my house. It helped once I put up the suet feeder.


This is a lovely little bird & lovely shots too. (I don't think I've seen even one woodpecker recently, you're super lucky:)

Stephanie said...

Such a pretty bird.

Cuby said...

How beautiful this lady is. I love to see any woodpecker, hearing them in a stand of trees nearby but seeing is rare and exciting event, a special moment.No Downies in the UK sadly.

i stora drag said...

How sweet it looks! Never seen this before. Great photos!
Greetings Pia

RedPat said...

My mum has these at her feeders and they are as tame as the chickadees! Cute little girl she is.

mick said...

Great detail in those photos and a lovely little bird.

Anonymous said...

She's such a pretty little bird. I love watching the Downies.

cieldequimper said...

Simply gorgeous. I'd never seen one before.

Ellie said...

Lovely pics - we don't get many birds like that around here. Just lots of seagulls and magpies.

Giga said...

Ja niestety rzadko widuję dzięcioły w naturze, więc dziękuję za te śliczne zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam.
Unfortunately, I woodpeckers rarely seen in the wild, so thank you for these beautiful pictures. Yours.

Cloudia said...

very fine!

Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
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eileeninmd said...

The Downy is a cute woodpecker. Great shots!

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

Well she is a little princess that is for sure. I have to tell you a short funny story...my father would just have a fit that you are capturing them with such beauty!! Years ago, he had a beautiful big two story home, and started noticing BIG circles were cut out of the tight side of his home!! He didn't know what was causing this problem. The landscaper came out and told him...Buddy, you have a woodpecker situation on your hands! The next time we came over to see him, he had plastic snakes hung all over the side of his home! What a site for sore eyes!! LOL.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What wonderful photos! We see a lot of birds here in FL but it's hard to get good photos through the glass! lol I need to get outside more and try! Hugs!

Michelle said...

Love that first shot!

A Colorful World said...

I love the B&W...reminds me of images from a bird book in the 20th. But both photos are delightful.

Randy said...

I like his freckles.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Interesting post.

Janet said...

I would love to be able to get a closeup like this!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

She's a beauty!

Carole M. said...

lovely to see something different from the norm around my part of th world; great captures

Stewart M said...

Wonderful pictures - do they hammer in the spring?

cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

Stewart M - Melbourne

Susan Anderson said...

I'm always amazed at how you capture wildlife. These are wonderful.


George said...

Your photos of the Downey are marvelous.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

That little woodpecker is so energetic and hardy! Nice shots!

Small City Scenes said...

We have Downey and Hairy Woodpeckers here too. They love the suet feeders. MB

Wally Jones said...

Great shots! I was surprised last year to see one flying away from the feeder with a sunflower seed! Who knew?

Rohrerbot said...

One of my favorite little birds around.....I love your ocean scenes from the previous post:)

Arija said...

Your shots are made even more beautiful by the minimal use of colour. The eye is not distracted by too much colour.

Rose said...

I have had one visiting my feeder this morn.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.