Sunset with reflection on icy snow
Since it gets dark so early during the winter, it's easy to be out and about when the sun is setting.
A slightly different view
Random 5
1. "Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."
~ Neil Gaiman
2. TV Commercials dupe us all the time. (But you knew that already, didn't you?) I'm reminding you because according to the
Mayo Clinic,
regular soap is just as effective at killing germs as the antibacterial
variety. Hmmmm. Not only do anti-bacterial varieties cost more, but they
may actually be causing us harm in years to come by encouraging bacteria to become
resistant to certain antimicrobial agents, making germs harder to fight
in the future.
3. Recently I had someone visit my blog who told me that a pastime I
enjoy is boring. REALLY?? Why did he feel he had to tell me that?
4. I love the power of sunshine and shadows in February. For me, sunshine during the winter months, is magical. The feeling is glorious, hard to duplicate in any other way. I often take sunshine for granted the rest of the year.
5. I've just learned two Japanese insult words that might come in useful someday:
baka (idiot) and
o-baka-san (honourable idiot). Not that I ever come across any overly aggressive
baka or
o-baka-san drivers in my travels, of course. And you know (don't you?) that I would only mutter the insults under my breath.
I am linking to Sky Watch Friday
I am joining Random 5 Friday