Monday, February 24, 2014

Family Day

 Family at Oshawa Harbour

Last Monday was Family Day in Ontario, a day when many workers had the day off to spend with their families and/or do whatever else they wanted to.

 Photographing (without a glove on her left hand) trumpeter swans in Whitby

Luckily it was a sunny day! And the temperature was quite tolerable.

Fishers at Bond Head

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more NATURE NOTES.


Revrunner said...

"Temperatures was quite tolerable." But notice the attire on these fishermen. Shades of Ralph Lauren, wouldn't you say?

Mersad said...

I couldn't stop looking at the first image. Those ice formations are stunning.

Mersad Donko Photography

Gill - That British Woman said...

it was nippy cold that day, but at least the sun shone!!!

William Kendall said...

The ice does some amazing things by the shore.

Those swans must be used to photographers.

Darla said...

Family Day - what a nice idea. Looks pretty cold to me but the people you show seem to be enjoying it.



I see remnants of that incredible ice still lingering in the top shot. I love your remark on the 'tolerable' temperatures, then seeing the incredible gear on the fishermen:)

Kate said...

Great idea and certainly your subjects took advantage of the day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a class from my past said a photo should tell a story without words.. all three of these tell a story... they are wonderful...

Jeanne said...

What a wonderful thing to have FAMILY DAY! Love your photos!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I have to laugh, you probably think above freezing is tolerable EG whereas I think anything under 30C is bearable :)

Betty Manousos said...

wow, great ice formations!!

wonderful shots!

Lowell said...

Okay, now you're pulling my leg! Temperatures were "tolerable" with those people all bundled up in all that clothing? I don't think so! :-)

Beautiful shots, though and it does look like a nice, very cold day.

Re your question: The binocular effect is easy - I used a Photoshop filter plug-in.

TexWisGirl said...

the ice! wow!

Anonymous said...

What a tough bunch of people you Canadians are.

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had a fun day!

cedarmerefarm said...

We should have Family Day here in the US. Your second photo makes me smile. Great capture.

Linda W. said...

Family day - what a great idea! We need that here in the US. Nice photos - it looks really cold in your neck of the woods.

Halcyon said...

Cold, but so beautiful!

Penelope Notes said...

Folks in the east might have had more consistent snow over the winter. But BC did not escape the flakes this weekend!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love, love the lighthouse and the swans! Fishing in cold weather is not for me.

Stuart said...

That ice on the beacon is really dramatic. Nice shots !

Unknown said...

Great snow and icephoto.
Here it is already spring.
Have a nice week.

RedPat said...

The sun certainly makes a difference - now if only the wind would quiet down a bit!

Carver said...

Looks like a beautiful winter day. The sun does make it pleasant to be out with the family.

cieldequimper said...

Groan why are they in camouflage? Am I the only one thinking that they look like a pair of cavemen? :-)

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful and amazing photos ~ Family Day ~ smart ~ wish USA had one ~

artmusedog and carol

mick said...

That all looks so very cold! I especially like the photo of the swans and the person without the glove on the hand - I wonder how the hand felt by the time the photos were taken!!

Fun60 said...

I'm not sure I would be able to rate the temperature as 'tolerable'. Those ice formations do look amazing though.

Photo Cache said...

we should have a family day here in usa also.

Debbie said...

ooohhhh i like that...a family holiday with only family in mind. your images are beautiful!!

and wow, that's a lot of ice and iciles!!

Jack said...

Canadians are hardy!

Rose said...

Oh, these look so cold!

Small City Scenes said...

So what exactly was the temp? Brrrr...... MB

Randy said...

The ice is truly amazing.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice photo but I have to tell you that I think Family Day is a great idea. I love the concept.

Stephanie said...

Love the first photo!!

Unknown said...

Looks like you all had an amazing time. I like the idea of a family day.

Indrani said...

A day in the calendar marked specifically for Family! That is so wonderful! We don't have any such day here.
Great captures of fun and outing.

Andy said...

You did a great job with photos expressing what this seasons winter has been like.

Gail Dixon said...

Reminds me of the North Pole. Goodness, that's some serious snow and ice!

Laura said...

It is amazing the way birds/animals are created in such a way that they can withstand such frigid temperatures … I marvel at how graceful the swans are in that icy water!

Karen said...

Love the lighthouse shot!

Rambling Woods said...

What a nice holiday and nice to see people observing it. Temps were easier to deal with, but now we are back in the really cold air as I am sure you are....Michelle

Hannah said...

Beautiful bird photos, especially the pintail duck, such lovely shading on the feathers. I feel for them in the cold, it is truly amazing how they can withstand all the freezing temperatures!

eileeninmd said...

I think it is awesome you have this family day as a holiday!! Always nice to spend time with your family and outdoors. Love the swans. Enjoy the rest of your week!

kayerj said...


Gunn said...

Looks so cooooooooold !

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.