You'll have to imagine you can see how red this barn is as the building turned out to be a good subject for Monochrome Maniacs, hosted by Aileni of Loose Ends. A few boards are missing but the barn is still in use.

To find other maniacs crazy about monochromes, visit Aileni at http://aileni-calonyddaear1.blogspot.com/
More perfection. A fine picture to be proud of.
I like the tree framing the picture, good subject for black and white.
I ca enviasage the red but love the cool white snowy image,
I can imagine the barn in red and I love it as a black and white shot.
Great one. I love the composition on this one. You'll have to post it in red, later.
Wow,...that is one great shot! I love how you framed this one. Great great!
My mono photo is posted here. Please have a look if you have time. Thanks.
Wow, that is beautiful! I really like that picture.
This old barn seems to crumble under cold! This barn is perfect in B &W too.
Another beautiful photo. Of course the barn is red. what else??? LOL MB
More lovely post card pictures.
Very nice, EGW. What a massive barn and I was surprised to hear that it is still in use - the missing boards led me astray. Nifty b&w.
Excellent work! Perfect subject for B&W.
Beautiful classic shot. I love it.
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